How to join Pack 336

You must be a boy in first through fifth grade, no older than 11 years old. First graders join as Tiger Cubs. Tigers Cubs require an adult partner. All others will join as Cub Scouts, in their age appropriate rank (Wolf, Bear, or Webelos). A parent must sign the registration form and pay dues. You must Be Prepared to have fun! Dues are $1.25 weekly. Uniforms: Cub Scouts buy their own uniform, including Council patch, Den and Pack numerals. The Pack provides rank badges. Tiger Cubs have an orange t-shirt. Wolf and Bear Cubs use the blue Cub Scout uniform. Webelos can choose whether to wear blue Cub Scout uniform or tan Boy Scout uniform shirt. Uniforms and patches can be purchased at the Council office in Ontario. Contrary to the official policy, Pack 336 accepts any clean and neat pants with the uniform shirt.


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