Guestbook for Donette

Total: 249 guests
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 2000-02-10 15:03:14
Comments: My daughter was killed July 22,1997 by DUI. I was in MADD and saw your KILLED BY A DRUNK DRIVER- MY MOTHER IS A SURVIOR. Could I get a copy if it I really liked it. Thank you, Marlene Kay

Name: Stephanie Brasile
Website: In Memory Of my Daddy
Referred by: Clicked on our Banner Advertisement
From: Long Island, NY
Time: 2000-02-10 07:48:15
Comments: I feel your pain , MY father was killed buy a drunk driver I loved your website If you need someone to talk to Please feel free to write To learn more about my father you can go to my website Take care you are in my thoughts and prayers Stephanie

Name: Kyra
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-02-08 13:21:55
Comments: my friend and i were doing a project about drunk driving, and we are sorry to hear about your loss.

Name: sheri linchey
Referred by: From a Friend
From: new haven, missouri
Time: 2000-02-07 23:18:34
Comments: your page looks wonderful. love the background. you did a great job.

Name: Bev
Website: Jonnathan Don
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Mi
Time: 2000-02-07 23:23:44
Comments: Kathleen..Great job on your new look!!! I can only hope I can come so far!!!

Name: Marilyn
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Ohio
Time: 2000-02-07 21:41:10
Comments: Nice job Kathleen. Your daughter would be very proud.

Name: Lisa
Website: In memory of my parents robert & bettye nolen
Referred by: Geocities
From: Illionis
Time: 2000-01-31 23:48:00
Comments: I am very sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers. We must all stick together to stop drunk driving.

Name: Stephanie Wyatt
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Honey Brook, Pa.
Time: 2000-01-26 16:49:12
Comments: Thanks so much for the words of prayer. I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter.

Name: Rainbow
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Chicago, IL
Time: 2000-01-25 16:55:56
Comments: Bless you and yours

Name: Corinne
Website: In Loving memory of my brother, Dominick
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Jersey
Time: 2000-01-22 18:10:23
Comments: Dear Kathleen, You have my deepest sympathy at the loss of your daughter. No mother should ever have to bury her child. My brothers death was the worst thing that ever happened to me, but as bad as it was for me I know the pain my mother felt. She aged over night and the woman she was is gone forever. Thank you for sharing your story. God Bless you and your, Corinne

Name: Jennifer Corbey
Referred by: AOL
From: Long Island New york
Time: 2000-01-22 05:33:34
Comments: I am sorry for all your loss. I know it is extremely hard to deal with this greef. I know personally because my own cousin was killed buy a drunk driver and so was my good friend. I know it is hard but with the help of friend and family and our lord jesus christ your pain will be healed. God bless you

Name: michelle menard
Website: WelcomeToMyHomePage
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Louisiana
Time: 2000-01-20 20:53:20
Comments: i want to say i am very sorry for the tragick that happened in ur life......and ppl need to be mor careful on the streets.

Name: andy
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: mich
Time: 2000-01-18 14:37:10
Comments: i recived a e-mail containing this link and i wanted to let you know that i do feel for you and ur family

Name: maxwell kyei
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ghana
Time: 2000-01-17 01:15:32
Comments: Sorry for loosing your loved one.

Name: Jessica Kenney
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Nebraska
Time: 2000-01-12 00:08:59
Comments: I am sorry for all of your losses, unfortunately, I have lost 2 very good friends for the same reason.

Name: Jessica Kenney
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Nebraska
Time: 2000-01-11 23:58:56
Comments: I am sorry for all of your losses, unfortunately, I have lost 2 very good friends for the same reason.

Name: bunny
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: OHIO
Time: 2000-01-09 02:54:09
Comments: I kown what your going threw we lost my brother in law TERRY VANDYNE to a drunk driver on July 17,1998 and it hurts real bad.

Name: Nelly Mayberger
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-01-08 22:04:42
Comments: Im sorry about the death of your daughter. My cousin was killed drinking and driving, and my Uncle is a Very big alcholic:o( My prayers are w/ you and your family. God Bless, Nelly

Name: Alexis
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: California
Time: 2000-01-08 18:33:56
Comments: I am so sorry that you had to lose your daughter. The carelessness some people have is so horrible and I hope someday that all this can end and I wish the best for you and your family....

Name: Louise Guldin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Howe,IN
Time: 2000-01-04 03:55:25
Comments: This is a very nice web page, I would like to set one up for my son Josh, he was killed 1-31-99 and was 17. Thanks for being on MADD, I sure wish I would have went in there sooner after the accident. Thanks!!

Name: Rj
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Military
Time: 2000-01-03 07:24:44
Comments: You have a sad story to tell. Please don't stop. If it makes one person stop and think, it has served it's purpose. My nephew recently was picked up for DUI. Nobody was hurt thank god. The judge sentenced him to work community service in the county morgue. He's lucky. Most people that visit a morgue are dead, or it's somebody visiting somebody that is. Thank you for your story.

Name: Erica Button
Referred by: AOL
From: Elmira, NY
Time: 2000-01-01 20:53:07
Comments: I am a 15 year old female who can't wait to be able to drive. Although reading about your daughter and many other victoms it scares me to death. I would like to have the same oppurtunity to live as everyone else does. Please pledge not to drink and drive and save a life. I know i will never drink and drive!!

Name: Paula
Website: Infoweb
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: England
Time: 1999-12-31 15:29:50
Comments: Wonderful site.

Name: rebecca ring
Referred by: AOL
From: Seekonk, MA
Time: 1999-12-25 05:06:31
Comments: GOd bless U all... Hope u have a great holiday U are in my prayers...

Name: Lynda Petschow
Referred by: AOL
From: Elgin, Illinois
Time: 1999-12-22 14:15:32
Comments: I am truely sorry for your loss.

Name: e.sebastiani
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: mt isa queensland australia
Time: 1999-12-22 13:30:16
Comments: It's terrible to no that there still quite a lot people out there in the world who does"nt know about drink driving if you drive dont drink.If you drink dont drive leave your car at home in stead of killing innocence people.I't a shame that sober people get killed it is about time that drink drivers wake up to them selves.Do they know how heart breaking it is for families to lose there love ones through some people who are drunks.I know how it hurts as i had a friend that i was very close too as she was with her husband travelling along the high way when along came a drunk driver banged into their car and killed her instantly her husband surived the crash.

Name: Samantha Kohlstock
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-12-20 01:58:47
Comments: Hello, My name is Samantha and I am a senior in high school. I am currently doing a project in school about persuading my peers not to drink and drive. I was looking up information when I came across your homepage and least to say I will never forget this page. It really touch my heart and I am going to try my best informing my peers the consequences of drunk driving. Please forgive me but I honesly I do not know how to close this message but to say I hope that drunk driving decreases tremendously soon. Take care.

Name: Barbi Badertscher
Website: Aaron James Badertscher
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: NY
Time: 1999-12-18 00:57:37
Comments: This is a wonderful tribute. I'm sorry you had to go through this. No one should have to.

Name: Kimmy Simpson
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Farmington Hills, Michigan
Time: 1999-12-17 15:23:36
Comments: Thanks for sharing your story .... I am doing a paper on Drunk Driving and seeing memorial pages like yours shows how awful things can happen .... even to the innocent. I think if more people saw these memorial pages, they would think twice before drinking and then driving. Best Wishes.

Name: Jessica Kaltenberg
Referred by: Net Search
From: Wisconsin
Time: 1999-12-12 22:10:02
Comments: I am researching drunk driving for a speech that I am doing on why people whould not drink and drive.

Name: Sandra Hillier
Referred by: From a Friend
From: New Zealand
Time: 1999-12-11 07:46:01
Comments: I'm very impressed with these pages on Drink Driving,My story involves a drunk driver and I was hurt real bad. So with your help making these pages we arent alone.God Bless you all.

Name: Kristy Delorme
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Rolla ND
Time: 1999-12-10 21:14:56
Comments: Thank you for sharing your story with us. I hope you have a very nice christmas..

Name: Melissa
Website: In Memory of Robert (Bobby) Wayne Simmons
Referred by: From a Web Ring
From: Bristow, Oklahoma
Time: 1999-12-09 15:47:12
Comments: I am so sorry for your loss, I know you ahve heard that numerous times, but I know that this is the hardest thing for you. Please know that you are special, and you are in my thoughts.

Name: Kim Aten
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Sterling Hights, Michigan
Time: 1999-12-07 21:17:55
Comments: Don't Drive Drunk!

Name: holley hart
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: lynn, mass
Time: 1999-12-06 06:47:09
Comments: i'm sorry for the many people who have lost loved ones , i can only imagine what it feels like to lose a child's life before your own, but please let me say that these children are now with God, whatever God you may cherish, and those drunk drivers will be judged on judgment day. i will pray for all, and pray for and end to the epidemic of alcohol abuse and drunk driving. tons and tons of love and respect: holley hart

Name: Michelle Fromal
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Egg Harbor Twp. NJ
Time: 1999-12-06 02:36:01
Comments: I was really touched by your webpage. Thank you for your inspirational touching recount of individuals whom are affected everyday because of a drunk driver. I support your efforts to make people aware of the dangers of driving while under the influence. Keep up the good work. Michelle

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-12-03 00:24:21

Name: Brooke Devers
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Indiana
Time: 1999-12-01 20:58:37
Comments: My heart goes out to you, and I hope with all my heart you are living out life to its fullest extents after what has happened. I am a freshmen in collage and I really take this issue to heart and i will continue to be a designated driver. thanks to this I feel even better about it.

Name: Jessie Spears
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Augusta, Maine
Time: 1999-11-30 00:32:19
Comments: hello my name is Jessie I am 19 years old I am a freshman in college. My heart goes out to all of you but people need to remeber that the people who made the terrible choice to drink and drive, have families to. 5 years ago my 24 year old aunt made this choice and not only did she take someone else life hers also ended. She also injured 3 teenager, 2 of them who I went to school with. I had to look at them every day one in a cast and one full of bruises they are both fully recovered and are both in college. The people that have suffered through all of this is our family and friends, and also her son who is now 7 years old is growing up with out a beautiful and great mom,that made one stupid mistake, which cost the world two beautiful people. The other driver was a mother of two teenager and also a wife. Her oldest son graduated 10 days later after this tragic day. again My heart goes out to all of you. sincerly Jessie

Referred by: From a Friend
From: New Jersey, but stationed in South Dakota
Time: 1999-11-25 00:04:10
Comments: The things that I have read tonight are really touching to me. It makes me wonder how many people are out there on the streets drinking and driving and you being unaware. Its a sad situation. Im sorry for the tragidy that you and your family and to suffer. Sincerely, Nicole and Jeremiah Jessen

Name: Angela Prisbrey
Referred by: Net Search
From: Covington WA.
Time: 1999-11-24 04:02:27
Comments: My sister was killed in a car accident. I am now in an after school club called SADD. I was looking for some information on DUI'S, so I happened accross your page. I is very nice. I am sorry for your loss. I just wanted to say thank you. Sincerely Angela P.

Name: Angela Prisbrey
Referred by: Net Search
From: Covington WA.
Time: 1999-11-24 04:02:09
Comments: My sister was killed in a car accident. I am now in an after school club called SADD. I was looking for some information on DUI'S, so I happened accross your page. I is very nice. I am sorry for your loss. I just wanted to say thank you. Sincerely Angela P.

Name: medix2943
Website: Kenn's EMS Pages
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Northern NY State
Time: 1999-11-22 03:08:10
Comments: Hello there, first and formost my deepest sympathy for your loss. As a Paramedic for the past 25 years I am constantly reminded of the devestating effects of driving while ones ability is impaired by alcohol or recreational drugs. To coin a phrase, I have zero tolerence for those who do, It is part of my job to treat the driver as well as the victim they get the best care I can give, but never my sympathy. Unfortunatly the dwi always seems to survive, and the victim doesnt. maybe God has an explanation. Take care, Be Safe Out There, Kenn's EMS Home Page

Name: Pamela Hill
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Smithfield, VA
Time: 1999-11-16 21:25:38
Comments: I know that the pain will never go away, but I will for now on have you in my payers. Hearing about collisions involving drunk drivers is one thing, seeing pictures and knowing there is a family behind the pictures is another. I will do my part in the fight against drunk driving by educating others of the dangers and not forgetting your family's and so many others sad stories. May GOD continue to bless you and watch over you.

Name: Adam Garrett
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Carrolton Ky.
Time: 1999-11-16 15:15:57
Comments: Im Sorry about Donette, it was not fair for her to die and not the drunk. I hope you find peace from your anguish of Donette's death. Wish you luck to come, and be carful. With sinceirity, Sorry For Donette, Adam Lee Garrett

Name: becky brussel
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: st. louis
Time: 1999-11-16 06:07:32
Comments: I am very sorry for your loss. I think your memorial page is beautiful. The last time I heard on eagle's wings was at Erica's funeral. It made me cry. It is such a beautiful song. I would really like to talk with you. I have been so busy with the media and all the phone calls of people expressing their rage to me. I barely have time for anything. Everyone keeps saying they are so mad. They all want to know what to do next. I've got so many people behind me, but I just don't know the steps to take to get this judge out of office. My family has had much help and support from madd. I feel very confused and overwhelmed right now. I can't sleep I can't do anything but think about all of this injutice. I thought he would for sure get something, 120 something. He did take three lives. I guess they think probation is a good enough sentence for three lives. If you know of anyone who had such injustice could you let me know? I'm trying to look at similar cases to see what happened to their offenders. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Name: Michael NeJane
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas
Time: 1999-11-16 03:13:18
Comments: I'm very sorry to hear about your daughter, I pray for you and you family,God bless,,,, mike

Name: Patti
Website: Humans Against Drunk Driving
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ontario, Canada
Time: 1999-11-15 03:18:47
Comments: Hello there. Your site is valuable in the fight against drunk driving! I so wish people would learn not to drink and drive. Gob bless...

Name: Rachel Pinkerton
Referred by: AOL
From: Illinois
Time: 1999-11-15 02:31:41
Comments: The senseless tragedies I have seen as the direct result of drunk drivers infuriate me and my heart goes out to the victim's families. This page quite literally moved me to tears and though I know your grief will always be there I hope that with the passage of time it will in some way ease your pain.

Name: Anna H Fleming
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Gastonia North Carolina
Time: 1999-11-14 14:18:07
Comments: I'm so sorry about the death of your love one. I am writing an essay on drinking and driving when I looked it up on the web to get some ideas on what to write. I don't drink or drive but I want to write about it to help someone say no just like I do. Thank You Anna

Name: Portia Moore
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Jackson,MS
Time: 1999-11-13 17:19:14
Comments: I am sorry about your terrible lost. You and your family are in my prayers. Your precious angel is not alone, for she is in your heart and with God!

Name: Melissa
Website: In Memory of Robert (Bobby) Wayne Simmons, Jr.
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Oklahoma
Time: 1999-11-12 20:08:43
Comments: I am sorry for your loss; I know that there are no words to make it better, and I also know that time does not heal; the memories will always be there, the lonliness and the emptiness that fills your life will remain, but the void was filled by a special person, and only that person can fill it. My son will have been gone 4 weeks tomorrow night around 3:00 AM, and again, I will light candles and remember him, not that I ever forgot him, he is on my mind 24-7. He was 15 and life was just starting to come together for him, you know how as kids we wait until that "16th" birthday, so we can drive, and all of the other things. If I had only known....and I miss him very much also. May God be with you.

Name: David G. Mc Kewan
Website: Old Iron Saves a Life
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Indiana
Time: 1999-11-11 18:58:53
Comments: Dear Kathleen, I am a victim of a drunk driver. It saddens me to read about the loss of your daughter. Thank you for putting so much information and pictures in your memorial to Donette. I think this information helps the people who see these pages get a little better understanding. Please feel free to add my page to your "Tragic Stories". David

Name: William Suthard
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Washington DC
Time: 1999-11-10 02:19:45
Comments: I'm very sorry for your loss. I found the story of your daughter's untimely death very moving. I want you to know that what you're doing is very important and awareness is the only way to combat this irresponsible and irrational behavior. My prayers are with your family. God Bless You.

Name: Jane Clawson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Louisiana
Time: 1999-11-06 04:06:23
Comments: I'm very sorry about your loss. I had 4 friends that were killed as a results of drinking & driving. I also lost my father so I know how it is to lose someone close to you.

Name: Rosalyn Womack
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Orleans, Louisiana
Time: 1999-11-05 02:20:06
Comments: This is a very inspiring thing you have done. Thank you for making people more aware of the consequences of drinking and driving.

Referred by: Yahoo!
Time: 1999-11-02 21:24:20

Name: Katie Veeder
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-11-02 19:32:05
Comments: very sweet heart goes out to her and her family...i lost my mother so i know what it's like to lose someone in the family like kate

Name: lisa bennett
Referred by: Geocities
From: jackson, mi
Time: 1999-11-02 00:56:57
Comments: I would like to tell you i feel sorry but i would think you have heard it enough. I can say the best thing for me to say is remember all the good times and that will keep her alive in your heart for the rest of your life. I am doing a reaserch paper for my writing class and I was trying to find a number of drunk driving deaths when i came across this story. I would like to close by saying I fell Donette was a very loving and fun person and she always will be.God bless.

Name: lisa bennett
Referred by: Geocities
From: jackson, mi
Time: 1999-11-02 00:56:08
Comments: I would like to tell you i feel sorry but i would think you have heard it enough. I can say the best thing for me to say is remember all the good times and that will keep her alive in your heart for the rest of your life. I am doing a reaserch paper for my writing class and I was trying to find a number of drunk driving deaths when i came across this story. I would like to close by saying I fell Donette was a very loving and fun person and she always will be.God bless.

Name: Susan Brown
Referred by: From a Friend
From: St. Clair, Missouri
Time: 1999-10-31 19:16:51
Comments: I am consructing a dedication page to Donette. I will send it to you for permission to put it up on line when I am finished. I miss her so much! I still think about her everyday.

Name: Jenny
Referred by: Net Search
From: Wisconsin
Time: 1999-10-30 23:18:02
Comments: I thought that this web page was very touching. I am giving an informative speech on drunk driving in America, and any information that you could send me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for sharing your story with me.

Name: Donette Baptiste
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Tecumseh, Oklahoma
Time: 1999-10-29 21:49:07
Comments: Hi! my name is Donette Baptiste, I am 19 yrs. old and was touched by your story. Not only because your daughter and I have the same name, but because my cousin died in a car wreak March 15,1996 and I know how you feel. Ilove how you have created a page for Donette and I hope in the near future I can do the same for Andrea.

Name: Holly Holland
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas
Time: 1999-10-19 17:49:42
Comments: Fist I want to say that I am greatly sorry for the loss of you loved one. I read your story and it touched me in so many ways. I will let all my friends know about htis sight so everyone lost can be remembered. Thankyou for making me see how important it is not to drink and drive. Once again I am sorry.

Name: Doug
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: PA
Time: 1999-10-18 00:11:24
Comments: Im very sorry for your loss. I am an alcoholic who used to drive drunk atleast once a week, however Im in recovery and it has only been since my recovery began that I realize what damage my actions could have caused. If there is anyway I can help please let me know.

Name: jen Nissenbaum
Referred by: Net Search
From: Ohio
Time: 1999-10-11 21:56:06
Comments: I'm so sorry for you and your family I am a teen and will never drink now that I know what it can do to a family

Name: Joe Albers
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wentzville, MO
Time: 1999-10-11 04:38:32
Comments: I came across this website while researching the topic drinking and driving for a speech I will be doing for my communications class. I was deeply saddend to learn of your tragic loss. I never intended come across this site but am glad I did. Your story of Donette's life and death touched me and I wish you nothing but the best.

Name: Nicole Eckart
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-10-10 17:11:29
Comments: I really like this page and hope people stop drink and drive

Name: Natalie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hurst,Texas
Time: 1999-10-09 01:44:02
Comments: keb i finally found you again.How have you been doing.Iwould like for you to contact me to set up a memorial site for my cousin.thank you,Natalie

Name: katie polkowske
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: chetek, wi
Time: 1999-10-01 16:55:22
Comments: I would like to start off by saying that i am very sorry that Donette had to die. It serves the public though as a message, not to drink and drive. I am doing a report in my drivers ed class on drunk driving and some of the things that i have seen while gathering information on the subject were just utterly heartbreaking. I had a dream last night about one of my friends drinking and driving. It happen i guess because the pictures and stories that i read and saw yesteray were unbelieveable. I cannot say that i know how you feel cause i for one will hopefully never know that feeling. I thank you for sharing your story and i'll have you know that you have helped at least one person. Sincerly, Katie Polkowske

Name: Dana Goudreault
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Manchester,NH
Time: 1999-09-28 17:09:18
Comments: To Donette's Mom & Dad, I am so sorry for what you have endured. I have read many stories about the senselessness of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, every one of them as infuriating as they are heartwrenching. Bad choices are made by good people every minute of every day, myself included, and it scares me to no end. I'm 36 six yrs old, happily married father of three. Although the age of driving is still a handful of years away, I think and preach about drinking and drug abuse to my children often. I, as a teenager, once drove five friends home from a party,and to this day I cant recall half the trip. It was a distance of over 20 miles on roads with speed limits of 50 mph. It also was through 3 different towns.The part that I remember was that I was driving around 20 mph, had a horrible feeling of no control, begging for someone else to drive,and not being coherent enough to know if I actually asked the question or even hear a response. I do know that when I did finally awake at my friend David's house, I was instantly horrified as I tried to backtrack and figure out what happened.I walked home and said I would be back later for the car. I walked into my home and looked straight at my parents and cried! I was eightenn years old and since that day have never let myself become drunk ever again. I could win 100 million dollars today and still not feel as lucky as I was that day. I slowly lost contact with my friends over the years, until Sept. 26,1987. I saw David whose house I parents house I had driven to that day. It was close to his birthday and we went to local bar to celebrate. I was surprised to see that he too had eased up on the drinking.We had one beer each and talked for about an hour with our other friend Dan. We shook hands and said that we should get in touch more often. I said I looked forward to it. One week later, I recieved a call from another friend whom I had'nt seen in quite awhile. I asked how thinwere up north and he wondered how I knew he had moved. I told him I had run into David last week. He said he had bad news. David was dead! He was killed in a fiery car crash that I had read about in the local newspaper but names were withheld. He was a passenger in a small car driven by a person who apparently died of alcohol poisoning at the wheel! He drove head on at over 100 mph into a small car with 2 teenagers coming back from a football pep rally. The 17 yr old girl was killed and her boyfriend crippled for life. David's blood test showed that he had been drinking too. His older brother had been driving with this guy while looking at constuction sites. David had followed behind in his van. At some point nobody wanted to drive with this guy, but I guess seating was limited so that not everyone could ride in the Van. David, for reasons I will never know, decided to get into the car with his brother's friend and let his brother drive his van. I can not begin to fathom the mindset of his brother, both then and now. He saw the car carrying his little brother accellerate and swerve into th oncoming car. This happened in broad daylight at @ 4:30 on a Friday afternoon. He ran to the car which was sitting upright on its rear fender like a rocket about to launch. He tried to open the passenger door as flames started to surround the car. It exploded and sent him flying into a ditch, his face badly burned as I would see at the wake. What memories can haunt this man, I can't begin to imagine. Ultimately it was David's fault for loosing his life, and not having the sense to think about what could happen to someone else on the road. Again, its the ability of good people to make incredibly irresponsible life endangering decisions. I hope that I reach my kids, but ultimately hard decisions brought on by peer pressure and the teenage feeling of wanting to be free will be made by each child. I urge all parents to talk straight with their children on a level ground. They can make mistakes in everyway and learn from them. Thats life. But don't risk your life while risking someone else's too. No matter what, drinking and driving should be the easiest decision in anyone's life.Just don't do it!! Ever!! Because what you learn from this mistake, you wont like living with. Sorry for running on. I've never fully let it all out before. I truly am sorry about your daughter, Donette. Sincerely, Dana Goudreault

Name: Stacy
Referred by: Net Search
From: Lorain Ohio
Time: 1999-09-24 05:14:00
Comments: Hi my name is Stacy,I had my best friend Die because of a drunk driver. I lost her December 24th 1992.Her name was Dava Lynn Carder.She was just 16yrs old.I don't beleave that alcoholism is in any way a disability.I'm sorry if that may offend some one out there but that's how I feel. Thank you Heart broke in Ohio

Name: Kate Guthmann
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hastings, in Lincoln NE
Time: 1999-09-22 20:15:44
Comments: Just wanted to let you know that your memorial is a wonderful idea...this way Donnette's memory lives even if she doesn't. The right things to say here are hard to come by...your family will be in my prayers, and I hope you'll do the same back for mine. God's love will bring you thru this intact. You must trust Him, especially on the days you don't.

Name: Kate Guthmann
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hastings, in Lincoln NE
Time: 1999-09-22 20:15:06
Comments: Just wanted to let you know that your memorial is a wonderful idea...this way Donnette's memory lives even if she doesn't. The right things to say here are hard to come by...your family will be in my prayers, and I hope you'll do the same back for mine. God's love will bring you thru this intact. You must trust Him, especially on the days you don't.

Referred by: Yahoo!
From: michigan
Time: 1999-09-15 21:54:37
Comments: reading the stories make me sad to know that there is no justice in the world my nephew was killed but we can't even determine if the girl was drunk because the officer forget to have the test ran. the only thing he could say was he was sorry that just is not right she didn't even get so much as a traffic ticket for killing someone God Bless you all.

Name: Bonnie Brookhart
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Maryland
Time: 1999-09-14 19:05:21
Comments: I am truly sorry for the loss of your daughter. My sister was killed in Jan. 1999. I would like to open a page similar to the one you have to dedicate to my sister. God bless you and your family.

Name: arnie sher samson
Referred by: From a Friend
From: delaware
Time: 1999-09-14 01:40:07

Name: Jason Barber
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: So. California
Time: 1999-09-10 23:04:04
Comments: Finally got a chance to spend some time on my webpage and internet. Thank you for your kind words, I hope that Aaron is proud, and when God is ready I'll ask him. Reading about your loss and others is so hard. Sept.15 is going to be eight years since Aaron died, in talking to my mom recently she said to me "The pain has not diminished, I have only learned to live better inspite of it." I can relate to that. God bless you and your family Kathleen.

Name: Vicki
Website: Injured by a drunk driver
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Kentucky
Time: 1999-09-09 22:31:09
Comments: I have just read your tribute to your daughter. So sorry for the loss of her by a drunk driver. More families need to realize what drunk drivers do to a family. Not only the loss of them but also that it was a needless act by this person. My tribute to my niece is to make people more aware how the effects of drinking and driving do to innocent people. Will help get the word out there.

Name: Holly - Sad Auntie
Website: In Memory of Gary Ray Selby, Jr.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: San Leandro, California
Time: 1999-09-03 09:00:45
Comments: Kathleen, I am sorry for the loss of your precious daughter. Her page is beautifully done. When is this madness going to stop? God Bless you and your family

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-08-26 02:28:47

Name: Sharon
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-08-25 01:45:08
Comments: I too lost a beautiful daughter to a drunk driver. She was 25 and had a 2 1/2 year old daughter of her own. I know how much you miss your daughter as I do mine and yes I do think of her everyday as well.

Name: Pattie R. Wilson
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Chester, Il.
Time: 1999-08-24 19:57:01
Comments: I am so sorry for everyone's loss. I read these web pages and think of my freind, who was killed in my car. I lost a freind, other people have lost a family member. I wonder to myself how do you get so strong. For me it's been 3 years and the offender served 102 days. I hope to someday help someone, the way you take these precious memories of yours and share them with us all. I guess we all get stronger in our own time, but why does it take others as myself so long? thank you for sharing and God Bless you and yours!

Name: Carla Mascara
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: Ohio
Time: 1999-08-23 18:01:06
Comments: Hello, I would like you and any one else to E-mail me at if you have had a loved one killed by a drunk driver. I have somthing that I thik you would like to partipate in. I have recently started a list with names of people who have been killed by drunk drivers. The first name is the reason for me starting the list. I would like to have as many names on my list as possible. Please help.

Name: linda Tinsley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Columbia SCMy
Time: 1999-08-20 15:41:53
Comments: My heart went out to you when I read your story.My son had a drinking problem when he was younger and one night I got a call from him " mom I wrecked the truck and I'm in jail" He was still so drunk he couldn't tellme any more. Before I hung up my neighbor was at the door ,her friend had just been killed by a drunk driver.I didn't find out till the next day that my son had not killed anyone.But it was horrifying to me that he could have.He has been sober for 6 years now ,he was only 18 then.I think there should be responsibility on the bar owners.They are allowed to serve as much alchol to some one as long that person can pay for it and then let them drive home.No drunk is going to give up his keys they think they are fine.I think a law should be passed that all bar tenders take car keys before they serve one drink ,and that they be required to provide transportation home for any one drinking or at least arrange beforehand a taxie , drinker and bar tender splitting the cost.If no one was allowed to drive home from a bar we would have alot less of the tragic deaths that we have.I get furious at the bar tenders when they have made over $100.on someone who walks out drunk and drives away. What do you think ,Could we push a law like this? I'm willing to do anything I can to help.

Name: linda Tinsley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Columbia SCMy
Time: 1999-08-20 15:36:35
Comments: My heart went out to you when I read your story.My son had a drinking problem when he was younger and one night I got a call from him " mom I wrecked the truck and I'm in jail" He was still so drunk he couldn't tellme any more. Before I hung up my neighbor was at the door ,her friend had just been killed by a drunk driver.I didn't find out till the next day that my son had not killed anyone.But it was horrifying to me that he could have.He has been sober for 6 years now ,he was only 18 then.I think there should be responsibility on the bar owners.They are allowed to serve as much alchol to some one as long that person can pay for it and then let them drive home.No drunk is going to give up his keys they think they are fine.I think a law should be passed that all bar tenders take car keys before they serve one drink ,and that they be required to provide transportation home for any one drinking or at least arrange beforehand a taxie , drinker and bar tender splitting the cost.If no one was allowed to drive home from a bar we would have alot less of the tragic deaths that we have.I get furious at the bar tenders when they have made over $100.on someone who walks out drunk and drives away. What do you think ,Could we push a law like this? I'm willing to do anything I can to help.

Name: Joyce
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Tennessee
Time: 1999-08-07 03:20:47
Comments: Hi. Just wanted to say that I to lost a child because of a fifth time convicted drunken driver

Name: Wanda Leviner (Tim's mom)
Website: Richmond County
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-08-06 15:52:56
Comments: God bless, I know how hard it is to lose a child.

Name: Kym Williams
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Haleyville,al.
Time: 1999-08-06 06:19:39
Comments: Hi,I'm from a small town that DUI is common. And my husband is a K-9 officer and heard about this website. I try to explain the ways accidents happen to my two daughters,because they lost two good friends,and my best friend to a drunk driver. So ,even though they are only nine & ten I am already,trying to show them all,I can like stories like yours. I believe it really helps them.Some people say I teach my kids to much,I do not think you can ever teach your children to much. Thank you very much, for sharing this us,your story touched our hearts, and we are very sorry, God Bless You and your family . Kym,Whitney & Chasity

Name: Natalie Benningfield
Website: my home page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas
Time: 1999-08-01 23:13:18
Comments: your story has touched my heart so much. i would like to talk to you some time if we can work it out some how. god bless you and your family...

Name: Natalie L. Benningfield
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Fort Worth,Texas
Time: 1999-08-01 03:18:12
Comments: my prayers are with you and your family. I would also like to ask you for your help on setting up my own home page and guest book. i would like to do something for my cousin like you did for your daughter!!! i fell i can do that much for him now that he is gone!!! my e-mail is thank you!!!

Name: Joanne
Website: n/a
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Irvine,CA
Time: 1999-07-31 13:01:32
Comments: Sorry about the loss of your daughter. I liked your poem about your daughter Donette. I wished laws were tougher people who drink in bars or public events. Perhaps more sobriety tests by local bars could help get more drunks off the road and help save lives. What do you think? I chose to never drink and drive. When I go out to parties or even clubs, I drink soda when I have to drive home. I may look silly at the party but I like to arrive home safely. When I drink it is always at home or at a friend's house when I can spend the night. I am always the designated driver when I go out with friends. God bless you.

Name: Theresa
Website: Victims of Drunk Drivers
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: North Carolina
Time: 1999-07-30 07:14:11
Comments: I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. As I read your story I could actually feel the pain in your heart. Life is so unfair. Why must those we love be taken from us so senselessly. Why can't everyone get the message that they should not drink and drive. Perhaps if all us victims take the time to make these memorials it will touch at least some of the drunk drivers and make them think twice before stepping behind the wheel when they're drunk. My prayers are with you and your family as you fight this struggle. Perhaps one day the drunks will learn. If we can do anything together to fight this battle please let me know. God bless you and your family.

Name: Kelli Allred
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-07-29 06:00:10
Comments: I have recently joined MADD in Utah. Thank you for sharing your story with others. It makes a difference. I love your poem!!!

Name: Darlene Trent
Referred by: AOL
From: Originally Oklahoma, live in Florida now
Time: 1999-07-27 16:13:11
Comments: KEB, Thank you for responding to my message on the anniversary of my daughter Angie's death. Your words brought comfort to me and I send you my regards concerning your daughter's death. I am so sorry. In a blink of an eye, our most precious gifts were taken from us by a dd. I really enjoyed your home page. Your grief is still new and I know how painful. Knowing there are other parents in my position gives me some solice. It's been seven years for me and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of Angie and miss her with all my heart. Darlene Trent

Name: Marlene Kay
Referred by: Geocities
From: Clarendon, Pennsylvania
Time: 1999-07-16 21:38:08
Comments: I also lost my daughter to a DUI crash ,July 22,1997, so I have an idea how you feel. May God be with you.

Name: Kjell Arne Thomassen
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Norway
Time: 1999-07-01 14:35:28
Comments: I will give say that you and your family have my deepest condoles. I often think about all the people that are losing their loved ones in accidents like that. It’s so unnecessary and tragic. I hope that we some day can change the attitude to those whose driving the cars. All the best from Kjell Arne

Name: Myra Jester
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Ar.
Time: 1999-06-28 03:52:13
Comments: I am so sorry about the loss of your daughter. I will pray for you and your family that God will give you comfort and peace.

Name: Diann
Website: Casey's Castle
Referred by: From a Web Ring
From: Tennessee
Time: 1999-06-24 02:26:35
Comments: I lost my daughter last year. She was on her way home from prom when a drunk driver hit her at about 100mph. I too have wondered did she suffer, what were her last thoughts, was she scared. I have not read the medical or coroner reports. In these small towns they just assumed she drowned. I do not know. I lie awake every night going over it again and again. The funeral director told me she did not have much water in her lungs, a very small amount possibly from aggoraul breathing. The back of her head was badly damaged, no hair and big bruises. I believe she was gone before she hit the water. Her car went on its side for 286 feet and her passenger window was opened. It then went down an embankment and her friend got out safely. Her friend has never talked to me about Caseys condition. Sometimes I wonder if she bailed out without trying to help my daughter. I know that I am not the same person. I still look the same, but it is not me. A very large part of me left with my daughter. Friends say "get over it", how can anyone ever get over losing your baby? Now everyday is one day closer to my beloved Casey. I know you can understand my feelings. Sometimes I wonder if I am not normal, am I suppose to be the same carefree, trusting person I was 13 months ago. Do we all change when our lives are devasted because of some strangers choice to drink and drive? I loved that poem and if you do not mind I would like to use it in the newspaper on my daughters birthday Aug 7th. She would have been 18 this year, but now she is forever sixteen. Thank you for listening. I am truly sorry about Donetta and all the others who dreams were shattered. God bless you and your family, Diann

Name: Kim Lynch
Website: In Loving Memory of Whitney
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: KY.
Time: 1999-06-17 20:27:28
Comments: Kathleen, I am very sorry about the lose of your Lovely daughter, and to thank you for visiting my baby Whitney's page and signing her guest book. It is a TERRIBLE TRAGEDY that all of these INNOCENT people lose their lives because of all the careless, thoughtless people that CHOSE to DRINK & DRIVE. Will it EVER STOP? My Prayers are with you Hugs, Kim

Name: Sherry Sharon
Website: Compassion Connection
Referred by: Geocities
Time: 1999-06-06 20:24:50
Comments: I am touched by "Kathleen's Homepage". I would count it a privilege to have you check our Compassion Connection website. Sherry Sharon or

Name: Leah Beth Bean
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: TN
Time: 1999-06-04 18:24:03
Comments: I read alot of your comments in the MADD homepage.I work with Youth In Action under MADD. I had a very good friend of mine killed by a drunk driver.I am 17 and a senior in High School. It seems as though your county/area has alot of the same problems with drinking as mine. People around here try and ignore the issues of umderage drinking and drinking and driving. I read your daugter's editorial, she has a great head on her shoulders. You must be very proud! Thank You for sharing your stories to help others.Keep up the good work!!!LBB

Name: Angela Turner
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Albion, MI
Time: 1999-06-01 18:30:18
Comments: I am very sorry for your lost. May God be with you and your family.

Name: Jennifer Seary
Referred by: Net Search
From: Ontario, Canada
Time: 1999-05-28 20:34:54
Comments: Sorry for your loss aren't the appropriate words to use. I am presently working on a Drinking and Driving Campagin for High School students, I have been through many web sites and all the stories are tragic. I hope that by finishing my project it will impact the students for life, God bless

Name: Randy Valenzuela
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Arizona
Time: 1999-05-28 20:17:10
Comments: I am sorry for the tragedy that occurred in your life. Unfortunately I am a bearer of bad news. I have inflicted a tragedy upon afamily recently. No one died thank god but there is still so much pain. i cannot imagine what the family is going through. i am sorry for them and for you. I did not intentionally go out and hurt them but it doesn't matter i still hurt them. please tell me how i can go about making amneds to this family. i know its a hard topic to share but forgiveness is what i seek above all other things. I truly am sorry for what happens to all families and victims out there. Please give me some feedback. have a nice day. thank you for your time.

Name: Chief Michael Coffey S.P.D.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Sylvester Police Dept. Sylvester W.V.
Time: 1999-05-28 08:25:46
Comments: I am very sorry for the pain that you feel. I will do all that I can to remove the drunks from the roads.

Name: Michelle
Website: In Memory of Robbie
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Ohio
Time: 1999-05-26 01:29:06
Comments: What a beautiful page you have here! I just wanted to stop by and say thanks so much for visiting my memorial page for my nephew Robbie. It's never easy to lose a loved one no matter how it happens. Drunk driving has to be the worst ways to lose a child. It's nice to see that you are keeping Donette's memory alive and she'll always live on forever in your heart as my nephew will in mine. Thanks again. May the good lord bless you and your family.

Name: Lon Thomas
Website: Lon'S Pages / Java For
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Fl
Time: 1999-05-18 16:57:26
Comments: Beautiful Page folks, Thanks for telling me about your page and our mutual affection to someone who gave life to a drunk driver. Our daughters will continue to live through these Memorials and who knows....... perhaps a life will be saved because of them. God Bless You and Your Family, Lon

Name: Rebecca and David Urias
Website: Memory of Misty
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Arkansas
Time: 1999-05-17 12:16:41
Comments: I am here if you ever need to talk. thank you for visiting Misty's page.Alone I am just a mother , but with others like you I am in a group of wonderful people like yourself. My heart goes to you and I will forever be blessed by my wonderful daughter Misty. I hope some day that there will be no more additions to this webring, because when that happens thats means we have stopped this horrible killer called alcohol. My love and prayers go to you daily. Forever they will live on in our memories. GOD BE WITH US ALL.

Name: Neil Browning
Website: Trooper Brownings Web Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Tampa , Fl
Time: 1999-05-07 20:35:30
Comments: Very good job on your web-page , if it will prevent just one person from getting behind the wheel drunk then its done a great job . Keep up the good work ! And as a Florida State Trooper i will do my very best to get these people off the road before more families have to deal with what your family has .

Name: Bonnie Miller
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: pa
Time: 1999-05-01 18:53:59
Comments: My son passed away 6 months ago due to alcohol

Name: mike
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Roanoke,Va
Time: 1999-04-25 02:47:57
Comments: my heart & prayers go out to you & your family.we lose so many loved ones due to drunk drivers. we need to stop it now. i just wish everyone would take notice & stop drinking & driving.

Name: Officer David Dombrowski
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Town of Tonawanda, New York
Time: 1999-04-25 00:10:15
Comments: I am a police officer for the Village of Kenmore (NY) Police Dept. and have been for 22 1/2 years. During that time I have taken great umbridge with the abuse and misuse that intoxicated drivers take on the roadways. I have made approx. 400 DWI arrests in my career. I take great pride in my work and feel every intoxicated driver removed from the road saves countless lives. I have even taken it upon myself to purchase and maintain my own digital field test unit. Presently I am working on a masters degree in Criminal Justice Administration. My present term paper is on the Ethics of DWI Enforcement and DWI Checkpoints. I pray for all of the victims of a DWI driver. I have seen too many untimely deaths and serious injuries in my time. I WILL NOT stop in my vigorious enforcement of this crime. I would hope that all other police officers would do the same and not be discouraged by the courts and criminal justice system. We must keep up the fight!!!!

Name: Cecile Calabrese
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Quinault, WA
Time: 1999-04-23 17:36:55
Comments: Beautiful music on your page.

Name: Christy Dodson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: TN
Time: 1999-04-20 17:02:55
Comments: I am 19 years old. About a month ago, my mom,stepdad, and I were in an awful crash that was caused by a drunk driver. My mom had third degree burns on her hand and a crushed wrist, and I had24 stitches in my forehead and a cracked vertebrae in my neck. I have to wear a neck brace for 6-8 weeks. I still do not know why God chose to keep us here on Earth, but I believe that he wanted me to teach others that it is wrong to drink and drive. Tomorrow, I am giving a speech in my college speech class about drinking and driving. Hopefully, they will listen, and my speech will be influential to them.

Name: S. Peruski
Referred by: Yahoo!
Time: 1999-04-20 03:17:57
Comments: I am a ninth grade student at my high school. i am completing the driver's education course offered at my school. part of class was to find 15 articles involving car accidents. i came across your page and ended up rpinting up the story for myself to keep. I know someone that has killed a person while driving drunk, so i had the fear in me. yet, after i read your story, i couldnt help but realize that i could very easily be involved in a similar situation soon. thank you for sharing your story.

Name: Leslie Jones
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: South Carolina
Time: 1999-04-19 20:56:15
Comments: I read your story and I'm sorry to hear about what happened. It is very sad to lose a loved one, but if you have truly been born again you will see your daughter again in heaven. God has her and he is doing works through her life and yours. I attend a University in South Carolina and I am doing a speech on drinking and driving in my speech class and I am giving examples of stories. Thanks for sharing yours. Have a blessed day.

Name: kelly lighty
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Perry, Oklahoma
Time: 1999-04-18 04:52:55
Comments: I, too lost my beloved mother to a drunk, only it was her husband, right here in the town where I live. They were flying a homemade biplane, and he was the pilot. He was drunk, they crashed, she died instantly, he died the next day, with 3rd degree burns all over his body. I miss her every day. It has been 6 years ago in August. God, and my children got me through it. I loved her. Kelly Lighty

Name: jane maricichnew
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: new jersey
Time: 1999-04-14 14:47:43
Comments: four 17 year old girls from our community were killed by a repeat offender drunk driver in north carolina. they were on spring break. i have been looking at the MADD website. no answers

Name: Sara Hurley
Referred by: Net Search
From: Viterbo College, La Crosse, WI
Time: 1999-04-13 18:47:10
Comments: Thanks for the article. It was great.

Name: Kelly Devlin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: boston , Mass
Time: 1999-04-13 07:37:36
Comments: I was looking on line for information regarding M.A.D.D. I prepared a public service announcement for my advertising class. I did it for M.A.D.D. because my Mom and little brother were hit by a drunk driver. They are still with us thank God. I can't imagine my life without them and I am so sorry that you have to experience that pain. I wanted to commend your efforts to be involved with M.A.D.D. I didn't expect to be so effected by a college school project. Thank you, Kelly

Name: Angie Reifsteck
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Tahlequah,OK
Time: 1999-04-09 04:17:17
Comments: I am very touched by this page. I am doing a research paper over drunk driving and its effects. Thanks. And GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!

Name: Sheryl P.
Website: Canshers Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 1999-04-09 03:59:03
Comments: Your story is heartbreaking and you have my deepest sympathies although that probably doesn't help any. I look at your situation as terrible and I hope you and your family are 'saying her name' lots and lots so she can still live on. I however had a choice. Let me explain. My story doesn't have to do with a drinking and driving accident. It has to do with my grandfather. He had cancer. I knew he did. He knew he did. Everyone knew it. Instead of spending as much time with him as I could I avoided him. And then he died. The whole time he was getting sicker and sicker I kept telling myself he would be OK. I didn't like seeing him with no hair and a bunch of tubes stuck into him. But now that he's gone I wish more than anything I had spent time with him. He left when I wasn't on good terms with him. That is one regret I have. You know that Donette knew you loved her. That is one thing you have to be grateful of. My prayers are with you and your family. Sher

Name: Judy
Website: dont have one...
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Bowie, Md.
Time: 1999-04-07 01:23:44
Comments: Not sure how, but when in ICQ, it said that I was added to your contact list. I lost a 24 year old son in 1990 to murder by a man who had been drinking. I think friends I met on the net added me to your list. I am so sorry for your loss, too. Losing a child is the hardest pain on this earth--even harder than losing a spouse. I know. I lost mine too. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Name: Shawna Perry
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Texas
Time: 1999-04-07 00:17:10
Comments: I am doing a speech on drinking and driving and while I was on it your web page showed up. I kind of know how you feel. My cousin got hit by a drunk driver. She was crossing the street and the driver came by and hit her. She didn't die but it was pretty scary getting that call that she got hit by a car. I am glad that you and your friends put this in the internet. It really tells what is really going on in the world.

Name: mario warnaar
Website: Horus' website
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: the Netherlands
Time: 1999-04-03 14:53:18
Comments: ............what can I say. You are doing a good job creating a page like this, I hope this will work processing it.

Name: Lindsey Davenport
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Virginia
Time: 1999-04-01 02:39:08
Comments: I came across your page doing research for my term paper entitled, "Should Drinking And Driving Rules Be Made More Stringent?" In my opinion I think that the rules need to be more harsh than what they are, i also want to tell you I first read your storry almost a month ago adn everyday i think of Donette, Im not sure why ive dwelled on it but I keep coming back and reading the pages and i get more each time I do, i wish that this did not have to happen to anyones family, or shall Is ay that i wish people were not irresponsible with driving privelages. Iam a junior in High School adn I was the Secretary of SADD. I moved to VA about three monthes ago adn i am originally form MI! I ahve not lost a family member to a drunk driver, nor have I suffered your type of loss!!!! I will think of you and keep your family in my prayers! Gods Blessings~ Lindsey

Name: CC Costello
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Reading, Mass
Time: 1999-03-29 02:48:33
Comments: I'm really sorry. I'm am 14 years old and a freshman in High School. My birthday is August 9th, the day after the accident. This story hit me. I am taking a course on descions. The unit we are doing right now is Alcohol. I promise you that I will never drink, and if i do, i won't drive. Because drunk driving is the stupidest thing ever.

Name: Gregory Henley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lexington, TN
Time: 1999-03-18 20:06:31
Comments: Hello, My name is Greg. I do remeber that wreck. I wish that it didn't happen, because most of my friends died in all kinds of wrecks. My dad does drink, but think God that he does not drive. Well if you wont to write me just e-mailed me, please don't be scared to do it, I'm only 15 turning16 years old. I will be 16 on April 21, 1999. I do wish your family my wishes.

Name: Gregory Henley
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lexington, TN
Time: 1999-03-18 20:06:11
Comments: Hello, My name is Greg. I do remeber that wreck. I wish that it didn't happen, because most of my friends died in all kinds of wrecks. My dad does drink, but think God that he does not drive. Well if you wont to write me just e-mailed me, please don't be scared to do it, I'm only 15 turning16 years old. I will be 16 on April 21, 1999. I do wish your family my wishes.

Name: Emma
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New Zealand
Time: 1999-03-13 04:34:33
Comments: I found this website very touching as I have lost an Aunt in a car crash as well. I'm sure Donette would be very proud of you and your family at your stregnth and courage. Being able to speak about something so tragic must be hard and I admire you. I think it is important for people to know just how much pain people go through when loved ones are killed by drunk drivers and with the help of your website maybe thecan be educated. I wish you and your family all the best for the future, Emma xxx

Name: Pattie Wilson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Chester, Illinois
Time: 1999-03-10 00:41:09
Comments: Thank You so much! You answered a post I wrote 1st time in the webmaster. I just found my way to your letter. Tears are in my eyes and pray that I am soon as strong as you! I can not imagine losing my child. My son was in my car on the passenger side he and his girlfreind had very minor scrapes and bumps. I braked went to the right wiped out driver side. My freind Dean Deere was killed. I feel so angry, my freiind had two little girls. I admire you and your strength and Melissas page is terrific. As you can tell I am not to good at the comp. yet and so thankful I found your letter. I am going back now to look for more. I also had a wonderful support letter from MADD2 I wish I would have came here sooner instead of waiting 3 years cause I have wasted so much energy, that I feel I am starting to release. Feelings are moving around, different feelings. Sound crazy? I wish I had more time RIGHT NOW! I am going to see if I can learn the chat thing LOL. God Bless you and your family. Defenitely God Sent! I had Madd but always felt like I should be helping and couldn't. I am not making myself clear I'm sorry. But my mind just roles I think I will keep this letter private! LOL Hope to find my reply. Thank You ssooo much! Pattie

Name: Claudia
Referred by: AOL
From: Greenwood, MO
Time: 1999-03-05 03:09:03
Comments: I am just exploring madd, padd, I was very touched by your memorial to your daughter. My mom was killed January 4,1997. Also by a woman . My life will never be the same and i've struggled every day to pull it back together. Maybe meeting others who have suffered the same type of loss would help. I've never spoke to anyone who has lost a loved one to a DD.

Name: Patricia Orton
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: From Kansas
Time: 1999-03-04 21:27:03
Comments: I am very sorry that something like this would have to happen to anybody. It's ashame that people get on the road after drinking. I had a family member that was killed by a drunk driver, my uncle was a passenger on a motorcycle and drunk driver hit them. I'm in college and I see people leave the bar that are so drunk to drive and they still do, it makes me very angry. I hope one day that people wake up and see what they are doing. Again I am very sorry, you will be in my prayers.

Name: Karen
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Minnesota
Time: 1999-03-04 19:33:14
Comments: I am doing a report on drinking and driving, actually it is a persuasion essay. I must present it to my class. I feel very strongly about this topic. I do not understand why people would want to chance others lives just because they are going to do a stupid mistake. It's not fair to those who loose their lives. I hope that I can change people's minds in my class. I know many students in my class choose to drink I don't know if they drive after, but maybe this will help them realize that drinking is not its cracked up to be. I personally do not drink, nor do the people I hang out with. We still somehow find a lot of ways to have fun. So I don't like it when people say that they are trying to have fun when you can have fun doing other things. Well, I just thought I might share that with you. I am truly sorry, goodbye! Karen

Name: Lisa Thiessen
Website: In Loving Memory of Derek Alan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Alberta, Canada
Time: 1999-03-03 09:01:17
Comments: I am so very sorry that so many people in Donette's life were robbed from her as the result of drunk drivers - and then for her too to lose her life as the result of someone drinking and then getting behind the wheel of their car - You have created a beautiful site to share Donette's life and tragically her death. I know the pain of having a child watching over me from heaven - Derek was born still - and it wasn't anyone's fault - it is hard enough learning to live without him when there was nothing that could be done to save him - I can't imagine trying to survive after loosing a child as the result of something so very very preventable. I am so sorry for your loss - I enjoyed meeting your daughter tonight - I only wish that you never had to create this site. God Bless you and your family

Name: Debra Salisbury
Referred by: Geocities
From: Arnold, Nebraska
Time: 1999-02-26 05:21:11
Comments: my son brandon was killed by drunk driver August 15, 1998, he was 17, he was killed 4 days before the start of his senior year.i'm so sorry for your loss but now i know im not the only person going through this whole mess,the courts are very slow and do not seem inclined to give out stiff sentences to drunk drivers. i would like to create a site for my son but do not know where to start. if you could help let me know. deb...brandons mom

Name: vic fleming
Website: Judge Vic Fleming
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Little Rock
Time: 1999-02-26 02:27:51
Comments: I give alcohol awarenss presentations to young people -- many, as in one per week in court and another three to five per month to schools and churches. I greive your tragic loss. You have my sympathy.

Name: Sandra Marie Pettenger
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Milledgeville Illinois
Time: 1999-02-24 22:30:15
Comments: Hello my name is Sandra Marie Pettenger, I am 16 years old. I was on here to find accident reports for our Drivers Ed class. I was looking and I found this and I was reading it almost made me start to cry. I am very sorry for your loss. I lost a good friend but not because of a drunk driver. It was when they were crusing around. Just like I said before, I am very sorry and she was a good daughter. If you ever need someone to talk to I will be just an e-mail away. Thank you for letting me read your situation. Sandra Marie Pettenger 16, From Milledgeville Illinois

Name: Trooper TJ DeVries
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Indiana
Time: 1999-02-21 22:00:50
Comments: I am deeply saddened by your loss. Seeing and reading stories like yours never fails to bring tears to my eyes. Please know that we try everyday to make this world a little safer. God Bless.

Website: in loving memory of sonny
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: ca.
Time: 1999-02-21 00:41:52
Comments: Kathleen, your daughter was a beautiful young lady. i dont understand why drunk drivers get off so easy,buy i think they should have to read these dreambooks and see the hurt and pain they have caused. they need to know they sentenced us to "LIFE" NOT JUST A FEW YEARS! god bless you and your family love, brenda and family

Name: Cozy
Website: My World
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Maryland
Time: 1999-02-11 00:23:36
Comments: I am so sorry for your loss and thank you for taking the time to visit my web page. I would love to link yours to mine if that is ok. I was a victim of such a horrible crime however I survived but not one day goes by that I don't have memories of that day. I pray that your pains ease each day until the day you can hold her again. God Bless YOU and your family.

Name: Deputy Scott Haines
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pensacola, FL
Time: 1999-02-07 01:36:56
Comments: I would like you to know that I was touched by your page. I am a deputy in Santa Rosa County Florida. I do the best job possible in getting the drunk drivers off the road to prevent tragedies like yours. Our sheriffs dept. arrested over 90+ DUI drivers this past month and we are trying to go over that this month. I know that that info. will not console you and your loss, but maybe it will save others from going through what you have gone though. My prayers are with you.

Name: Sue Surber
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-02-05 14:37:23
Comments: I originally found this site thru the MADD web page. My 5 year old grandson was killed September 12,1998 by a hit & run drunk driver. Unfortunatly, I guess these kinds of pages are necessary to get the message out to others.

Name: Kristina Y. Olivarez
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: South Texas
Time: 1999-02-02 03:49:42
Comments: I can not explain the sorrow that I feel at this moment for your great lose. I am so very sorry that you had to loss you daughter for some persons stupidity. I know because I almost lost my father becuse of one. I was lucky that he survived! The way I came upon your page was because I am writing a research paper on Re-Enforcement of Drunk Driving. Again I am very sorry for you great lose.

Name: Cynthia
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Lilburn, GA
Time: 1999-02-02 01:07:05
Comments: I am so sorry. Thank you for putting this here and refering me to your memorial.

Name: Jaclyn
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Warrensburg
Time: 1999-01-27 19:24:03
Comments: Thank you so much for your help with my Senior Seminar paper. I choose this topic because my older sister's close friend died due to a drunk driver. I really am interested in finding out the impact MADD has had on the DUI laws. I'm sure it will be overwhelming. Thanks again I will keep your family in my prayers.

Name: Laura DePRiest
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: St. Joseph
Time: 1999-01-24 21:28:17
Comments: I am so sorry about what has happened. The consequence of a woman's drinking are fatal. My heart goes out to you all, and may you find happiness when you meet your daughters or friends in heaven.

Name: Dottie Russell
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Arizona
Time: 1999-01-24 07:28:57
Comments: Kathleen- I appreciate your grief. That might sound funny, but I do. Donnette looks like she was a fine young lady. I am sorry for your loss. Bless you for putting her pics on the internet. Maybe this will affect the drinkers. My husband is a highway patrolman and I have witnessed some of the finished products of the "crashes" here. I am appauled at our laws and the waste being done. Both lives and money/time, since the latter is really the only thing lawyers want any way. I have not had the horrible opportunity to be graced by a drunk driver, nor any of my family members-THANK GOD! But, I am so moved by stories like yours and the reports I read, and the news articles in the papers/on tv, that I want to start a chapter of MADD here in our town. We only have about 6,000 people, but we need it desperately. I am gathering info on "drunk driving" and "appreciate" your story. Again, I am sorry for your loss and thank you for your story. God Bless. dot

Name: Allison May
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Alabama
Time: 1999-01-19 23:43:11
Comments: Hi, I am very sorry to hear about your daughter. I have only had one death in my family and it tore me apart. He died of cancer. He was suffering but I still miss him very much. I will hold a spot for you and your family in my prayers. With much love, Allison May age 14

Name: Roger
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: United States, Ohio.
Time: 1999-01-18 17:20:12
Comments: To Whom It May Concern, I truly feel for the loss of a loved one to a drunk driver. Agreed, no one should drink and drive, especially when that person is percieved as being drunk. For the record, I have a DUI conviction. I was convicted because the officer saw me go slightly over the center line. I was driving a Cherokee; on a snowy road with bad wheel alignment. I had 3 glasses of wine within a 2 hour period over diner. I was far under the legal limit, but I was charged anyway. I didn't hurt anyone, nor did I have an accident. This has ruined my life. How many cell-phone users kill? How many rushed women and men get into fatal accidents while putting on make-up or shaving in their cars?

Name: Dennise
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas/Illinois
Time: 1999-01-17 23:14:07
Comments: I never thought I would know how everyone on here feels till this last year. Now I know first hand how it feels to lose someone you love. I lost my mother, grandfather and grandmother to a drunk driver. The pain still lingers, but I am taking it one day at a time. My only hope is that the man who did this get's what he deserves.

Name: Christina M. Gingrich
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: 840D Golfview Dr. Carmel, In 46032
Time: 1999-01-16 23:39:42
Comments: I lost a sister June 10, 1962 in an accident 2 miles from my grandparent in Napoleon, Ohio. The driver of the other car was drunk.The drunk driver's bleeding was hard to controll because of the high alcohol level in her body. She was never arrested. AT 9 years old my family was basically destroyed in the flash of a light. Aletha gone, my mother's left leg run over by the other car, by dad with the right temperal and base of the brain destroyed, and a 2 year old brother that was cut very badly. Life was not the same, but with God and a few friends and grandparents in Fort Wayne, where we lived, I grew up in a different world. I understand how mothers feel or other family members feel when a drunk driver comes into your life. It will never be the same. I am thankful that I have 4 children who have not had to deal with this so far and pray that they do not. They know the consequences. My two oldest have lost friends from this situation or had someone close to them badly hurt and have had to deal with it from that direction. I am doing a research paper on drunk drivers for school. I wish you the best, and thank you for this time to share.

Name: Christina M. Gingrich
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: 840D Golfview Dr. Carmel, In 46032
Time: 1999-01-16 23:39:52
Comments: I lost a sister June 10, 1962 in an accident 2 miles from my grandparent in Napoleon, Ohio. The driver of the other car was drunk.The drunk driver's bleeding was hard to controll because of the high alcohol level in her body. She was never arrested. AT 9 years old my family was basically destroyed in the flash of a light. Aletha gone, my mother's left leg run over by the other car, by dad with the right temperal and base of the brain destroyed, and a 2 year old brother that was cut very badly. Life was not the same, but with God and a few friends and grandparents in Fort Wayne, where we lived, I grew up in a different world. I understand how mothers feel or other family members feel when a drunk driver comes into your life. It will never be the same. I am thankful that I have 4 children who have not had to deal with this so far and pray that they do not. They know the consequences. My two oldest have lost friends from this situation or had someone close to them badly hurt and have had to deal with it from that direction. I am doing a research paper on drunk drivers for school. I wish you the best, and thank you for this time to share.

Name: David Hanson
Website: Alcohol: Problems and Solutions
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1999-01-16 19:53:23
Comments: Kathleen- I was so moved by your memorial site that I have dedicated my Drinking and Driving page to the memory of your daughter. Thank you for a beautiful site.

Name: Connie Barnett
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Elkhart, Kansas
Time: 1999-01-14 20:24:59
Comments: What a wonderful tribute to your daughter. I to lost my only son who was 17 to a drunk driver who hit us head on. My heart goes out to you and your family for I know exactly how you feel! God bless you. In memory of my wonderful son Jason Curtis Barnett 09/03/79 - 03/14/97 Connie Barnett

Name: Kim travis
Referred by: From a Friend
From: orginally Va but live in Wa St
Time: 1999-01-14 02:42:53
Comments: I found you through the Madd address. You posted a mess to me about the parole hearing that took place this morning. I wanted you to know personally that thank the Lord she was denied for atleast one more year. Thank you so much for your prayers you and your family are in mine too.

Name: Terri Taylor
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Lachine Mi
Time: 1999-01-12 03:35:35
Comments: What can I say? Iam sorry for the loss words canot express the way I feel I only wish I could do more.

Name: Gianna
Website: The world as I see it
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 1999-01-08 04:20:26
Comments: Kathleen .....Donette is so beautiful,I am so sorry.I know the pain of loosing a child.We lost our son to a Drunk Driver 7 years ago ........the pain is never to far and at times unberable.Wish people would realize what drinking and driving does.Our prayers are with you. Gianna

Name: angela
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: michigan
Time: 1999-01-06 02:42:33
Comments: I went to yahoo, to check out these sites. My father owns a wrecker company, so I was looking up some information. I am so sorry about your loss. I am sure god is taken precious care of her, until you can see her again.

Name: Jerry Hooper
Referred by: Net Search
From: Lee's Summit
Time: 1999-01-03 21:10:20
Comments: I wish there were more that I could do. Thanks for responding to my "Brother in Trouble" message. I'll call MADD in Jeff City and see if they have any advice.

Name: Mandy
Website: In Memory of Jessica Hayes
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Wisconsin
Time: 1998-12-29 16:21:01
Comments: Hey there. I'm really sorry for your loss. Everywhere I go, it seems there are more and more webpages about someone whose died, due to alcohol. I may be only 15 years old, but I know what's it like to lose someone you love, and the pain that you feel. Even though Jessi died, the people at my school still continue to drink. Even the people who were with her at the party where she died. I'll never understand it. Especially with the new year coming up, people are going to drink more. Please, please, please to anyone that's reading this...don't drink on New Year's Eve, and if you do, find a designated driver to take you home. I don't want anyone to lose anymore loved ones, but I know it won't happen. Remember to think about the consequences before you do something.


Feel free to add my link to your page.

Name: Curtis Cope
Website: My beloved Hilary's homepage
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Hesperia, Calif.
Time: 1998-12-29 03:18:43
Comments: Kathleen, thanks so much. Your daughter is such a pretty gal a splitting image of her mother. I am sorry for your loss. With pages like these it is my hope that we can make a differance. Your friend and fellow victim, Curtis.

Name: Shannon P. McGauley
Website: McGauley's DFW Bounty Reward Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Boyd, Texas
Time: 1998-12-27 22:12:21
Comments: My thoughts are with all.

Name: Lonnie
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Kuna, Idah
Time: 1998-12-20 17:14:38
Comments: I'm currently in the military and have had many friends drive home drunk. I try to stop them over and over and still they just don't seem to get it. I've emailed this letter to all of those I've tried to stop. Your daughters story really gets to me because August 8th is my birthday. I feel for your family and all of her friends. May god be with you. Lonnie

Name: Tanja Christina
Referred by: From a Friend
From: germany
Time: 1998-12-17 13:27:59
Comments: the laws should be a lot harder on people wich drive drunk. a person like that mad the mistake in july 96. it costs my best friends son kevin, he was only 5, his life.

Name: Shabella Gutierrez-McLean
Website: In Memory of Duncan McLean
Referred by: From a Friend
From: I live in Kansas right now
Time: 1998-12-01 18:05:01
Comments: I am so sorry to hear about your loss. It is always painful. Thank you for your comments about my uncle. Every bit helps. I hope that you and your family are doing fine. Shabella

Name: robin sari
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: michigan
Time: 1998-12-01 18:01:24
Comments: there is nothing more to say then i am sorry to hear thais. is is horrible.

Name: jennifer amidon
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: St. johnsbury Vt.
Time: 1998-11-30 02:31:25
Comments: I am doing a presetation on drinking and driving and the terrible consequences that are a result. I found your tragic story unforgettable. and very unfortunate. My thoughts are with you.

Name: Mary Ann
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Iowa
Time: 1998-11-27 00:52:47
Comments: I lost my son in1980, although it wasn't a drunk driver it hurts just as much. I miss him everyday. I think your web pages are very good and very sad, God Bless you all. very sincerly, Mary Ann From Iowa

Name: maddmom
Website: MADDmom's MADDland
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: Calif.
Time: 1998-11-24 21:09:22
Comments: The pain and emotion come out in your tribute to your daughter. And you should be exceptionally proud of what Amanda wrote for her sister. How profound, and from such a "young" person. I, too, have a daughter Amanda's age and she also is an advocate against DUI. Thanks for sharing and check your email as I believe I have something else for you. Keep your faith.

Name: terri pearce
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: IN
Time: 1998-11-24 10:32:15
Comments: just looking for some peace of mind... trying to assure myself I am not the only person in the world feeling this enormous pain

Name: Pam
Referred by: Net Search
From: Irving, Tx
Time: 1998-11-23 00:39:40
Comments: I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I lost a very dear friend in an alcohol related accident 6/21/98. He was a wonderful guy that I wish everyone could have known. I'm am now doing a speech for my college class to try to get the point across it can happen to anyone. The worst news anyone can hear is that a family member has died. The worst news anyone can give is to a father on Father's Day is that his son died but we all survived. (6 of us) I miss him dearly and will always remember the wonderful person he was. You and your family are in my prayers. I'm trying to get the message out to as many as possible.

Name: Jessica Thomas
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Time: 1998-11-22 16:54:21
Comments: Losing a child is an unbearable pain that unfortunately some have to go through, and I am sorry for your lose. I know the pain of losing someone close to me because of a drunk driver. My friend Trent was killed by his best-friend and also cousin because he was drunk. Trent was walking along side of a road in the night and Wade drove past and hit him with his truck. So much changes in your life when someone you love is killed and nothing ever stays the same.

Name: Heather Pianowski
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Centreville, Mi
Time: 1998-11-21 18:29:55
Comments: I understand your pain and suffering. I am 18 years old and I live on a farm inbetween Three Rivers and Centreville. On May 5, 1996 I was awoken to be told that my older brother was dead. He died in a car reck. He ran into a tree only minuets from my home early in the morning. I believe that it was partly due to the cause that he was under the influence. I forever preach to my friends about drunk driving and we all take care of each other. I just wish this wouldn't of been the way to open everyones eyes. It's not fair. Heather Pianowski.

Name: Marilyn
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: ohio
Time: 1998-11-21 01:11:20
Comments: Kathleen, I have thought of you as a dear friend for awhile now but after visiting here I feel I know you even better. What a sweet girl Donnette is, and the rest of the family too. Wish things could be different. My best wishes as always.

Name: Milton Watkins
Website: dont have one
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Australia
Time: 1998-11-20 11:58:30
Comments: so sorry to hear about the pain in which you must be having, I am a non drinker and am shocked to see what these drunk people are doing on our roads God Bless you and your family in these trying times.

Name: Matt Kovash
Referred by: AOL
From: Bozemen, MT.
Time: 1998-11-19 05:50:29
Comments: I am so sorry about your loss - i could never picture somthing like that happening to any members of my family and really that is sad. My uncle is an alcoholic - i know how alcohol affects a family. the last time i saw him was in a hospital - he was in for alcohol poising. Your daughter is beutiful - i love her. she is a one of a kind - the way you describe her makes her dear in my heart. i am very sorry for your loss god bless matt kovash

Name: mira rubin
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Alabama
Time: 1998-11-18 03:04:28
Comments: hey my name is mira and i was reading an artical about this guy who died in a drunk driving accedent and was killed.I am only 12 but it really effected me and i really feel for you. i also read a web page about a woman who was killed by a drunk driver. it is not even funny how stupid people are to drink and drive let alone even just drinking. well i have to go but please do email me back even if it is just to say hey and that you read this but i am really sorry about your daughter. I'll hope to hear from you!! See ya, mira rubin

Name: Mindy Stephenson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Bloomington Indiana
Time: 1998-11-17 04:41:34
Comments: I am truley sorry for your loss and I know that nothing can ever replace your daughter, but if there is anything that I could do, write someone whatever please inform me. Mindy

Name: Tina D. Khoury
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Collinsville Il
Time: 1998-11-15 22:38:11
Comments: I am so sorry to hear this about your daughter. She is a very beautiful girl. My daughter Dina was killed also by a DRUNK DRIVER on Nov. 19, 1994. It will be four years ago this coming Thurs. And I hurt as bad now as I did then. I found your daughter when I was looking at Dina's tribute on the on-line tribute from the My heart is with you for your terrible loss. I can say I know how you feel and what your going through. They will be with us again someday.

Name: Jon Dudley
Referred by: Net Search
From: South Carolina
Time: 1998-11-11 05:02:08
Comments: I am writing a speech that is in favor of no tolerance and stricter drunk driving laws, I am sorry about you daughter

Name: Kristin
Referred by: Lycos
From: Maryland
Time: 1998-11-08 16:47:37
Comments: I actually found this internet site from searching the net to find articles and statistics regarding a paper I have to write for school. My Cultural Diversity Class watched a video entitled "The Truth About Drinking." I think it opened the eyes of some of the people in my class. I do not drink at parties with some of my friends. I do have to give them some credit that they never drink and drive but I still do not understand their need to drink in order to have a good time. I think if those who choose to drink read articles like yours on the net or by some other source would realize the effects their drinking has on themselves and most importantly others. I'm having my 18th birthday next weekend on the 15th of November and I am pleased to say I've never had a drink more then a sip of wine at a wedding to toast the bride and groom. In comparison to some of my friends that is pennies. I would like to send my deepest thoughts to you and I will keep your daughter Donette in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Thanks for your time :). @-->-->--

Name: Kristin
Referred by: Lycos
From: Maryland
Time: 1998-11-08 16:48:24
Comments: I actually found this internet site from searching the net to find articles and statistics regarding a paper I have to write for school. My Cultural Diversity Class watched a video entitled "The Truth About Drinking." I think it opened the eyes of some of the people in my class. I do not drink at parties with some of my friends. I do have to give them some credit that they never drink and drive but I still do not understand their need to drink in order to have a good time. I think if those who choose to drink read articles like yours on the net or by some other source would realize the effects their drinking has on themselves and most importantly others. I'm having my 18th birthday next weekend on the 15th of November and I am pleased to say I've never had a drink more then a sip of wine at a wedding to toast the bride and groom. In comparison to some of my friends that is pennies. I would like to send my deepest thoughts to you and I will keep your daughter Donette in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Thanks for your time :). @-->-->--

Name: eddie martinell
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Louisiana
Time: 1998-11-07 04:28:03
Comments: Sorry, to hear about this tragec story. The reason I found this site was to find information and pictures on drinking and driving for my persuasive speech in college. My speech is on designated driving. I'm sure the imformation that I have contained will persuade not all, but at least some to have a designated driver when going out. Persuading some is better than none. Thank you for having this site for my use and again I feel for you and your family. God Bless Eddie Martinell 18/m

Name: eddie martinell
Website: none
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Louisiana
Time: 1998-11-07 04:27:38
Comments: Sorry, to hear about this tragec story. The reason I found this site was to find information and pictures on drinking and driving for my persuasive speech in college. My speech is on designated driving. I'm sure the imformation that I have contained will persuade not all, but at least some to have a designated driver when going out. Persuading some is better than none. Thank you for having this site for my use and again I feel for you and your family. God Bless Eddie Martinell 18/m

Name: Jesse
Referred by: Clicked on our Banner Advertisement
From: Encinitas, CA
Time: 1998-11-05 03:00:10
Comments: I am sorry for all the losses people have been through. I am working on a school project about drunk drivers/driving, and I have really gotten into it. MADD is an awesome group, I found this page from a message board on MADD, perhaps if you haven't gone there yet you could. Just go to and click on conferences. My name on there is genius. I have never been affected by drunk drivers myself, but I have seen the pain people go through. You aren't alone in the fight.

Name: John Ellis
Website: Aimee's Home
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Arizona
Time: 1998-11-04 22:45:31
Comments: Hi Kathleen, very nice memorial. Decided it was about time I signed your guest book! Sorry for your loss, and that we had to meet under these circumstances, but I am glad I met you and that you shared your daughter's life with us. Talk to you soon! Love, John (BigJ)

Name: Germain
Website: Germain's Homie
Referred by: Lycos
From: Singapore
Time: 1998-10-24 13:46:39
Comments: I'm sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and my prayers will be with you.

Name: Julieanna
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: minnesota
Time: 1998-10-08 07:39:34
Comments: I was involved in a drunk driving accident myself. No one died, but my parents almost lost me. I was nine years old at the time. I had severe closed head injuries, a broken femur, and a broken ankle on my right leg. I was flown by helicopter to St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota. I was in a coma for three days. I had to stay in the hospital for three weeks, due to physical therapy and my head injuries. I had had a seizure in the copter, so they were on the lookout to see if I would have anymore. I was in a wheelchair for three months, due to the fact that I had a full length cast. I was put on crutches in January, after my cast had been removed and replaced with a knee length one. I had to learn to walk all over again, due to the fact that I had been in a cast for six months. I also had to undergo many tests to see if I had lost any of my memory and to determine how much damage had been done to my brain. I have lost a lot of childhood memories, but with the help of pictures, I'm beginning to slowly remember them, one by one. I just recently underwent an MRI and an EEG. These are just to check up on my brain and its scar tissue. Everything is fine. The driver who did this to me was never tested for alcohol because the cops knew him and he was from the town where it had happened. Instead, the cops pointed the finger at my grandmother, who had been driving, and asked that she take an alcohol test. This was an injustice that can and never will be resolved. I wasn't the only one hurt in the accident. My dad had broke four ribs and had a punctured lung. My cousin had damage done to his back and has to see a chiropracter weekly to help his pain. I don't remember the night of the accident and it's probably best that I don't. I think that the memories of that night will haunt me for the rest of my life as it is. I have scars from the pins that they put in my right leg. I also never grew to my full adult height. My leg hurts whenever it rains and I cannot run, due to the pain that I will endure afterwards. I had to have plastic surgery to remove the pin hole scars from my leg. I just hope that the guy who did this to me and my family will finally receive his punishment when he goes to heaven to be with our Lord. I think that that would be just.

Name: Sarah
Website: Preventable Deaths
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-09-27 03:49:38
Comments: Oh, my heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing the tragic story about your beautiful daughter. My prayers are the more we tell our stories......that maybe one life can be saved and one family can be spared from this horrible pain. IT IS NEVER OK TO DRINK AND DRIVE. My prayers to you and your family...may God bless and keep you.

Name: Helen
Website: In memory of Tina Marie
Referred by: Geocities
From: Mont
Time: 1998-09-24 06:10:26
Comments: Sorry for you loss. My cousin lost her daughter because of a drunk driver and it was so senseless. I lost my daughter, but not that way, but as a mother you know the loss is the same. My prayer are with you

Name: lauren giblin
Referred by: Geocities
From: Stoughton, ma
Time: 1998-09-24 01:57:04
Comments: Thank you sharing your personal tragic story with us. Hopefully more people will learn from the mistakes of others by people like you who stand up for causes. I have a question to ask you though. I am going to be speaking at a college in NY in October and I was wondering if I could read the poem "Undefended Victim." I was also hit by a drunk driver and was hoping to make a differnce to my peers. If this is okay, could you email it to me along with any ideas or help you could give me. Thank you. Lauren Giblin

Name: Debbie Price
Website: Save A Teen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas
Time: 1998-09-23 13:48:57
Comments: My heart goes out to you and so many others who have lost loved ones in such a tragic way. The tribute to your daughter is so beautiful. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May the angels of heaven surround you all. God Bless.

Name: Cindy Gettle
Website: The Gettle Family
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Houston, Texas
Time: 1998-09-23 04:03:46
Comments: Thank you for signing my guest book. I have been slowly but surely getting through all the sites on the PADD webring, it seems that I read one and another is added. It is sad to lose loved ones in such a senseless way. I am sorry for your loss. You have all been so kind! God Bless you and yours!

Name: JR's Mom
Website: In Loving Memory Of A Special Son
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas
Time: 1998-09-14 18:21:33
Comments: We lost our 16 year old son to a hit and run drunk driver two and one half years ago. We are here whenever you need someone to talk to.

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-09-14 03:04:32

Name: Christian Petterson
Website: Christian's Home On The Net
Referred by: Geocities
Time: 1998-09-08 09:24:37
Comments: ((((((((( Kathleen )))))))) I'm so sorry for your loss. It's my hope that by telling our stories to the world that we will be able to save someone.

Name: Mickeal
Website: Keep Smilin'
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Virginia
Time: 1998-09-06 16:42:06
Comments: God bless you and your family. I hope your family is doing good...any tragedy is difficult especially one that could have been prevented. I was involved in a MVA with a Drunk Driver. I don't know how I survived....still in therapy...but I'm just grafeful to life. Wishing u and your family well.

Name: Glenda Jayne
Website: Glenda's Getaway
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
From: Arlington, Texas
Time: 1998-09-04 04:01:40
Comments: I'm very touched by your story ...And know that together we can make a difference....I lost my husband to a drunk driver and two weeks and five hours later was rear ended by another drunk driver myself and am living with a spinal cord injury from that accident...*Angel Hugs*Glenda

Name: Chuck & Linda
Website: Survivors of a Drunk Driver
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Chicago
Time: 1998-09-04 01:27:11
Comments: Hi Kathleen...We would like to thank you for stopping by our page...I am truly sorry about the loss of your daughter, Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the people who have lost loved ones, when it could have been avoided by not drinking and driving!

Name: Kristopher Hale
Website: Kristopher Hale's Meeting With A DrunkDriver
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Arp, Texas
Time: 1998-09-03 04:06:15
Comments: I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your loved one. I hope one day we can win our fight against drunk drivers. Your other daughter had a lot of courage to stand up to her fellow class-mates and tell her feelings to the community. I thank her for her willingness to fight for our cause. I pray for your family and hope together we can help educate others against the dangers that we face everytime someone gets behind the wheel while drunk.

Name: brenda brown
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: kerman ca
Time: 1998-08-28 03:59:40
Comments: this is a beautiful tribute

Name: Candy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Michigan
Time: 1998-08-22 05:58:54
Comments: I was deeply moved by the memorial for your daughter. The poem entitled "The Undefended Victim" really hit home. My sister, Coral was killed October 7, 1993 by a woman who drove for over 10 years on a revoked license. She received one year in jail and was released in ten months. My sister has three children, the youngest was only 2 years old when she was killed. After almost five years, I am still devastated. I would like to create a web page and was moved to do so after reading your memorial to your daughter. I never met your daughter but I felt like I had after visiting your website. It took me out of myself and my own pain for awhile.

Name: Susan Peters
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Richmond, VA
Time: 1998-08-18 15:12:53
Comments: Kathleen, you emailed me last month. I have been busy with things (life!) and have not replied. I want you to know that your email meant a lot to me. Thanks for sending me your homepage address --it breaks my heart to see love ones that have been lost to some- thing so senseless, so avoidable. will write soon.--susan

Name: Judi
Website: Judi & Bill's Place....dedicated to the memory of our son
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: California
Time: 1998-08-10 18:09:28
Comments: Kathleen, There are no words adequate to express the saddness I feel about your tragic loss. Donette was a beautiful young women and you have made a beautiful tribute to her memory. Donette's sister Amanda wrote a heart wrenching editorial. It is so important to stop drunk driving before more lives are taken. I hope you are able to find some peace in your life. I pray that you will have continued strength as you journey down the long road of grief. My prayers are with you, Judi

Name: Bev
Website: Jonnathan Don't Drink and Drive
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Michigan
Time: 1998-08-08 14:33:51
Comments: I am thinking of you today ...heck I think all the time. I guess its hard to think 2 years have passed and I am sure it seems like yesterday. Want you to know you all are in my thoughts.

Name: betty
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: ma
Time: 1998-08-08 04:24:55
Comments: I just viewed your beautful yet tragic tribute to your daughter. I feel so profoundly sad for your family. My own daughter was in a similair crash with a small white car and your pictures were very similair. She was fortunate though and did survive. Now she has to deal with the drunk being set free by a technicality while she endures injuries that will be lifelong. Life is so difficult to understand. Your homepage is a beautiful tribute to your daughter. God bless your family and help you to bear this tremendous burden of grief.

Name: Mem
Website: Mems House
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Oregon
Time: 1998-08-03 20:46:05
Comments: Thank you for stopping by with the welcome. I had just recently found the PADD ring and think that it is truly a wonderful way to help provide links to the stories and information that we all have to share. I have bookmarked your page so that I may come back to it. what I have read has touched me deeply. I also use the MADD chat pages..under Maggie2u- Have found them a great source of information and sharing of thoughts and feelings. again thank you Mem

Name: keith barron
Website: keiths DUI page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: jax fl
Time: 1998-08-02 23:22:04
Comments: I have added a link to this page on my site Keith's Page!

Name: Jesse B Hutton
Website: Jesse
Referred by: From
From: Nashville Tennessee
Time: 1998-07-28 17:33:59
Comments: I visited your site and I wish there was something I could say about your loss but there really isn't anything that can be said. The only thing that can be done is to try to stop it from occuring in the future to others. I haven't lost no family member from it but I have lost dear friends from it. I am going to put a link to your site and some of the others on my drunk driving site. If you want to use any of the graphics on my site you are more and welcome to use them.

Name: monica
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: ga.
Time: 1998-07-22 21:49:15
Comments: hi. just checking the madd husband and father where killed june.28,1998 by a drunk driver in fl..2 kids and my mom and my self survived...i guess!!!!

Name: Mary Kearns Gilroy
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: New Jersey
Time: 1998-07-15 17:08:27
Comments: Hi Kathleen: I came from the MADD page to read Amanda's letter. There's a young lady in our chapter's area with the same kind of frustration about hypocrisy(sp)that Amanda has. I was trying to print it out to send to her. I wrote about it under Youth in Action. You raised wonderful daughters. There's nothing fair about the fact that you lost one to a drunk murderer. God bless - Mary (MADDmary)

Name: Brenda
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Minnesota
Time: 1998-07-15 13:35:20
Comments: Dear Amanda, I want to commend you for your beautiful and touching letter. It touched my heart in many different ways. But you sure did get your point across. If anyone reading this doesn't have a change of heart after reading this, they are a fool. I want to say "WAY TO GO GIRL!!!", you are one loving person. Keep up the good work, and don't let anyone, allow you to ever feel that you are a trouble maker. At least your words are sincere. That is more than I can say for our Justice system, and those ungrateful people who think that they are invincible. My 13 year old daughter was killed in 1988 by a man who claims that he had seen Annie on the side of the road to his left, and then all of a sudden she was flying through the air. He never saw her, and she never knew what hit her. This guy was stone-cold sober, but wasn't paying attention. When she was hit, she was on the shoulder of the right side of the road. Yet, the Justice system says that she was at fault because she was old enough to know better than to cross the road when she did. I also lost my 16 year old son, Justin, in 1996 and almost lost my 14 year old son to a drunk driver. Your words speak volumes. Keep up the good work. Brenda

Name: Brenda
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Minnesota
Time: 1998-07-15 13:33:37
Comments: Dear Amanda, I want to commend you for your beautiful and touching letter. It touched my heart in many different ways. But you sure did get your point across. If anyone reading this doesn't have a change of heart after reading this, they are a fool. I want to say "WAY TO GO GIRL!!!", you are one loving person. Keep up the good work, and don't let anyone, allow you to ever feel that you are a trouble maker. At least your words are sincere. That is more than I can say for our Justice system, and those ungrateful people who think that they are invincible. My 13 year old daughter was killed in 1988 by a man who claims that he had seen Annie on the side of the road to his left, and then all of a sudden she was flying through the air. He never saw her, and she never knew what hit her. This guy was stone-cold sober, but wasn't paying attention. When she was hit, she was on the shoulder of the right side of the road. Yet, the Justice system says that she was at fault because she was old enough to know better than to cross the road when she did. I also lost my 16 year old son, Justin, in 1996 and almost lost my 14 year old son to a drunk driver. Your words speak volumes. Keep up the good work. Brenda

Name: Brenda
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Minnesota
Time: 1998-07-15 13:31:32
Comments: Dear Amanda, I want to commend you for your beautiful and touching letter. It touched my heart in many different ways. But you sure did get your point across. If anyone reading this doesn't have a change of heart after reading this, they are a fool. I want to say "WAY TO GO GIRL!!!", you are one loving person. Keep up the good work, and don't let anyone, allow you to ever feel that you are a trouble maker. At least your words are sincere. That is more than I can say for our Justice system, and those ungrateful people who think that they are invincible. My 13 year old daughter was killed in 1988 by a man who claims that he had seen Annie on the side of the road to his left, and then all of a sudden she was flying through the air. He never saw her, and she never knew what hit her. This guy was stone-cold sober, but wasn't paying attention. When she was hit, she was on the shoulder of the right side of the road. Yet, the Justice system says that she was at fault because she was old enough to know better than to cross the road when she did. I also lost my 16 year old son, Justin, in 1996 and almost lost my 14 year old son to a drunk driver. Your words speak volumes. Keep up the good work. Brenda

Name: Brenda
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Minnesota
Time: 1998-07-15 13:29:43
Comments: Dear Amanda, I want to commend you for your beautiful and touching letter. It touched my heart in many different ways. But you sure did get your point across. If anyone reading this doesn't have a change of heart after reading this, they are a fool. I want to say "WAY TO GO GIRL!!!", you are one loving person. Keep up the good work, and don't let anyone, allow you to ever feel that you are a trouble maker. At least your words are sincere. That is more than I can say for our Justice system, and those ungrateful people who think that they are invincible. My 13 year old daughter was killed in 1988 by a man who claims that he had seen Annie on the side of the road to his left, and then all of a sudden she was flying through the air. He never saw her, and she never knew what hit her. This guy was stone-cold sober, but wasn't paying attention. When she was hit, she was on the shoulder of the right side of the road. Yet, the Justice system says that she was at fault because she was old enough to know better than to cross the road when she did. I also lost my 16 year old son, Justin, in 1996 and almost lost my 14 year old son to a drunk driver. Your words speak volumes. Keep up the good work. Brenda

Name: Bev
Website: Jonnathan Don't Drink and Drive
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Michigan
Time: 1998-07-15 02:37:53
Comments: Just wanted to say the letter to the community is a wonderful letter . I am so sorry that it even has to be done but until people LEARN that Drunk Driving kills we will have to continue and families will continue to suffer.

Name: jamie arrowood
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: south carolina
Time: 1998-07-15 01:05:41
Comments: thank you kathleen budd

Name: Kathy
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: North Carolina
Time: 1998-07-11 21:11:29
Comments: I had to stop and say that I am VERY sorry about your daughter, Donette. Seems that her life was touched numerous times by the evils of impaired drivers. It's an awful shame that these things continue and I praise all of you who take a stand against them. I pray to God to keep my children safe, as I know He keeps Donette now. ~God Bless~ Your Friend, Kathy

Name: Casey
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Live in TX
Time: 1998-07-11 20:36:49
Comments: Website is beautiful. My little sister was also killed at the age of four in Missouri by a drunk driver. It means a lot to me to have the opportunity to see all these nice websites being built as tributes and messages for other people not to drive drunk.

Name: gisele
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: gardner ma
Time: 1998-07-08 01:03:16
Comments: Hi Kathleen! what a beautiful page, and what a beautiful girl! you must miss her so. my daughter was killed by a drunk driver on her 16th birthday, November 26, 1996. lets keep working hard to keep this senseless slaughter from happening to others. God bless you, you're in my prayers.

Name: Angela
Website: Memory Rose ~ For Nadine
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Las Vegas
Time: 1998-07-07 04:22:10
Comments: Dear Kathleen,
I was deeply moved by your tribute to Donette. I'm very sorry for your loss. Thank you for the kind words you left in our guestbook. The warmth and caring of all our friends on the internet has been a comfort to my family. God bless you and your family.

Name: Cynthia
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: West Virginia
Time: 1998-07-02 17:16:29
Comments: Your page is a beautiful tribute. I also lost my daughter to a drunk driver *tears*.

Name: John Ellis
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Arizona
Time: 1998-07-01 20:16:59
Comments: Kathleen, your page is beautiful! Again, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know EXACTLY how you feel. Your daughter and mine were so close in age. I will never forget my daughter,and now that I've " met " yours, I know I will never forget her either. My heart bleeds for you like it does for my own daughter. I'm sure they have both met in heaven, and are watching over us all . Thank you for sharing her with us all. Love, John

Name: cj
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1998-06-29 01:20:17
Comments: All your pages are wonderful! I know Amanda "helped", and I'm just sorry for the reason behind Donnette's memorial. I hope this helps in preventing even more deaths from such stupidity.

Name: Desiree Johnson
Website: A.J.
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Baton Rouge, LA
Time: 1998-06-26 17:33:22
Comments: Kathleen I love the new format to your webpage! You and Amanda have done a wonderful job! It looks great. As always, you will always remain in my heart and in my prayers! God Bless You! Desiree

Name: Terri Olshefski
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 1998-06-19 18:53:35
Comments: I lost my baby cousin (20 years old) two weeks ago. She was going 80 miles an hour and never stopped - He didn't have a chance - his body - taking the full impact saved his little sister and we're grateful for that. Thank you.

Name: Nance
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: MT
Time: 1998-06-16 05:11:48
Comments: Got my copy of the spring MADD publication. Article on Victims Weave Online Web of Support. There was a address for Chat and I decided to check it out. Saw your poetry. It spoke to my heart. On Aug. 11, 1993 at 9:30pm I was driving my son, Stephen Jr.( 33 days short of 16 yr.) on a residential through street to say good bye for the school year to his best friend. We didn't make it. A 19 yr old repeat offender that had just completed a mandatory treatment course and received his license back, ran his second stop sign and hit our car at 65 mph. in Stephen's door with a truck. That night many lives changed course forever. I read some of the comments made about your bout with the justice system. Believe me when I say "been there, done that". It sounds like we had a bit more justice in court than you but it was a fight every inch of the way and we are still fighting in several arenas. For our own justice with the man who did this. With our states legislators, governor, Dept. of Corrections, school systems, MADD, Victim Impact Panels, Drivers Ed. classes and any place else the opportunity presents itself. We were members of the silent majority, quietly minding our own business, living our lives as best we could, and then a drunk....Yes our lives are forever changed, but maybe losing Stephen and nearly my own life woke us up to the war being waged against the innocent. We have thrown ourselves into the fight with all our resources. If our efforts have saved one other family from suffering such pain, then it has been worth it all. We will see Stephen Jr. again. Sometimes he paints me a beautiful sunset just to remind me that he's there and I yearn to leave this fussy world behind. The Lord says, "Not yet." Our entire state doesn't have a million people but is the 4th largest state in the union. Here one person's voice is loud and can be heard! I tried to find you or some of the others on ICQ, but didn't know how to go about it. I don't get on the computer much except to type letters or write papers. Now that I know these groups are out there I might try again. Will possibly sign up on the MADD CHAT where I first read some of your material. Keep reaching out, grieving in your own unique way. Everyone must seek what works for them and gives them some sense of peace. It will never be over, it just evolves and changes. Arm yourself with as many positive coping skills as you can muster and you'll make it. God Bless, Nance

Name: Jennifer Bain
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Stephenville, TX
Time: 1998-06-16 00:16:32
Comments: I am attending Tarleton State University. I am enrolled in a speech class where I am required to give a speech. I chose to do my speech over drunk driving because although I have never lost a loved one to an alcohol related accident, I believe that this is a very serious problem. I just wanted to say "thank you" for taking the time to make this info available. My heart goes out to all of the victims. I hope that I will be able to save someone's life by giving this speech to a group of college students by convincing them to think before getting behind the wheel intoxicated. Silently, if this should happen, I would like to dedicate the life saved by someone being responsible because of the shared information to one of the loved ones you and many others have lost. I don't have my E-mail set up yet, but my address is:Jennifer Bain RT 6 Box B-& Stephenville,TX 76401 Thank you again! I hope my speech will be able to touch someone.

Name: MSG James Volstad
Website: The Living vs. The Drubk Driver
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Naperville, IL
Time: 1998-06-13 00:37:38
Comments: Interesting page. I lived down in Creve Coeur, MO until recently. My USAR unit is in Louisville, KY.

Name: Joe Young
Website: Joe's Radio Control Boating Page
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Milan,IL.
Time: 1998-06-12 22:21:49
Comments: Hope some day soon can do as well at getting my thoughts on my page as you have done.Thanks and keep up the good work. We and hopfully those that come here will help get our laws changed so these drunk drivers can be stopped,they commit murder daily but get little or no punishment. God Bless you. Your new freind:Joe Young

Name: Kristin Crawford
Website: National Group Rides And Designated Drivers
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-06-09 01:15:31
Comments: Dear Kathleen, You and your daughter have put together a beautiful site in honor of Donette. Your strength is admired greatly. She is more than just a name on our Memorial Wall --- she is a loved friend that I wish I had had a chance to meet in person. Keep the strength and know that if there is ever anything I can do to please let me know. All my best, Kristin

Name: Sergeant George Cayer
Website: Sergeant George Cayer's Web-Site
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Rumford, Maine
Time: 1998-05-31 02:23:45
Comments: Kathleen,   I have just spent some time on your page and your daughter Amanda's page. I am very sorry for your loss. I will never figure out what will posses a person to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle after having consumed alcohol, drugs or both. Thanks you for signing my guestbook. Keep up your fight to get the impaired violator off the road, fight for stricter penalties and if there is anything that you would like me to put on my site, just let me know

Name: Tasha Piontek
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-05-30 01:37:18
Comments: God Bless you and your family. You will be together again one day.

Name: Peggie Bouse
Website: My Memories...My Sons...
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Wyalusing Pennsylvania
Time: 1998-05-28 21:13:58
Comments: What a beautiful page!!! And a tribute to your loss, please keep up the fight to help rid our roads of these Murderers, together we can and will make a difference.....Peace to you and your family Peggie

Name: Beki Pouget
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Westland, Mi
Time: 1998-05-28 01:05:34
Comments: Kathleen, Thank you for the help. I'll pass the information on to Joe's mom. I'll see her at the cemetary tomorrow, it's Joe's 25th Birthday. I couldn't find the other geocities address, it said it didn't exsist. I'll try again Thanks, Beki

Name: Peggie Bouse
Website: My Memories...My Sons...
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Wyalusing Pennsylvania
Time: 1998-05-23 23:21:55
Comments: Hi Kathleen, Just checked my page and saw your message and at the same time I found out you had your own page.........your page is a beautiful and a touching tribute to your daughter and all the others who lost thier lives or were injured due to a horrible and selfish act . Being an advocate/activist myself I know exactly where you are coming from......and as long as we all stick together we can and will make a difference. That is my dream and goal to get the Drunk Driving Murderers off the road, and won't rest until I do and hopefully together we can prevent another parent the pain and/or loss we will live with for the rest of our lives. Great Job on this page!!!!!! Love and Peace Peggie Bouse P.O.Box 362 Wyalusing Pa 18853 Bradford County MADD/CAT

Name: Jenn (Mrs. C)
Website: Mrs. C's
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Toronto
Time: 1998-05-11 00:16:14
Comments: Hi there!

Thanks for visiting TWIG and signing our guestbook! I would very much like to have you join our group, if you are so inclined.

I have just finished reading about your daughter Donette, and the senseless way she lost her life. I am so sorry for your loss - and I can't help feeling a terrible rage against the utterly brainless people who drive drunk. It's unfortunate that they are the ones who live, while the innocent die.

I think you are a very strong lady, and your family seems to be held together with some strong stuff. :)

Women trying to make a difference

Name: ccmadd
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1998-05-08 01:34:17
Comments: Beautiful graphics! Sorry there was this reason for Donette's page.

Name: Wolfechick
Website: Wolfechick's Page!!!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Myrtle Beach, SC
Time: 1998-04-25 22:55:23
Comments: Great page! I loved it. The page on your daughter Donette was very moving, I was on the verge of tears and I'm sorry that you lost her. I'd say I understand, but I don't. I enjoyed your page greatly and will definatly come back.

Name: Jake Stouffer
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1998-04-23 04:43:20
Comments: I am deeply saddened by the loss of life both here and everywhere. No one deserves to die because of one. My prayers are with you and yours.

Name: Teresa
Website: Troy 1986-1996 Don't Drink and Drive
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Fort Campbell, KY
Time: 1998-04-05 07:08:04
Comments: Had to come to your home page and visit it again, so I could put my new homepage address...the old is still up, but this one is the 'new and improved' version. I want to take this opportunity to thank Kathleen and the rest for all the support and help that they have provided to me. As a team, I think we are pretty darn invincible. Teresa

Name: Judy Everitt
Website: Shane's Page
Referred by: From
From: Bath New York
Time: 1998-03-30 01:25:24
Comments: Kathleen thanks for being a friend, we are all in this together with one thought in mind and that is to STOP DRUNK DRIVING. Our kids didn't stand a chance but together maybe we can save someone elses child!!

Name: Sagasha
Website: The TBI Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Detroit
Time: 1998-03-28 01:18:36
Comments: Hi, Keep the fires burning.

Name: Bev
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Waterford Mi
Time: 1998-03-22 06:26:06
Comments: Hi Kathleen I found it I am so proud!! I wil be back...good luck! I know it will be beautiful!

Name: Melissa
Website: Joanne Linder Memorial Site
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Texas
Time: 1998-03-22 03:16:21
Comments: Kathleen, I read your entry and saw you left a homepage address so I checked it out. I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. As much I'm sure as you are to hear about my sister. But I'm thankful that there are so many resources out there to help with the grief and the issue of drunk driving. I was really impressed with the poem on the page. Did you write that? I'd like to add it to my page(with due credit of course). Feel free to email me. I also linked to your site from mine, if thats something you'd rather not do than just let me know that too! Take care. PS I like your name..Kathleen is my middle name:)

Name: Teresa
Website: Teresa's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ks, originally
Time: 1998-03-22 01:50:28
Comments: Hi Kathleen, I like your page. Unfortunately, it is happening to too many of us...all we can do is continue to fight the battle. Keep the faith. Teresa

Name: Don Valone
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1998-03-22 01:44:46
Comments: Very nice page wish i could get mine stared. I'M so sorry for why this is here but i am happy to have met you Kathleen. Any time i can be of help to you or your family please don't hesietate to ask

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