Leslie G. Helms & Townes Brownlee
of Anderson, South Carolina
proud owners of....

Pretty Girl Skyler

Shih Tzu Photo (9K)

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Hey, my name is Skyler!!! My mom sometimes likes to call me Sky Sky!!! I will be 5 months old on February the 16th. I have a wonderful sense of humor and I love to make my mommy and daddy laugh. I am very well trained because I was taken to puppy class. I know how to sit/stay, heel, and lay down. Mommy thinks that I will soon be able to do these tricks without treats but she has another thing coming. I'm not saying that I don't get in trouble because sometimes I get yelled at. I guess I just don't understand why I can't play in the muddy ditch behind my house. All I'm doing is trying to get this thing out of my hair. Oh well, I'm going to go...I think I just heard mommy say that she was going to take me for a car ride!!! See you later!!!

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