Steve & Kelly Tobey
of Moorpark, California
proud owners of....


Shih Tzu Photo (18K)

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On October 2, 1995 our beloved 6 year old Shih Tzu lost her fight with Lymphoma. She was a priceless gem and can never be replaced, and she holds a very special place in our hearts. She was our baby and she made us into a family. She was a special little creature who brought joy and love to all who knew her. She needed very little but gave so much. We miss her gentle doggy kisses, her special "puppy strechies" greeting, and her snuggling with us in bed at night. We miss her special way of telling us she needed to go outside and when she needed fresh water. She meant the world to us, and now that she's gone there is a hole in our hearts which can never be filled. No one can ever replace her, and no one ever will. Our little angel is now in heaven, and although she is gone she will NEVER be forgotten.

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