Introduction November 2001

Hallo, My name is Clive, however when I was a little boy my name was shortened to Clivey.

This is me with my Mum, Sophie, we were both a little younger then when my Dad, Ziggie, filmed us with his movie camera in 1941.

Here is Dad and my Brother Steve.

Steve was a little camera shy then, but here he is a few years later, this time waving.

Steve and I were the first genuine DAVNOBS in our immediate family. (You see Mum was a DAVidson and Dad was a NOBle.

For those who don't realise the implications of this statement, I suggest a quick tour of the DAVNOB magazine is in order.

Well, that's the immediate family, I'm now grown up, they told me it would happen or maybe they were making a request that it should happen, and 38 years ago I fell in love with and married

The Lovely Wendy (aka Wen)

After a few years we had three great kids, Jonathan, Ruth and Benjamin but following our family tradition they are called Yom, Ruthie and Benj.(from Rt to Lt)

For a period of one month in 1989, they all happened to be in the Army together.

Ruthie was married in 1993 to Paul. He is called Paul by us all. Here they are 'together', Paul at his BarMitzvah in 1980 and Ruthie at her BatMitzvah in 1981

Their family name is Schuster, and they have two delightful children, Tommy is 7, and Amy is 5.

Tommy and Amy are also Davnobs, but technically speaking they are the first genuine NOBSTERS.

Yom is married to Zippi.

Right, now you know most of the characters in the story, you should be able to piece together the photographs that appear on the Gallery Pages that follow. If there are any comments or questions, please email me.

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