The DAVNOB Weekend Pt.1
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August 1998
On the weekend of 19th to 21st June, DavNobs gathered in Huntingdon, near Cambridge for an incredible family reunion. They flocked from many parts of the world to be together, renew acquaintences and share old family stories from the past, and even create new ones.
All the participants were direct descendants (and partners) of Avram Chaim & Hanna Davidovitz and Shlomo & Ray Noble.

I'm sure a full report will be found in The Official Davnob Website, so I'll restrict this update to a few photos of the participants.
The pictures below were taken at one of the first sessions, on the Friday Evening. It started with Sophie lighting the Shabbat candles,

Followed by David reciting the Kiddush. (For a change we had a nice dry Burgundy!)

After this, everyone introduced themselves.
Steve, Sophie, Edie and Minnie
Sadie, Rob, Maggy & Steve
Gary, Phil Dz, Sadie & Rob
Judy Gr, Jamie, Gary & Phil Dz
Laurie, Chris, Martin & Judy Gr
Colin, Catherine, Laurie, Chris & Martin
Wendy, Nochi, Colin & Catherine
Philip Dn, Wendy & Nochi
(standing)Philip Dn & Nick, (seated)Wendy, Nochi & Colin
Fancis, Jeremy, Lionel & Timna's head
Timna, Nancy & Wendy
Jeremy, Timna, Nancy & Rachel
Sam, Jeremy & Timna (Francis & Lionel in Background)
Jonathan Dn, Sam (very confused!) & Jeremy
Benjy, Paul (hiding), Dave & Jonathan Dn
Zippy, Benjy, Paul & Dave
Zippy, Benjy & Paul
Jonathan N, Zippy & Benjy
Daniella, Roger & Jonathan N
Steffi, Mary & Daniella
Joan, Ruth, Paul & Steffi
Joan & Ruth
Charlie, Judy F & David
Minnie, Charlie & Judy
Clive & Nick
We then learned the DavNob Song, CLICK HERE TO HEAR IT!(It'll take a minute or so!)
Part 2 will follow shortly, with more pictures from the Saturday sessions, exhibition and evening programme.
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