We are a born-again, Christian family who love the Lord. Here is a little bit about each one of us....
Dennis - This is my beloved husband. We've been married since August 1989. He is a great husband and wonderful father. He used to be in the Air Force until 1994. His job keeps him very busy but any spare time he has, he spends with his family. He is a definite family man.
Stephanie - She turned 16 this year. She was homeschooled her sophomore year of high school and now her junior year. She was on the volleyball team the first semester. She's a typical teenager. Loves to talk on the phone, go shopping, do fun stuff! She is my daughter from my first marriage. She has her own homepage. Come visit her!
Emily - This is our little girl who weighed in at 10 lbs, 14 oz!! But oh is she ever so petite now! She is 7 years old and in the first grade now. She took one year of ballet and tried out gymnastics. She loves to watch movies, play with friends and do crafts.
Luke - We call him "Bud" a lot. He just turned 5 years old. A bit shy but loves playing with friends. He enjoys riding his bike and playing ball. He used to be in gymnastics with his sister. Bugs are one thing he likes, especially smashing them! He loves chips, could eat them all day long if we let him!
And I'm Terry. I'm a stay-at-home Mom now since Emily's birth. Prior to that, I worked full-time since I was 18. God has led me to homeschool our children the fall of '97 and form a support group. I love staying home with our kids and having the responsibility of making it our home. I love the computer and just being with my family.