A Poem for Father's Day
He held the newborn infant in his arms
counted ten tiny toes
and ten tiny fingers

perfect new daughter
perfect young father
both realizing they needed each other

Homemade dress blowing behind her
in the breeze
playing on the new yellow swing set
running to make castles in the sand

Daddy covering the driveway’s scratches
on her knees with colored bandaids
opening his arms after fights with friends
and giving his shoulder when she cried

his little girl

Shiny new jackknife hanging from her belt
older girls needed them for day camp
and she was older now

she was growing up

Curling irons, big bangs and tight-rolled jeans
the 80’s slipping out of her hands
as the 90’s rolled in where she was to

become a woman

High heeled shoes and brand-new dresses
new friends new experiences and dates
cars and privileges and the loss of

his little girl

as her goals became real
instead of little girl fantasies
and she still came to Daddy
knowing he would understand

He watched her pack and
get ready to leave
Taking all those memories
along with her; into another new world,
one he could not follow her into

and the conversations changed
into talk
of careers and life and what it meant
instead of doll houses and
school concerts

and when your kids grow up
it changes
and neither one of you understands how
and no one can explain

but that bond is still there
the one the perfect infant knew
that the perfect father understood
that they needed each other

and that a daughter will always love her father

Love, Jill - Father’s Day 1997

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