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- 06/12/99 02:49:10


Jane - 04/01/99 06:29:56

Hi! I am the Nana of a preciouse little girl with Down Syndrom. Her name is Tayah and she is a great kid. She is three years old and going to headstart. Tayah also had open heart surgery at three months. She came through with flying colors and contin es to thrive. It was pretty scary those first three months watching her suffer with conjestive heart faliure. She was a real surprise to us, because she was my daughters first child. We were so dumb, we thought only older moms had DS babies. We have s nce gotten quite an education. She is a sweetheart!! Your Sara is absolutely adorable. God Bless!!

Christel Paulsen - 03/21/99 21:52:09

My Sara is almost 5 month now, she is also born with trisomi 21. Its nice to hear/ read that another Sara out there is doing well.

- 02/12/99 14:54:42


10/03/98 23:21:22

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Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
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Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Jean Macchia - 07/23/97 04:20:52 GMT
My URL:http://www>

Hi Bev, Just wanted to let you know I was here!

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