Welcome to the Neuweiler Family's home page
Meet our oldest daughter Emma Joy YuanMeng
Emma was born November 19, 1995 near YiChun City in Jiangxi, China. The photo on the left is the one we received with our referral. She was about two months old when it was taken. Emma arrived home in southern New Jersey on July 2, 1996. The photo on the right was taken in June,2000 following her preschool graduation. Emma's best friend Danyel and her brother Matt were surprise attendees.
and her little sister, Elizabeth Anastasia
Elizabeth was born on October 24th, 1996 in Surgut, Russia, a city in western Siberia. We first saw Elizabeth on video when she was about two months old. Four months later, on April 29th, Libby came home. The picture on the left was taken that same week. The one on the right was taken in May, 2000.
For more photos of our darling daughters click here!
Read more about our family's adoption journey(coming soon)
Visit some of our favorite sites:
Families with Children from China
Adoption Travel
This site will always be under construction. Two little ones and two full time jobs keep us very busy but we will try to update when we can. Come visit again soon!