Al Khamsa Arabian Horses |
by Joe Ferriss and Dave Bohart used with permission Originally published in the January 1990 issue
of the Al Khamsa magazine,
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Sometimes one mare can make a difference especially if it is the important link to something rare and significant in Arabian bloodlines. Such describes the Al Khamsa mare Sahanad (Abu Hanad x Sahabet). She is pivotal in the preserva- tion of the Davenport-Hamidie ancestral element combination and breeding group as outlined by Garda Favara's article The Davenport-Hamidie Breeding Group in the January 1987 Khamsat (volume 4 number 1). But Sahanad was also featured as a key mare in the "Raswan Collection" as noted in Carol Lyon's article The Raswan Collection-A Cosmopolitan Selection in the August 1988 Khamsat (volume 5 number 3). These accolades would be enough to make her noteworthy but in fact she was also a very prolific broodmare owned by a number of breeders and in every place that she made her home she made her presence felt in her much admired produce. The result is what we have in Al Khamsa Sahanad's blood coming down in a number of different ways depending on the sires of her produce. A little background on Sahanad: She was foaled February 25, 1959. She was a black mare bred by Stephen Bonovich of California. Sahanad died in 1984. She produced a total of 15 foals over a 21 year span, 7 of which were Al Khamsa. Of these seven, 3 were daughters and 4 were sons as follows:
Sahanad's Al Khamsa Sons:
All four of Sahanad's sons have registered get. Unfortunately Sahanad's daughter, Sadie Thompson died early in a tragic accident so only two producing Al Khamsa daughters of Sahanad remain. I spoke with Trucilla Enz of Illinois who for a number of years was the owner of Sahanad and breeder of a number of her Al Khamsa foals and she had some interesting highlights for me. She said that she had acquired Sahanad from her breeder Stephen Bonovich and up to that t e had not had any Al Khamsa foals. Trucilla noted that not only was Sahanad an extremely beautiful mare but she had a magnificent temperament that is almost beyond words. Sahanad beamed with an angelic like kindmess toward everyone and other horses as well. She would gladly accept any other mare's foal. She was an extremely quiet mare with a very loving nature. These exceptional qualities of kind temperament she passes on consistently even when she is 3 generations removed. Trucilla is essentially responsible for saving the Sahanad blood in Al Khamsa. When she first acquired Sahanad, she had the imported stallion *Adhem (Alaa El Din x Zabia) to breed to her. Trucilla was later urged by Davenport breeders to preserve her breeding also in combination with Davenport breeding so Trucilla leased Sahanad to Dr. Fred Mimmack who at the time had the stallion Kamil Ibn Salan (Salan x Schada). Due to unforseen circumstances Trucilla had to part with Sahanad so she sold her to Ernest Golden who bred her last two Al Khamsa foals. In a phone converstion with Dave Bohart of Idaho a while back I discovered that he was at that time the owner of one of Sahanad's "missing" daughters, Sahanade (by *Adhem), whose ownership and location were previously unknown. This discovery was good news as it provided another source of Sahanad's blood for Al Khamsa breeders. Dave provides us with some interesting additional Background information on Sahanad as follows: "The foundation mare from which Sahanad traces is *Wadduda born in 1899. The most famous mare of the Davenport importation and a renowned war mare, she had the scars of battle as proof. *Wadduda's daughter Aared (sired by *Obeyran of the Hamidie importation), produced Sedjur (x *Hamrah) who through her daughter Bint Sedjur and granddaughter Bint Sahara have left one of the most outstanding lines in show ring history. Aared's granddaughter Jadur (Jadaan x Sedjur) produced Sahabet who is the dam of Sahanad. "Sahanad's first 7 foals were not by Al Khamsa sires and also her last foal in 1984. Sahanad's first Al Khamsa daughter is Aziza Serr Anadah owned by Diane Acox, who was foaled in 1973, a black mare by *Adhem, a black stallion imported from Egypt by the highly regarded Alaa El Din. Through 1989 Aziza Serr Anadah has produced 11 foals(5 black) including 4 daughters who have all produced foals themselves two of which are triple Sahanad! They are found throughout the U.S. from California, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, Minnesota, to Illinois and elsewhere." "As regards the 'missing' Sahanad daughter, Sahanade she was literally found in the deep woods of Oregon and had produced no foals by the age of seven. Sahanade was foaled in 1978 by *Adhem x Sahanad and she was Sahanad's first Al Khamsa daughter, Aziza Serr Anadah." "Sahanade came here to Idaho in 1985 and was bred to the bladk/bay straight Egyptian stallion Moss Hill Karim (Sar Fadl Halim x Sar Fa Mora) resulting in the 1986 black filly, Sahanadah (a show champion). In 1987 Sahanade produced another filly, the chestnut Bint Bint Sahanad (lst place winner), by the imported straight Egyptian stallion *Hatef(*Sultann x Ibtsam) and in 1988 Sahanade produced another filly, the chestnut colt Ibn Bint Adhem. Sahanade is now owned by Wil and Leslie VanHook of Nampa, Idaho who are justifyably proud of her." With her late start, Sahanade has some way to go to catch up with her prolific sister Aziza Serr Anadah, but she has made an excellent start and has helped to assure a solid Al Khamsa continuation of the tail female line of a very worthy mare, Sahanad. Below is a partial family chart of Sahanad's two producing daughters.
Trucilla Enz described the persistence of Sahanad's wonderful qualities passed on for many generations and this no doubt has won many admirers of her descendants. The fact that this much loved mare is strongly influencing grandchildren and beyond, makes it understandable that her blood has survived in Al Khamsa. Those who own her descendants are among her staunchest admirers. Nathan and Robin Howard of Steedman, Missouri have based their breeding program essentially around line breeding to Sahanad. Writes
"We purchased our Foundation mare there - Vaneta Sphar (Aziza Malachi x Aziza Sahaba) a Black Al Khamsa/ 'Blue List'. She is a 1st generation pure-in-the -strain Saglawi Al Abd and a TRIPLE Sahanad great granddaughter. Later we also purchased, Vaneta's full sister - Ansota Jolene." "I didn't realize what I had until Carol Lyons told me. She very generously helped me meake a smooth transition into Al Khamsa horses. I very much liked what I saw in the Sahanad descendants thus we based our current breeding program on helping to preserve and concentrate the Sahanad blood within Al Khamsa. Through Sahanad we are also preserving the tail female *Wadduda, Sedjur, and Saglawi Al Abd strain which is quite rare. I like the Blacks but don't want to give up quality just for color. Having the Black color is the 'icing on the cake'." "Next came the search for a stallion to fit into such a program. After a long search we found El Ad Bataa (El Bataas Epitomy x Aziza Serr Anadah) our Black Al Khamsa/'Blue List' stallion in Oklahoma. Bataas dam -Aziza Serr Anadah - is Vaneta's Grandmother 2 times. Bataa is also a 1st generation pure-in-the=strain Saglawi and a Sahanad Grandson. Though young, he is showing great promise and we're very excited about his future as a sire in our Sahanad program." "The foals we hope to produce will have multiple crosses to Sahanad (4) and will be 2nd generation pure-in-the-strain Saglawi. We're excited about this program and the future." Another admirer and breeder of Sahanad's family is Diane Acox of Tuttle, Oklahoma who owns her first born Al Khamsa daughter, Aziza Serr Anadah. Diane writes. "Aziza Serr Anadah is a wonderful mare with regal beauty and the attitude of a queen. Indeed she is the 'queen' here, the ruling mare of my little band. She has a wonderful disposition which she passes on to her foals along with her long neck and beautiful carriage and presence. She is my treasure, my tent mare. What more can I say than that!" Perhaps
the best testimony to the preservation of this rare female line is that
one mare like Sahanad can make a difference. She has won many admirers
and enlisted some dedicated breeders so that there is a sound opportunity
for this family to be enjoyed in the future.
Stormmy's Stable |
Oakwood Park Arabians |