Last updated 1/04/01 
All Horses are Tail Female Sahanad,
whos tail female line traces back to the Great War Mare *Wadduda

This is the HOME location for the Photo Alblem

Welcome!!! This page is in progress but I wanted to get something out there to start with. Putting this together has been a real journey down memory lane for us. So many photos and even horses long since forgotten. This page will change as we continue to work on this project. We have yet to decide how best to present the many photos. For starters these small thumbnail versions of some while we decide where to go from here. As you will see, there are very few professional photographs so look accordingly. 

1959 Black Mare


Tail female:Wadduda

Strain: Saglawi
Sub strain: al-abd

Photo of Sahanad

This portion of the site is divided into three THUMBNAIL pages and INDIVIDUAL horse pages.

A page of Stallion thumbnails to give you an idea of what some of the Sahanad line stallions look like. You cannot go to a horses particular set of photos from the thumbnails yet.
A page of Mare humbnails to give you an idea of what some of the Sahanad line mares look like. You cannot go to a horses particular set of photos from the thumbnails yet.
A page of Gelding thumbnails to give you an idea of what some of the Sahanad line geldings look like. You cannot go to a horses particular set of photos from the thumbnails yet.
A linage page listing the horses by name. This is where you might want to go if you are looking to see photos of a particular horse who's name you already know. Or go here to find who the individual horses are and where they fit in the tail female line of Sahanad. This is also where you will link to the individual horse pages.
The individual horses pages. These pages will have photos and some basic information on the individual horses if we have any. These pages are accessed by their URL or from the two pages above. Please keep in mind that these are blowups from amature photos and view accordingly. 


Linage Page