Ron Cooper's Website
Hi there and thanks for looking at this webpage.  I am using this website primarily as a means to post latest news and pictures.

I retired in Oct '98 to Coarsegold California.  My wife Lori became diagnosed with cancer a year later, and together we fought this disease until Aug 15th, 2002 when my dear Lori finally lost her long struggle.  Fortunately, we had moved from California to Midlothian, Virginia in June of 2002 so that we could be near two of our daughters and 9 grandchildren.

I am now proud to be the grandfather of 13 wonderful grandchildren (7 boys, 6 girls) from my 3 daughters and my son.  I am grateful beyond words for their presence in my life.
All grandkids except Seth Parker
Ron's Favorite Links:
Movie DataBase
My PHOTOS Website
Language Translator
About me:
Name: Ronald C. Cooper