
The meaning of Navy football

1999 was a disappointing year for Navy fans.  Not because of the way the Mids played; they played exceptionally well - all of their losses save one were by less than a touchdown.  No, our disappointment - as always - was at the incredibly and often blatantly stupid officiating....for example, we beat Notre Dame, but once again the zebras - or should I say the head linesman - beat us.    And where was the "delay of game" call when Air Force took so long unpiling, in an obvious (to everyone except - surprise! - the zebras) attempt to run out the clock before the last play of the game?


Fine.  We'll show 'em ALL this year...!!   In the meantime, let's talk about...

Navy football!

Navy players 2000
Navy's opponents in 2000
Navy players in the NFL

this site has not recieved the official okey-dokey from anyone who is in any way associated with Navy football.