Annapolis, Maryland
an historical city and a registered National Historic Landmark, is known as The Ancient City.
It was in Annapolis that The Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the American Revolution; it was also here, in the Maryland statehouse,
that George Washington resigned his commission as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. The oldest incorporated municipality
in Maryland - and the only Maryland city whose charter was issued under the Royal seal - Annapolis served as the capital of the
United States from November 1783 to August 1784.
But of course, Annapolis is most well known as being home to the
United States Naval Academy.
Take a virtual tour of "The Yard " and see the school that has launched Presidents, American Naval legends, astronuats...plus a few famous
sports figures.

In July 1862 President Abraham Lincoln, recognizing the need to
properly see to the final resting places of theose men who died in the
service of their country during the Civil War, signed into law an Act authorizing the establishment of a National
Cemetery system. Annapolis National Military Cemetery
is one of the original fourteen cemeteries established under the Act.
Hiya...I'm Mike. It's been said that I have a diverse range of interests...to which I
say, "how true, how true...". This website is merely one of them.
Here are few more of my diverse interests:

- M.P. Moller Pipe Organ Company -I had the chance to visit the Moller factory in the early 1980s and took some
pictures. Unfortunately I've misplaced a lot of the pictures, but I found a few - and here they are. See how the most-recognized type of organ pipes - the round metal flue pipes -
are made. Also see a windchest from start to finish. A piece of Maryland - and music - history, as Moller went bankrupt in the early 1990s.

- Navy Football!! True college football!
The football players at Navy - like their counterparts at Army and Air Force - are in school to become officers in
the United States armed forces - not to train for the NFL.   They are true student-athletes.

- railroads -
history, photography etc., particularly the Baltimore and Ohio and the Pennsylvania railroads.
Click on "railroads" to see photographs and maps of Camden Yards - the railroad facility, not the baseball park. Also check out
my graphics of B&O color-position light signal aspects per the 1941 rulebook (you'll also find some photographs of this type of signal.

- Say...are you having trouble with your web page? Haven't started a web page because you don't know how? Your troubles are over!
Well, maybe not over, but at least on their way to being greatly lessened. I have here, in my handy bag o' tricks right here on my page o' stuff, a
simple yet comprehensive HTML TUTORIAL. I discuss basic HTML tags - text handlers, as I call them - plus GRAPHICS, SOUND,
Major David Irvin Wright United States Air Force |

Service in the United State Navy is a proud tradition in my family on both parents' sides.
My maternal great grandfather sailed to the United States from his birthplace in France in 1863 and enlisted in
the United States Navy ; he served for the duration of the Civil War, and on until he retired in October 1885.
My father, Itto Calo - a first-generation American - joined the U. S. Navy in 1941 and served throughout World War II, after which he re-enlisted, serving in the Korean and Vietnam wars
and retiring in 1967.
As a tribute to my own family members and to all the men and women who have sailed into harm's way on the decks of America's warships,
I have created this navy memorial page.
John Philip Sousa (1854 - 1932) - the most famous composer of marches in
the world, also wrote other types of music and authored seven books.
Visit our
page and hear some of his works. Some of the names may not be
familiar, but the tunes will be!
Everyone knows there are 50 states in the United States; they also
know that each of the states is represented by a star in the blue field
of the American flag. But do you know which of the stars is your state's star?
Click on the 50th star, below, to find out...and to learn some interesting things about
all fifty states!
Honor the flag !
© 1996 It's not "just a bunch of colored cloth sewn together". The American flag is the
banner under which thousands of men and women have fought and died. Its white stripes are the bandages which bound their battle wounds;
its red stripes are colored with their blood; its star-studded field of blue is the heaven into which they stared with dimming eyes as they laid,
dying, on foreign soil. When you see the stars and stripes snapping ferociously in a stiff winter gale, or waving lazily on a warm summer breeze,
remember the men and women who fought - and those who died - so that "bunch of colored cloth" could fly so freely.
The author is a member of
Well, that's my page. I hope you enjoyed your visit.
Until next time, I wish you...
fair winds and following seas
folks have visited since April 15, 1997
(thanks for being one of them!)
Last updated Sunday, December 6, 1998
John Philip Sousa
America First
obtained from
Sousa music page