The CUSHINGS are our Irish ancestry. The original ancestor to this Country is Edward(2) John CUSHNAGHAN. On the passenger list of the ship, the William Rathbone, he is listed as Edward Cashnaghan. His petition for naturalizationfirst has the name as CUSHNIL, then changed to CUSHMAN and changes to CUSHING by the 1870 birth of son Daniel. According to Edward CUSHING's naturalization papers, he was born in County Antrim, (no town listed) Ireland in March, 1829.
He was the son of Edward(1) CUSHNAGHAN and his wife Mary CULLEN.
In 1833 an Edward CUSHNAGHAN, wife Mary McCULLOCH and their two children, Edward and Jane arrived in Canada. The ages match our Edward here. A possible cousin, Ron CUSHMAN in Ontario and I are tracing this family. Ron has the death registrations of Edward(1) CUSHNAGHAN and his wife Mary McCULLOCH in Ontario and is searching for their graves. They may be our Edward's parents.
Here is a picture of Edward(2) and his wife Mary (SAVAGE)
in front of the house that he built. 
Edward(2) CUSHMAN and Mary SAVAGE were married in 1854 in Dorchester, MA, USA. Mary died in 1908 and Edward died in Dorchester, MA in 1921. They are both buried in St. Mary's Cemetery in Quincy, MA. USA.
Here is a picture of his resting place.
The stone reads
Edward Cushing
1929 -
Mary, his wife
1832 - 1908
Their children
Edward Mary
Margaret Robert
Edward CUSHING's parents were Edward CUSHNAGHAN and Mary CULLEN from County Antrim, Ireland. I don't have any further information YET on the Ireland part. Edward (1829-1921) came to the US in 1851. A brother Daniel CUSHING also came to Boston, MA a few years later (1866).
Here is a picture of Helen Dorothy (always known as Dorothy), Viola and Leo, Edward's grandchildren. Leo is the child of Edward's son, Daniel Leo CUSHING and his first wife, Helen (GOWARD) CUSHING. (Helen) Dorothy is the second child of Daniel Leo and his second wife, Anna (LARSSON) CUSHING. Viola PETERSON is the child of Anna and her first husband. The children are sitting in the backyard of 108 River Street, Mattapan, MA when Dorothy was about 2-3, Viola around 7 and Leo around 12. A rough guess would put this picture around summer 1913 when Dorothy would have been almost 3 (October).

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Peg Buckman