
She is the oldest of our 5 cats. She is a very spoiled baby (guess its
because when our daughter got her for me my husband was overseas at the
time and she got all of my undevoted attention). She loves to chew any
type of plastic bags, you know the kind that bread comes in.

Then there is little miss Baby Bea who is almost 3 years
old and if I must say is one of the smallest cats I have ever seen. Yes
your eyes are seeing correctly, she loves to hide in unusual places but sometimes gets caught. She is the trouble maker of the 5 but if you
ask my husband he would tell you oh no not his Baby Bea (since she is his
cat), :-)

Next we have Ransum, who our daughter rescued from the local
animal shelter (thats how she got her name). She was the wildest cat we
had ever seen, she always liked hiding in the artifical plants (but now Baby Bea does that, teehee) in the house
but after a few months of lots of love she is now one of the most affectionate
of them all. She will even come to you if you whistle (a special sound
for her).

Good ole laid back CoCo. He is the only male of the 5 cats
and he couldn't give a care to the world. His day consists of sleeping
and eating. He is not the friendlist of cats, he especially doesn't like
men or I should say my husband and son, lol. But time and again he will
come to me and let me itch under his neck but at the first noise he is
off and running.

And last but not leastShelby,who
is the sweetest most loving cat anyone would ever want. She purrs the loudest of any cat we have ever heard. Shelby
is the big eater of the five in fact when she finishes her bowl she will just go around an push the others away from
theirs and eat it to, someday she'll be on weight watchers are such, ;0)

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