The Cats (and the D*g!)For those of you that don't know my cats, I will give you a short introduction. Kitty is our oldest kitty. She is an eighteen year old black and brown tabby. She was found by my sister at a McDonalds in London, Ontario. While she can be an ornery cat, she is usually quite affectionate as long as my other cats are not around. Kitty passed away on October 4, 1998.
Smokey is a nine year old grey domestic long hair. We got her Labour Day weekend at a stop home from the cottage. We stopped for some corn and my mom saw a mother and kittens in a box that the family was giving away free. My mom took the little grey one and brought her home. When we saw that she couldn't eat solid food we fed her pablum eight times a day. The vet told us a week later that she was, at most, three weeks old and he was amazed that she survived. She is the biggest (and fattest) in the house. Smokay passed away on October 26, 1998 after being hit by a car in front of our house.
Dude is a eight year old tabby with white patches. I am away at school for eight months of the year and when I come back, he will not let me out of his sight at night. During the day he goes and plays and I work but if I'm not home he sleeps in my room until I come home.
Bailey is a seven year old flame point Himalayan. She gets the reward for being the most spoilt in the house. When anyone uses the bathrooms they are not safe from her purring and headbutting. She also sleeps in my mom's room at night and sulks if she goes away.
D.Jis a three year old DSH black and white. I got her three years ago while I was spending the year in Quebec for school and she has a personality all of her own.
Tramp is my mom's new shadow. He has become a people dog. I think it's because he's been around the cats too long. He's starting to act like one. He is ten years old and a black purebred Cocker Spaniel. He has become our honourary cat. And he LOVES to fish.
Sidious is our newest addition. He was found by a friend on the Canada weekend after being thrown from a truck along with his sister. My brother took him in and now he's a holy terror (even attacking Dude!). But we all love him.
Here is a list of some of my favourite cat links. All photos displayed on these pages are copyright, 1997, 1998 and 1999 by Julie Clare and Lisa Cartwright. Reproduction is prohibited.
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