The Early Siders Family in Rockbridge County, Virginia by: ©Angela M. Ruley ©31 October 1990. All rights reserved. If you wish to print or download the files within these pages, please obtain permission as they are copyrighted works. Express written permission must be obtained from the author for printing or downloading. The copyright notice must appear intact on all files for which permissions are given. No permission is given for these works to be posted to other web pages. George Seider arrived in the port of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 26 September 1752, with his wife and two sons. They had boarded the ship "Richard and Mary" in Rotterdam, Holland, stopped at Portsmouth, England, and journeyed on to America.1 George Seiders whereabouts have not been thoroughly traced after his arrival in America. The Pennsylvania counties of Berks, Lancaster, and the Lehigh and Lebanon valleys received most of the German immigrants who came as farmers and artisans. These immigrants divided into sects, and clung to their mother tongue. From these Pennsylvania settlements an overflow reached Virginia, often via Maryland. In Virginia, they settled in the Shenandoah Valley.2 A George Seider resided in Washington County, Maryland in 1800.3 He was born between 1755 and 1774.4 Frederick Seider also resided in Washington County, Maryland in 1800, he was born between 1755 and 1774.5 No Siders were found in Washington County, Maryland in 1790.6 This particular George Seider was likely a son of George Seider the immigrant. Frederick and Solomon were the two sons who arrived in Philadelphia in 1752 with their parents.7 Frederick was born before the departure from Rotterdam, Holland and, and Solomon was born at sea.8 George Siders married 21 February 1783 to Sarah Miles at Swede's Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.9 This was likely a son of George Seider, the immigrant. George Seider's family migrated from Pennsylvania to Washington County, Maryland, then to Rockbridge County, Virginia shortly after 1800. In 1810, the Siders families in Rockbridge were headed by Frederick Siders, Michael Siders, Solomon Siders, George Siders, and Solomon Siders, Jr.10 It has been proven that Frederick and Solomon were sons of George Seider the immigrant. These are the families which will be described within. 1- Frederick Seiders born before 1752,11 married Elizabeth Wolfe.12 Elizabeth was born between 1755 and 1774.13 In 1800, Frederick Siders household consisted of 1 male under age 10, 2 males aged 10-15, 1 female under age 10, 1 male over age 45, and 1 female aged 26-45.14 On 7 April 1800, Frederick and Michael Sider, late of Washington County, Maryland purchased 206 acres, part of 258 acres, on Colliers Creek from Samuel Beech and Hannah, his wife for the sum of $1,233.33.15 In 1810, Frederick and Elizabeth (Wolfe) Siders household consisted of 2 males under age 10, 1 male aged 16-26, 1 female under age 10, and 1 male and 1 female each over age 45.16 Frederick Siders health may have been failing, as he was now in his 60's. On 1 August 1814, he and Elizabeth along with Michael Siders and Susanna, his wife, sold 105 acres of the aforementioned tract to Charles Armintrout for the sum of $600.00.17 They all placed their marks upon this document. From these transaction we can be certain Frederick was living as late as August 1814. His exact date of death has not yet been proven, however it did occur before 1820.18 One source says Frederick died in 1819.19 Elizabeth (Wolfe) Siders was living in 1820 and had one female aged 16-26 in her household.20 She evidently died before 1830, probably previous to 1823.21 On 23 March 1823, two of Frederick's daughters, Elizabeth and Susannah, along with their husbands, John Tribut and George Egnar respectively, sold their interest in a tract of land on the headwaters of Kerrs Creek. This tract had been sold to Frederick by John Hostetter on 15 April 1814. Matthew White purchased this land for $40.00.22 The record of sale from John Hostetter to Frederick Siders has not been located as a separate transaction in the Rockbridge County Courthouse records. The known children of Frederick and Elizabeth (Wolfe) Siders were: 1-1- George Siders,23 born between 1765 and 1784.24 He evidently married between 1795 and 1800.25 He is most likely the George Siders listed in Washington County, Maryland in 1800.26 If that is the case, it narrows the date of his birth down to between 1765 and 1774.27 His wife was about the same age. Her name has not yet been located. In 1810, his household consisted of 2 males under age 10, 1 male aged 10-15, 3 females under age 10, 1 female aged 10-15, 1 male between age 26 and 45, and 1 female aged 26-45. No further records have been located in his regard. 1-1-1- Nancy Siders married 1 April 1819, Alex McNabb, A. B. Davidson a Presbyterian minister performed the ceremony.28 1-1-2- Polly Siders married 10 December 1818, Henry Fursh. Rev. Andrew B. Davidson officiated at the ceremony.29 1-2- Michael Siders30 born between 1765 and 1784.31 He married Susanna Agnor, daughter of John Agnor.32 Michael and Susanna (Agnor) Siders had 1 male under age 10, and 3 females under age 10, by 1810.He was aged 26-44 and there were two adult females in the household, 1 aged 16-25 and another aged 26-44.33 Michael and Susanna resided on the Colliers Creek farm through at least 1814, when they received a deed for 101 acres of the 206 acres which Michael had purchased with his father, Frederick Siders.34 Michael and Susanna sold this parcel of land on Colliers Creek, 20 September 1816, for $800.00 to Henry Armentrout, Sr.35 On 1 February 1813, Michael Ciders purchased 14 1/2 acres on Colliers Creek from his brother-in-law, John Tribbett for $100.00. This was commonly called the "Five Springs Tract". Michael did not retain this property long. On 1 August 1814, he and Susanna sold the "Five Springs tract" to Charles Armintrout for $100.0036 Apparently Michael and Susanna removed from Rockbridge shortly after selling their Colliers Creek farm in 1816. They were not here in the 1820 Census. The known children of Michael and Susanna (Agnor) Siders: 1-2-1- Margaret Siders born c1803 Rockbridge County, Virginia, married John Miller, son of George and Dorothy (Carnal) Miller.37 1-2-2- Sallie Siders married David Miller, son of George and Dorothy (Carnal) Miller.38 1-2-3- Susan Siders, married a Swope. 1-2-4- Samuel Siders, lived to be over 100 years of age.39 1-2-5- John Siders, married Polly Sider.40 1-3- Henry Siders born c1787.41 he was probably still in his father's household in 1810, aged 16-25. He married 26 December 1810, Catherine Motherspal.42 No further record has been produced in his regard. 1-4- John Siders43 married 15 August 1811, Margaret Aignor. John Siders was dead at the time his Mary was married. (See also The Early Agner Family of House Mountain, Rockbridge County, Virginia.) 1-4-1- Mary Siders married 20 January 1838, Lane Camlin. George W. Humphreys a Methodist minister performed the ceremony.44 1-5- Elizabeth Siders born c1779, married John Tribbett. (See The Tribbett Family in Rockbridge County, Virginia for more information in their regard.) 1-6- Susannah Siders. She married George Agner. (See the Early Agner Family of House Mountain, Rockbridge County, Virginia for more information in their regard.) 2- Solomon Siders born 1752 at sea. He married first Kate. Her surname has not been located. He married second, 14 August 1809, Charlotte Armentrout, widow of John Armentrout. Rev. George A. Baxter a Presbyterian minister officiated at the ceremony.45 A family tradition relates in 1769, Solomon aged 17, went to Kentucky with Daniel Boone. They were captured en-route by Indians. he and Boone escaped, the other four in the party were never heard from again. The following are offered as possible children Solomon. 2-1- Conrad Siders born c1780.46 He married 21 March 1811,47 Charlotte Sizer, daughter of John Sizer. Rev. G. A. Baxter performed the marriage. Charlotte died and he then married on 8 August 1833, Ann Ford, widow of James Ford.48 Ann was a Standoff at her birth and her father was John Standoff. She was born c1781.49 The following are the children believed to have been Conrad's. 2-1-1- Hugh T. Siders born c1809.50 He married 20 August 1834, Mary "Ann" Brads. Rev. Andrew B. Davidson officiated.51 Hugh died shortly before 5 October 1885.52 2-1-2- Joseph Siders born c1810.53 He married 1 January 1834, Catherine E. D. Jones, daughter of Jane.54 Catherine was born 14 February 1806 and died 2 August 1882.55 2-1-3- George Siders married 18 December 1827, Peggy Wilhelm, daughter of Michael Wilhelm.56 2-1-3 Conrad Siders, married 4 October 1832, Mary Brown, daughter of Stephen S. Brown. Rev. Joseph Spriggs, a Methodist minister officiated.57 2-2- Solomon Siders, Jr. born c1783.58 died before 3 January 1859.59 He married first Susan Jane "Jinny" Woods. He married second 8 August 1851, Barbary Woods, daughter of Zechariah Woods. Rev. Andrew B. Davidson officiated at their wedding.60 2-2-1- Mary Ann Siders born c1825.61 She married 25 February 1847, William A. Woods, born c1823. William W. Trimble officiated at the marriage.62 2-2-2- Sarah Jane Siders born 5 June 1832,63 died 15 February 1913.64 She married 15 October 1865, William Mohler, born c1833, son of Phillip and Betsy Mohler. Abraham D. Garber officiated at their wedding.65 2-2-3- Susan E. Siders born c1833.66 She married 1 June 1870, Samuel B. Shaw born c1827, son of James and Judy Shaw, M. A. Wilson officiated at the ceremony.67 2-2-4- Margaret Siders born c1835.68 She married 16 June 1859, John A. J. Campbell, son of William and Rebecca Campbell. He was born c1834. Stuart Taylor officiated at their marriage.69 2-2-5- Martha F. Siders born c1840.70 She married 4 January 1859, James McDaniel. Rev. Andrew B. Davidson performed the ceremony.71 2-3- Catherine Siders born c1787 in Maryland, died 9 March 1865, aged 77 years, 4 months, 9 days.72 She married John Moore born c1787. 2-4- Jacob Siders, married 27 December 1832, Susannah Clarke, daughter of James Clarke. Rev. James Paine officiated at the marriage ceremony.73 2-5- Elizabeth Ciders, married 9 June 1814, Samuel Green. George A. Baxter a Presbyterian minister officiated at the ceremony.74 Footnotes: 1- William H. Egle. Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. 17, p. 358. 2- John Spencer Basset, Ph.D. A Short History of the United States, 1792-1929. NY: The MacMillian Company, 1929. 3- Federal Census, 1800 Washington County, Maryland, Lower Antetam Hundred District, p. 632. 4- Ibid. 5- Federal Census, 1800 Washington County, Maryland, Lower Antetam Hundred District, p. 631. 6- Peggy Salz, Federal Way, WA, file in the compiler's possession in which Ms. Salz states she has checked the 1790 Washington County, Maryland Census and found no Siders (variant spellings checked). 7- William H. Egle, op cit, v. 17, p. 358. 8- History of the Upper Ohio Valley, Gallia County, p. 373. 9- William H. Egle, op cit, Vol. 1, p. 513. 10- Federal Census, 1810 Rockbridge County, Virginia, pp. 268, 276, 277. 11- William H. Egle, op cit, Vol. 17, p. 358. 12- Peggy Salz, Federal Way, WA, op cit cites History of Upper Ohio Valley. 13- Federal Census, 1800 Washington County, Maryland, Lower Antetam Hundred District, p. 631. 14- Federal Census. 1800 Washington County, Maryland. 15- Rockbridge County, Virginia Deed Book D, p. 354. 16- Federal Census, 1810 Rockbridge County, Virginia. 17- Rockbridge County, Virginia Deed Book H, p. 549. 18- Federal Census, 1820, Rockbridge County, Virginia, p. 296. Frederick was not list, Elizabeth was head of the household. 19- George W. Diehl. Diehl Collection, Siders File, Rockbridge Historical Society Collection housed at Washington and Lee University Special Collections, Lexington, Virginia. This date is undocumented. 20- Federal Census. 1820, Rockbridge County, Virginia, p. 296. 21- Rockbridge County, Virginia Deed Book N, p. 445. It seems likely Elizabeth was deceased when her daughters sold their interest in the Kerrs Creek property. 22- Rockbridge County, Virginia Deed Book N, p. 445. 23- History of Upper Ohio Valley, op cit. 24- Federal Census, 1810 Rockbridge County, Virginia. Peggy Salz, Federal Way, WA states he was born in 1783, the source which she cites is "Lineage" by Mrs. Charles (Esther) Siders. 25- Federal Census, 1810 Rockbridge County, Virginia. These dates are based on the ages of his children. 26- Federal Census. 1800 Washington County, Maryland, p. 632. 27- Ibid, he was aged 26-44. In 1810 he was aged 26-45.As Frederick was born in 1752, it is likely the date is closer to 1774 than to 1765. 28- Dorthie & Edwin Kirkpatrick, op cit, p. 401. 29- Ibid. 30- History of Upper Ohio Valley, op cit. 31- Federal Census, 1810 Rockbridge County, Virginia, p. 277.Peggy Salz, Federal Way, WA states he was born in 1785, she cites "Lineage" Mrs. Charles (Esther) Siders. 32- Rockbridge County, Virginia Will Book 7, p. 179, John Agner's will names her as his daughter. 33- Federal Census, 1810 Rockbridge County, Virginia, p. 276. 34- Rockbridge County, Virginia Deed Book H, p. 551. 35- Rockbridge County, Virginia Deed Book K, p. 141. 36- Rockbridge County, Virginia Deed Book H, p. 547. 37- George W. Diehl, Diehl Collection, Rockbridge Historical Society Collection, Washington and Lee university, Special Collections, op cit. Unfortunately, no source for this information is offered, nor is their new location offered. 38- Ibid. 39- Ibid. 40- Ibid. 41- Peggy Salz, op cit. 42- Dorthie & Edwin Kirkpatrick, op cit, p. 191 43- History of Upper Ohio Valley, op cit. 44- Dorthie & Edwin Kirkpatrick, op cit, p. 401. 45- Dorthie & Edwin Kirkpatrick, op cit, p. 205. 46- Federal Census, 1850 Rockbridge County, Virginia, p. 338B, dwelling #118, family #120. His occupation was listed as a farmer, he was born in Virginia and was not able to read and write. 47- Dorthie and Edwin Kirkpatrick, Rockbridge County, Virginia Marriages, 1778-1850. Athens, GA: Iberian Publishing Company, 1985, p. 191. 48- Dorthie & Edwin Kirkpatrick op cit. 49- Federal Census, 1850 Rockbridge County, Virginia, p. 338B, op cit. 50- Federal Census, 1850 Rockbridge County, Virginia, p. 334B, dwelling #68, family #68. 51- Rockbridge County, Virginia Marriage Register 1, p. 288. 52- Rockbridge County, Virginia Will Book 25, p. 251. Inventory and Appraisal of Hugh T. Sider's estate. A. J. Hayslett was the administrator. 53- Federal Census, 1850 Rockbridge County, Virginia, p. 366B, dwelling #500, family #516. 54- Dorthie & Edwin Kirkpatrick, op cit, p. 192. Rev. Andrew B. Davidson performed the ceremony. 55- Tombstone inscription, Stonewall Jackson Cemetery, Lexington, Virginia. 56- Dorthie & Edwin Kirkpatrick, op cit, p. 191. states he was son of Conrad Siders. 57- Dorthie & Edwin Kirkpatrick, op cit, p. 191. 58- Federal Census, 1850 Rockbridge County, Virginia, p. 338B, dwelling # 118, family #120, in household of Solomon and Ann Sider. His occupation was listed as a laborer. he was born in Virginia . 59- On 3 January 1859, James McDaniel was appointed guardian of Martha Sider, orphan of Solomon Sider deceased. James D. Davidson was the partner on the marriage bond. The next day James McDaniel and Martha Sider were married. 60- Rockbridge County, Virginia Marriage Register 1, p. 412. 61- Federal Census. 1850 Rockbridge County, Virginia, p. 340B, op cit. 62- Dorthie & Edwin Kirkpatrick, op cit, p. 401. 63- Federal Census, 1850 Rockbridge County, Virginia, p. 341 dwelling #146, family #149, Sarah Siders age 23 was in the household of Catherine Campbell. 64- Tombstone inscription, New Monmouth Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Rockbridge County, Virginia. 65- Rockbridge County, Virginia Marriage Register 1A, p. 119. 66- Federal Census, 1850 Rockbridge County, Virginia, p. 338, dwelling #107, family #107. Household of John and Elizabeth Morris. 67- Rockbridge County, Virginia Marriage Register 1A, p. 215. Her age was listed as 57 at the time of her marriage. 68- Federal Census, 1850 Rockbridge County, Virginia p. 340B, dwelling #142, family #145. She was in the household of George and Elizabeth Unroe. 69- Rockbridge County, Virginia Marriage Register 1A, p. 66. 70- Federal Census. 1850 Rockbridge County, Virginia, p. 340B dwelling #137 family #140. She was in the household of William A. and Mary A. Woods. 71- Rockbridge County, Virginia Marriage Register 1, p. 500. 72- Rockbridge County, Virginia Death Register, states she is daughter of Solomon and Kate Siders. 73- Dorthie & Edwin Kirkpatrick, op cit, p. 192. 74- Dorthie & Edwin Kirkpatrick, op cit, p. 263. The marriage bond states she is daughter of Solomon Ciders.