101% HorseCrazy!
Hi and Welcome to 101% HorseCrazy! This site is for HorseCrazys ONLY! If you are not HorseCrazy read this!
These are my Crackjack Horses! I even won Spit Fire!!

Get Your Crackerjack Horse At Crackerjack Horses!
I got a new pic scanned! Its me on my aunts horse Morseyn!
You are the
HorseCrazy person to visit my site!!
Now, about me! My name is Andrea but you can call me Andy! I ride english
at a camp called Camp Waredaca, I think thats how they spell it. Well anyway, I have a favorite horse called Beau, even though he's not mine, I LUV HIM! In fact, thats my Cyber-Horse's name! Beau, and he looks just like him! See...
Well now, isn't he cute? I won a Red Ribbon(2nd place) on him!! Out of 9 PEOPLE!! He was good that day! Anyway, as you can tell, I'm 101% HorseCrazy! I know almost everything there is to know about horses! Here are all the different colors!

From left to right: Appalossa, Cheastnut, Black, Buckskin, Dark Bay, Palomino, and a Pinto
Well, lets see, what else can I tell you, hmmm... ah yes, I used to have a horse named Josie, unforntunatly, we have no pics. She was an cheastnut Arabian mare. But my Aunt has 2 horses right now, Morseyn and Spit Fire. I can ride Morseyn but Spit Fire has a little to much "fire" for me to ride! I also have a dog named Tiny, he has his own page so check it out PLEASE!

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