Hernando-Nesbit Home School Support Group

Serving families in DeSoto County, Mississippi


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Home education offers the opportunity for craftsmanship in education. Loving parents, not book publishers and school administrators, are the experts at education. Who knows your child better than you? Inquire of people who have experience home-educating. Find out what they use for teaching materials, what they like and don't like about them, and why. If possible, examine the actual materials you are considering, not just a catalog. Read books and articles about home education to broaden your perspective. Pray and ask the Lord for direction.

There is a multitude of material and resources available to homeschoolers today. The following is by no means a complete list of homeschool publishers. However, it includes the most popular publishers (and a few of my favorites) in our area. Most will send you a free catalog upon request.

You may also want to check out the Resource guide available at the Hernando Library.

bulletABeka 1-800-874-2352 
bulletAlpha Omega Publications  1-800-622-3070
bulletBob Jones University Press  1-800-845-5731 
bulletSchool of Tomorrow
bulletRod and Staff Publishers 1-606-522-4348
bulletSaxon Math 1-800-284-7019
bulletApologia Science
bulletHome School Family Fitness

bulletKONOS Character Curriculum 1-214-669-8337
bulletWeaver Curriculum Series 1-714-688-3126
bulletStudent of the Word
bulletMy Father's World

bulletCanon Press & Book Service 1-800-488-2034
bulletElijah Company 1-888-235-4524
bulletGreenleaf Press 1-615-449-1617
bulletLifetime Books 1-800-377-0390
bulletNasco Science & Math Catalogs 1-800-558-9595
bulletChristian Book Distributors
bulletTimberdoodle (a variety of fun & educational items)
bulletRainbow Resource
bulletKeepers of the Faith

There are many other publishers of homeschool material. In addition, many excellent resources can be obtained free from your library

Used book sales are a great place where curricula and other resources can be obtained at reduced prices from other homeschoolers.  As we find used sales coming, we will add more information on them on the events page.

This past Spring our homeschool group  had its first used book sale.  We're hoping to make it an annual event.   

Also, each Spring the Memphis Home Educator's Association holds a used book sale.