We don't currently have any pups available. We have a couple planned for the next year or so, but nothing in the works right now.
Here are some pics of pups out of one of my past litters.

As you can see, my kids and my dogs are NEVER far apart.

This is a pic of the only female in my last litter. She has been named Indy by her new owners.

Here are a couple of pics of the pup that I am calling Arapaho. He went to a guy in Buffalo Texas.

Both Arapaho, and his brother Mojo shown here, are going to be following in their sires path, as working catchdogs.

This is Saturn.

This is Cosmo now owned by Ricky and Amy Kresley of Pennsylvania. The Kresleys have shown Cosmo on a number of occasions all the way from Virginia to Canada.

Here is a pic of the only female from the 1st Taz x Snowy breeding. She went to Jeff Ross of Victoria Texas. I know that she went to a working home, as Jeff likes to catch hogs even more than I do.

Here are a couple of pics of the brindle male. He went to Mr. Rakesh Patel of Virginia. Mr. Patel competes in both Schutzhund and Ring Sport, as well as training in KNPV. It is the Dutch National Police Dog Sport.

Here is another pic of the pup I call "Big Daddy Cool"

Rakesh has already renamed him "Atom". I he is living up to his name and is a real EXPLOSION!

Here are some pics of a pup that we kept. He is so far all the dog that I had hoped he would be. He is so eager to please that I don't think there is any task I could ask of him that he would not do just to make me hapy.

Here is a pic of Otis relaxing in the dogs pool!

When it gets hot, my dogs have found one of the best things to do is stay cool by digging a hole, or a cave as they have shown here.

As with any growning creature, the pups favorite time of day is chowtime!

Although playtime takes a VERY close 2nd place!

If you're interested in an upcoming litter, or have any questions about a previous one,

or give me a call at


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