In 1967 a pastor from Bergen wasn't satisfied with the church work for youth. He was inspired by a youth choir from London. He started first Tensing group. His purpose was to say young people about Christianity and also to give them possibility to have a good time.
The Tensing had spread around Norway in few years. Some congregation used Tensing like its work for youth. Thanks Tensing Norway Tensing started to spread round West Europe in 80's. After the fall of communism this process continued in Eastern Europe.
TenSing is an abbreviation for "teenagers singing". It is one of YMCA activities which aims at all young people in the age from 13-14 to 25 (even older - depends on feeling). In TenSing we want to develop whole personality - body, soul and spirit.
Each man want to express himself, what he feels, what he thinks. But in many case he hasn't space for it or doesn't believe that he can manage it. In Tensing we try to give the space for everybody to express himself.
In Tensing we used our creativity in culture. There can be big difference between the culture of the youth and the older. In Tensing we take seriously the culture of the youth.
There are many groups which offer various programs for the youth. Why Tensing ? Tensing has a Christian base. But it isn't the classical church work with youth. Tensing is open for both Christian and non-Christian. We try to show young people that Christianity is there also for modern young people. The way of life of the leaders have an important role.
The most important activity in Tensing is a big choir. Almost all members of Tensing sings there. The big choir is the heart of each concert. The songs are very various. It depends on each particular Tensing group. Mostly they are modern songs which man can hear in radio or in television. Very popular are gospels and spirituals.
Because we sing many modern songs in Tensing we need a band. The band has modern instruments like electric and bass guitar or drums. The band also need a technical equipment like loudspeakers. The band equipment is very expensive and not all Tensing groups have it. The Tensing groups often lend them each other.
The Tensing group is dived to smaller parts - workshops. Each workshop has a special activity. Each member can choose the activity which he likes best. There are the dance, the drama and the minichoir. There is also a lot of work outside the workshops like the work with technical equipment, the creation of T-shirts and setting. Everybody can find his/her place.
The social part of our activity is also very important. The Tensing rehearsal isn't only the practising, it is also the meeting of people. We played many games for getting people together and lost barriers among them. There are also events which are longer than one day. There are more time to get know each other at these events.
A Tensing group has from 5 to 100 members. They meet at least once a week. The Tensing group has public performances where presents its work. They are also invitation for new people. They are very important for running of the Tensing group. Without them the members would have less motivation for their work.
The Tensing group is led by a board. The board is elected by all members. A adult leader is over the board. The adult leader don't directly lead the Tensing group but helps the board with leadership.
The Tensing movement started in the Czech republic after 1989 thanks to TenSing Norway. The first Tensing groups were found up in Praha and in Krnov almost at the same time. Now Tensing is spread to many other places. In 1997 Twensing Praha started. Twesing is for people who feel too old for Tensing but want to do similar activities.
The Tensing groups in Czech republic cooperate. Czech YMCA has a secretary for work with youth who is also responsible for Tensing. The Czech Tensing Board where are a representative from each Tensing group, prepares various common events.
Some common events :
Links | |
My opinion about Tensing | not yet |
Tensing Krabcice | my Tensing |
Tensing Companie | other Czech Tensing with WWW pages |
TS Melnik | other Czech Tensing group with WWW pages |
TS Ostrava - Poruba | other Czech Tensing with WWW pages |
Český Tensing | official pages of Czech Tensing |
Tensing Norway | |
European Tensing Group (ETS) | |
TenSing European Forum | |
Jostein Lorentsen | Tensing directory |
Tensing in Norway | pages of Norges KFUK/KFUM |
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