- 11.10.2004
- new phothos from Lithuania
- 2.6.2004
- some changes in Czech part of this site
- 17. 7. 2003
- two new pages with some photos:
My holidays on the board of yacht Silva
Photos from 2003
- 22.10.2002
- nothing but I've just got a letter from yahoo that my pages will be romove because they haven't been updated for long time. Derfor I am writting ths text. I have some plan of the future of these sides but ...
- 21. 11. 2000
- updated the main page, the page about my favourible books, films and music, and the page with my bookmarks
- 11. 11. 1998
- added page about my life in Haugesund
- added page about ETSF 1999 in Litomysl
- 27. 08. 1998
- I have a new e-mail adress :tomab@geocities.com
- added a page about this year TenSing camp in Desky
- added a page with few of my favourite books
- 18. 06. 1998
- updated the page about TS Krabcice and
TS CZ - Castle for Children
- updated the page about Euroteamu - added a picture of Katka Otavova
- 15. 05. 1998
- added my bookmark page
- 12. 03. 1998
- changed the desin of the page about Gro and Marit. A picture was added.
- added a page about Christmas TenSing
- updated the page about TS festivals - added information about the festival in Siluvky.
- added a page with pictures of some TenSing groups which were there.
- 10. 03. 1998
- added a page with TenSing diary
- 09. 03. 1998
- added an official page about Euroteam '98
- 02. 03. 1998
- updated the page about TenSing Krabcice - last events
- added a page with the script of drama which we played at TenSing festival
- 26. 02. 1998
- thanks Trygve Mellvang were updated links to Norwegian YMCA/YWCA
- 13. 01. 1998
- added a page about 2 TS seminars where people from TenSing Norway participated
- updated the page about TenSing Norway - a visit of TSN team in Krabcice
- updated the page about TenSing Krabcice - a visit of TSN team in Krabcice
- 07. 01. 1998
- updated the page about Czech TenSing festivals - added 2 pictures from Zator
- 05. 01. 1998
- added this page
- added the page about European TenSing festival in Kiskoros
- updated the page about TenSing Krabcice - events in autumn 1997
- updated the page about TenSing in Czech republic - added link to TenSing Companie
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