Liebig Trade Card Collector Study Group

Liebig, suchard and all other advertising trade cards, menu cards, calendars, POSTCARDS, CHROMOS and ALBUMS before World War II , if condition is good, all languages are bought

as a service we provide :

{home page}   {ephemera site}   {Antwerp}   {buying ephemera}

Lots of cards Ephemera are strongly related but can be otherwise cataloged :

Permanent want to purchase advertising cards and other publicity items from previous century, collections of trade cards, odds and sets glued or inserted in (their original) albums Liebig trade card collector Albert

Albert Van den Bosch - Stenenbrug 14 - B 2140 - Borgerhout - Antwerpen - B E L G I U M

or voice only one phone-call away 00 32 32 36 59 62
fax 0032 32 71 15 83
click here for the Flemish Liebig site flemish Liebig site in Antwerp

- To visit our shop, you are always welcome on appointment,
- or by chance even in the evening, afternooon and week-end
- regulary open : every weekday from  9am tto 12am
- how do you get there : road map to  STENENBRUG, 14 -  Antwerpen (Borgerhout)

I can be your serious agent worldwide to scout out shops, shows and auctions, to locate specific items and cards or categories for your collection. We have more than 200 different categories, over 1 million cards in stock

showtime Liebig trade cards collectors club gathering

You can meet us at our biggest shows :


Please give us some time to let this place grow.

BOOKMARK this Ephemera and trade card collector pages now, and come back later at your own convenience.

We are only one e-mail away and I'll appreciate any constructive advise

first update July 8th 1995....last update JULY 17th 2007

Thanks for dropping by