About the Burchfield Brothers

Jonathan and Ben have lived their lives surrounded by music. They were first influenced by their musical parents while growing up in the Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee. While dad played old time fiddle tunes on the guitar and banjo, mother played beautiful classical pieces on the piano. They filled their home with a variety of musical styles. And at an early age, all five children began singing in the home mission church their father built

Jonathan's favourite instrument was the guitar. After watching his father play, he took it up and developed a great passion for it. At age 18 he left home to go on the road with "The Spurrlows", a 13 piece group that backed up country music star "Roy Clark".

When Jonathan settled down, he taught guitar for several years and studied piano and theory at Olivet Nazarine University. It was then that he began performing and doing recording sessions with his younger brothers Mark and Ben. In 1982 the brothers moved to Nashville to become part of the music community

Ben's first love was for percussion instruments, but he also loved to play piano. He received a music degree from ONU on percussion and classical piano, which ultimately led him to the marimba. It was a natural since it is played with mallets but notes like a keyboard. It sounded great and was fun to play, but it was too large to take on a plane, especially with all the percussion instruments. That's when he discovered a new instrument called the Mallet Kat. It brought both worlds together into one unit. So now, not only could he play percussion and piano from the same keyboard, he could use mallets or his hands to get nearly 200 different sounds!

In concert, the Burchfield's blend their instrumental music with testimonies and shared life experiences. At one point you may hear Jonathan telling stories of his early years in the Smoky Mountains, or they might play a lovely classical piece one minute and a down home "barn burner" the next!
Above all, their hope and prayer is that the name of the Lord wound be glorified and the Holy Spirit would bring peace, joy and comfort to each individual as they minister in song and word.
