For music, you needCrescendo


The inside of our Church is really beautiful. We got so use to seeing it over the years that we take it for granted. This is the same Church we were married in and our children were Baptized and married in. It is the Church that our grandchildren were Baptized in. Looking at the pictures now is making me see it again. We should be so grateful to have this beautiful Church where we can go to Pray the Mass, honor, praise and receive the Lord.


The mosaic of JESUS and Saint Margaret Mary is located just behind the Altar. The colors are just so well put together, the picture does not do it justice.

Throughout Sacred Heart Church we have 18 beautiful stained-glass windows which add so much to our devotion and beauty of our church. The windows, which adorn the Church are truly a work of art. Each window has a story that the Pastor at that time wrote. He was Msgr. J. Maurice Bourgeois. I have changed the text a little, but the meaning has not changed. I think the year the windows were added was 1959 or 1960. The booklet was written in 1960. He wrote how the windows were a source of great joy, pride and happiness to him. He also wrote what love he borne for the Parishioners always, and noble sentiments had filled his priestly heart as he had labored in their midst for thirty years.


This set of three windows is all the way in the back of the Church facing the Tabernacle. The center window pictures the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to His right Our Lady Of the Sacred Heart, to His left, Saint Joseph, the workman. How close these three are connected in union of Hearts, Sanctity, and sublimity of meaning which accompany each other. In these windows there are connections of the Holy Family's ties and that of the Countries of American and France

How appropriately the windows were planned, beginning with the first moment of CHRIST's conception beneath His Mother's most pure heart and ending with his Glorious Resurrection!

The First Window
The first window depicting the great wonder that GOD allowed to happen to Mary, the Virgin whom he destined to be the Mother of his Son, JESUS. We behold our Blessed Mother as the center figure in blue with the Angel Gabriel, who brought her the Divine Message. The Holy Spirit pictured, rejoices in this humble handmaid of the LORD, who above all creatures on earth most perfectly reflects the image of the TRIUNE GOD. From this scene, we as Parishioners need to learn to bow our heads in submission to the will of GOD. Even like Mary, when we cannot understand what GOD is asking of us.

The Second Window
In the second window we see the Fruit of Mary's womb, JESUS. Mary and Joseph kneel by his side trying to penetrate this mystery of mysteries-- the Word made Flesh. In the Nativity you see the Divine Child in his manger of straw, with his very own Mother Mary, and his Foster Father, Saint Joseph. Above the Holy three, a star appears announcing the glad tidings that " He Who was the expected of nations has come." The stable which houses the Son of God, is kept warm only by the breathing of the cow and the donkey. From this window on the Nativity, we can recall the poverty of spirit that GOD asks of us.

The Third Window
The shepherds portrayed in this window are the ones to whom the Lamb of God first manifested Himself to. Angels sang their "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" on that first Christmas night. Let your life be a continuous song of praise to the new born King. We should also give thanks for our priests, who through mystical power give birth to Christ each time they say the words, "hoc est enim Corpus Meum--Hic est enim Sanguinis Mei."("indeed this is My Body - indeed this is My Blood)

The Fourth Window
This particular window should be especially dear to us as a family unit and as a family of Sacred Heart parish. In this window Jesus, Mary and Joseph , the Holy Family hold out to you the virtues of an ideal unit, the Parish Family with love, obedience and mutual respect for each other. In addition, Jesus, GOD of Heaven and Earth, and his Blessed Mother, purity itself, render to Saint Joseph perfect subjection in all things.

"The Sacraments"
With the wedding in Cana.

The Fifth Window
The life giving soul of the Church is the Grace of the Sacraments, the inheritance of every baptized Catholic. Every member of this Congregation, who has been united in wedlock has received as from the hands of Christ himself, through his ordained Priests, the Nuptial Blessing. Our Blessed Mother, shown in this picture, shows her consideration of others by asking her Divine Son to perform His first public miracle at Cana of Galilee. She knows that her Son Christ will Change water into wine at her request. We can see Him blessing the water, changing it into wine, as the young servant boy fills the water jugs to overflowing. In being present at the marriage feast, Christ and His Blessed Mother show their high regard for this sacrament. From it you can remember the words of your marriage vows, "Until death do us part."

The Sixth Window
The four Evangelist , writers of the Gospels of the New Testament are shown in this window. Each Evangelist and Gospel they wrote is associated with a certain symbol. Saint Matthew. a man because he begins his account with the family tree to Christ as a man. Saint Mark, a lion, for his first chapter introduces Saint John the Baptist in the desert. Saint Luke, an Ox, for his Gospel opens with the story of Zachary offering sacrifice in the Temple. Saint John, an eagle, because his Gospel speeds straight to the Son. To these four Evangelist, who gave us such explicit and detailed accounts of our Saviour's life, you should be grateful. For it is only in reading the Gospels that you can really come to know Christ, and learn to love Him as a result of this knowledge.

"Our LORD With Martha and Mary"

The Seventh Window
In this sketching, our Blessed Lord is visiting in the home of Martha and Mary, friends of his in Bethany. As mary sit at our Lord's feet, engrossed in his explanations of the life of the spirit. Mary becomes a source of great annoyance to her sister, Martha, who is busy about trying to make her Divine Guest more comfortable. Therefore, she complains to our Lord that Mary has left her alone to do all the serving. The Divine Lord answers her in the ever memorable words, "Martha, Martha, thou art busy about many things, but only one thing is necessary; Mary has chosen the better part; and it will not be taken from her." You are not to conclude from this statement of our Lord that those who live an idea Christian life are not pleasing to him, but that those who seek a life of perfection are his very own special ones.

"The Keys To The kingdom"

The Eighth Window
How fitting that this window, characteristic of the establishment of His Church, should follower the one in which Christ so vividly embraces the Religious life as one patterned after His very own life. Here we see Christ giving to Peter the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Through the Power of the Keys granted by Christ, His Church which is picture above, is able to forgive sins and the punishment due to them, eternal and temporal. The Church is able to grant indulgences to the faithful on earth and to the poor souls, to excommunicate the recalcitrant sinner. The Apostles are shown in the background so we might understand that this power was given not only to Saint Peter, but also the Apostles. This has come down in unbroken descent to the present day into the hands of our Priests.

The Ninth Window
The next three windows are a set all the way in the back of the Church facing the Tabernacle.(See 1st picture on top) The center window pictures the Sacred Heart of Jesus lovingly expose for us. His heart so full of love for us because in this Church we have honored His most adorable Heart. He has promised to bless the place in which His Sacred Heart is honored and loved. On the left of Jesus ,uppermost, is Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini. In the lower part is Saint Isaac Jogues, a jesuit Missionary. Below is Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, a young Iroquois girl. These three devoted servants of the Sacred Heart met their deaths in Various ways; yet, simultaneous in one aspect and motive, love. You too, dear parishioners, are know for the love you bear for the Sacred Heart and for one another; therefore, your love is but an overflow of your love for GOD.

The Tenth Window
The window to the right of the center is our Lady of the Sacred Heart, one especially dear to Monsignor because of his great love for Our Lady and what for what the figures in the picture represent. Above Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, is Saint Maurice, who was a true soldier of Christ. He was martyred during the time of the severe persecutions of the church by Maximian Herculius. to the lower right of Our Lady is Saint John Mary Vianney, better know as Cure d'Ars. He is beloved by all Priests because Pius XI at the time of his canonization named him patron of the clergy. Right next to Our Lady stands Saint Philomena, to whom the Cure d'ars had great devotion in his life time. At the very bottom of the picture is Saint John the Baptist, who may also be called the model of Priests.

The Eleventh Window
The window on the left of the sacred Heart is Saint joseph, whom GOD chose to watch over the childhood of the Incarnate Word. Here he is depicted in his role as a worker, holding in his hands one of the tools symbolic of his trade. In the upper right hand corner, is Saint Joan of Arc, patroness of France. She met her death by flames as she was burned at the stake, defending her Faith and her Country. On the lower left, Saint Louis, who became King of France at the age of twelve. He was said to be "the holiest and most just King who ever wore the Crown." He is also know as the Patron of Archdioceses. AT the lower right we see Saint Therese' of the Child Jesus, another flower of Sainthood in France. With persistent entreaties at the age of fifteen, was permitted to enter Carmel of Lisieux, where she died at the early age of twenty four.

"The Cure of the Paralytic"

The Twelfth Window
Picture in this window is Jesus, speaking to a paralyzed man; who because of the crowd, has been lower from the roof of the house into the midst of Jesus. Jesus seeing their faith, said "I say to thee, arise, take up thy pallet and go to their house," which, as he implied later was like saying, "go, thy sins are forgiven thee." Looking at this window we learn the morals our Lord was trying to convey to the crowd, that He was soon to confer upon the newly ordained priest, His Apostles, on the night of the Resurrection, THE POWER TO FORGIVE SINS. Are you truly grateful for the great benefit you receive each time you go to confession and your sins are forgiven when the priests says, "Absolvo te" ("I absolve you")


The Thirteen Window
In this window we see the transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Thabor. Here with the three Apostles he is closer to, Peter, James, and John, He gives them a glimpse of Himself resplendent in glory. As they see Jesus transformed before them, talking to Elias and Moses, They were astonished at what they hear and see. In this Gospel narrative, Christ is revealing Himself to the world as He will appear one day to judge the living and the dead. Prepare yourself for His final coming so that you may bear witness of His glorious Transfiguration.

The Fourteen Window
Here we see depicted Symbols of the Old Testament, the seven branch candlestick, the horn, and the scroll. The seven branch candlestick given to Aaron by Moses, who had been commanded to do so by the LORD. It was to be turned against the north, toward the table of the loaves of proposition so that it might give forth light to the children of Israel. The horn, symbolic of a trumpet, was used to gather the multitude to the door of the tabernacle of the Covenant. The Scroll contained the inspired word of GOD, the Jewish Bible. From these symbols of Light, Sound and written Word, you, the people of the New Testament can also be guided by the beacon of sanctifying grace from a life of darkness to one of light. By the chimes of your Church bells you may be led to the altar of GOD, and by the inspired words of the New Testament come to a greater knowledge and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. Walk this path, though it may be blood stained, because of the footprints of the Master, who walked that same path way before you, many centuries ago.

The Fifteen Window
In this scene, we witness Jesus in His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. There, He, the King of Glory, seated upon an ass, and before him branches are spread by the populace. They saluted Him as they acclaim in a loud voice, "Hosanna! Blessed is He, Who comes in the name of the LORD." This fickle minded crowd, within a few days, would be crying out again. The words would not be words of praises but that of hatred and revenge, "Crucify Him!, Crucify Him!" How often are we like that crowd, in time of consolation and peace we feel inclined to sing His praises; but in moments of aridity and trail we are inclined, to say "Crucify Him." Maybe not by actual speech, but by our actions, do you not indicate that you know not that Man? It is then when trails and tribulations weigh you down that you need to seek GOD, and go to confession for words of comfort and hope.

The Sixteen Window
Of all the windows in the Church, this one is perhaps the most precious because of the stupendous miracle that Our Lord performed at this time. It was at this time that He gave us the greatest proof of His love, Himself in the Holy Eucharist. Yet even this beautiful ceremony of the First Mass and the Ordination of His first priests were marred by the presence of Judas. The traitor, who sacrilegiously received Holy Communion from the hands of Our Lord Himself. We need to show gratitude to Our Lord for this great gift, without which you would have been left orphans. We need to pray for the institution of Sacred Priesthood, and that our priest may live up to the high ideas of Jesus and their sacred calling.

The Seventeen Window
Jesus had now fulfilled the purpose for which he became incarnate, the Redemption of the Human Race. The horrors are over, the betrayal of Judas, the denial of Peter, the desertion of the Apostles, the scourging, the Crowing with thorns, the long steep road to Calvary, the Crucifixion! The seventh Dolor of Mary, as pictured so often by swords, is to pierce her maternal heart. She sees His mangled body, prepared for burial. Though her faith in His rising again is supreme, she realizes that this burial severs all natural earthly ties with her Divine Son. How desolate this moment was for the Mother of our Divine Savior! There may be moments in your life when GOD will visit you with such desolation of spirit. Will you be as valiant as this Woman, the Co-redemptrix of the Human Race.

The Eighteen Window
This third day dawns bright and beautifully as our Crucified Christ, throws off the bondage of His burial garments, and arises in His glorified state, THE CONQUER OF DEATH AND SIN.
Though there is no special mention of His appearance to His Blessed Mother recorded in the Gospels, it is commonly believed that He must have appeared to her first. She, by whom He was given birth, gave vent to the wonders that GOD had worked in her many years previous and truly exalted in this triumphal victory of her Son. Her joy was now complete. However, her Son, Our Lord was to ask one more sacrifice of her, she must remain on earth to mother the Infant Church until He would see fit to raise her up body and soul into Heaven. There she would reign forever as "Queen of Martyrs." We too could one day rise gloriously with the Crucified Christ if we lived the life of a true follower of Christ.

I hope you enjoyed the writings of Rev. Msgr. J. Maurice Bourgeois. He was still here the year we got married in 1960. I am sure there are some good memories and some not so good, but he help built this beautiful Church that is a source of pride for Sacred Heart Parish. He ended the booklet with this: "only in Heaven where all secrets are revealed will you know that CHRIST gave you, His People of Sacred Heart Church, a Pastor, who was truly a Priest made after His own Heart. There together with him, you will remain for all eternity praising and loving the Triune GOD, who created the Universe and all it's various wonders, who created you, out of love for you, HIS VERY SPECIAL PEOPLE ON EARTH, YOU THE MEMBERS OF THE SACRED HEART CONGREGATION OF VILLE PLATTE."

Sacred Heart Catholic Church

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September 24, 1997, by Grace Soileau