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May our Blessed Mother Mary
bring you many blessing
through her Son Jesus Christ, Amen.

© Grace Soileau

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We take this title for the monument from
His Holiness, John-Paul II's encyclical letter entitled
The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae),
published on March 25, 1995.

Dedicated November 7, 1998
By Cardinal Pio Laghi



    O MARY,
    bright dawn of the new world,
    Mother of the living,
    to you do we entrust the cause of life:
    Look down, 0 Mother,
    upon the vast number
    of babies not allowed to be born,
    of the poor whose lives
    are made difficult,
    of men and women who are victims
    of brutal violence,
    of the elderly and the sick killed
    by indifference or out of misguided mercy.



    Grant that all who believe in your Son
    may proclaim the Gospel of Life
    with honesty and love to the people of our time.
    Obtain for them the grace
    to accept that Gospel as a gift ever new,
    the joy of celebrating it with gratitude
    throughout their lives
    and the courage to bear witness to it
    resolutely, in order to build,
    together with all people of good will,
    the civilization of truth and love,
    to the praise and glory of God,
    the creator and lover of life.

John-Paul II
Evangelium Vitae
The Gospel of Life

As the Third Millennium of Christianity draws near, this Memorial to the Gospel of Life is a gift from all Catholics of the city of Ville Platte and the surrounding area who attend church at Scared Heart Of Jesus Church, with it's Mission Chapel Belaire Cove, Our Lady Queen Of All Saints Church and Saint Joseph Church. It is dedicated to the cause of strengthening the culture of life and of developing a civilization of truth and love.

There is a Latin inscription D.O.M. on the back of the statue. The abbreviations to this Latin saying --Deo Optimo Maximo (to God, the Best and Greatest). It is customary to place these on monuments dedicated to God and on buildings dedicated to God. It is a way to stress that what we do is done for God, for his Glory and Honor.
(This note from Father Bob in an November 1998 bulletin)

The nine foot Statue was placed in front of the Church with benches set up around it. It will be a place where people can go to pray and meditate.
Also, lighting has been added to the Main Street side of Church. This was added to light and complement the Monument

The project started out as a joint effort by the Knights of Columbus, and the Catholic Daughters of Ville Platte. They put up money out of their funds and had a garaged sale to raise more money. With the help and support of Father Bob and all our Priest in this small community all the catholics got involed in the project.
When it came time for the work to be done on the landscaping in the front of the church the temperature was about 103 for that day and the people that showed up to work knew that it would be all manual labor. It was done with a lot of work by some of the Knights of Columbus, the Catholic Daughters, some of the Boy Scouts,their parents and their leaders. The Catholic Daughters with help from other ladies took care of the food and refreshment and make sure that the people out in the heat got plenty of liquids. A Special THANK YOU for all who work so hard on this project




