The Guestbook is at the bottom of the page
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- One of my favorite pastimes is to travel. There
are so many beautiful places to see. I prefer visiting the mountains. I have visited many
real scenic places. I live in the Eastern US and thus have seen all the Eastern states but
have also visited all but 3 states. You will find photos from California, Colorado, Utah,
Montana, Hawaii, the Canadian Rockies, Arizona, Mt. Rainier, the Coast near Vancouver up
to Whistler and other places.
- One place I dreamed of going was New Zealand, and
I finally made it there in December 1997. New Zealand has a large variety of landscapes,
and truly was a beautiful country. I hope to return there someday when I can stay for a
month or longer.
I did return to New Zealand in
Feb. 2000. The photos from this trip were taken with a new digital camers And are in the
link below, New Zealand 2000.
There are high quality photos in that section. Also, the photos in the Mt. Rainier and the
Whistler sections are digital as well.
Where do I work ? Take
a look
Click on the following photos to
go to pictures of each place

NP.......Bryce Canyon NP
Canadian Rockies . .Yellowstone. . .
Grand Canyon. . .Antigua relief

Mesa Verde . . . . Lake Tahoe . . . . New Zealand

Mt Rainier
New Zealand 2000
miscellaneous photos
- Travel links
a page with many links dealing with travel
- Sutter
Telecommunications; This is where you can purchase The Echostar
18 inch home satellite system at really great savings. Phone service also available.
- where
and when? up to the hour reports from around the world
Please check out other sites at my home on the web
since June 1, 1997 you are visitor 
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Last revised May 21, 2000
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