When Police Officers Break the Law
You've heard about cops breaking the law, and perhaps you
have even seen cops break the law- weaving in and out of traffic
with no turn signals, crossing streets at night with out headlights
or flying down the road at twice the speed limit. You may
have even been pulled over for no reason, and had the officer
say that you went left of the center line, or that you were speeding.
How common of a problem is this, and what can we do when the officers
we pay to enforce the law break it?
You can always call the police department
to report traffic violations,
abuse, or just plain rudeness on the part of an officer. I have
however that the supervisor is often not interested in what I have
to say, and will just tell me that the officer will be reprimanded.
I have also found supervisors to make quite a few excuses for their
officers behavior. If you have a complaint of misconduct or abuse
against an officer, The
Police Complaint Center
is a good place to visit. Here you will find information on other
of misconduct, police departments handling of complaints, and updates
on your filed complaints.
If you see a police officer break the law, PLEASE complain to anyone
that will listen! People paid to enforce the law should not be
it on duty or off!
they have a right to do this?-Shelley Riseden
Investigative Series
We Can't Track Police Abuse-Liz Enochs
Cops Threaten Us All-Claude Lewis
When Cops Investigate
Themselves-Mark Worth
Daily News
Comments or suggestions? Email me!

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