I'm used to being teased about my "mushy" books
I LOVE them.
Every day is full of murder, death,animal abuse, mistreated
children and on and on it goes. My books have fun,mystery, adventure and love. The bad guys lose, the good guys win and I can depend on a happy
ending. Something you don't get much of in everyday life. This section of my page is for the rest of the romantics
out there.
...love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation
Kablil Gibran
I like the historical ones the best.
You learn alot of history
and I especially like to read about the fashions and the food.
If you have
a favorite author, let's compare notes.
I have put my books into the computer,
that's how I got started with computers, so I could keep track of what I have, what I've
read, who are my "Star"
authors, etc.
I now have more books than I can store. I have joined a book trading clubThe Romance Novel Trading Club, where there are books and traders..And since I have too many to list there I have a
Books For Trade Page
Come on in and check it out!