Kingston Volunteer Fire Company No. 1
Kingston, New Jersey

Membership Requirements
- I am at least 18 years of age or older. (Individuals between the ages of 16 and 18 may inquire about becoming a Junior Member.)
- I am willing to enroll in an approved Firefighter School and complete the training necessary as set forth by Federal, State, and Local regulations. (Our membership committee will gladly provide additional information on training requirements.)
- I understand the Kingston Volunteer Fire Company has programs available which will provide me the training required according to their regulations, at no cost to myself.
- I understand firefighting is a physically challenging activity, and I am willing to undergo a physical examination by the fire companies designated doctor, to assist in determining my capability of performing the duties required of a firefighter.
- I understand the Kingston Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 is comprised of all volunteers, and I am willing to volunteer my time for the protection and betterment of the greater Kingston community.
- I understand the fire company may conduct (or have conducted on their behalf) a background check on me.

If you are interested in membership in our organization you may call the firehouse at (609) 924-1181 or you may e-mail Kingston Fire Company. Please provide us with your name, address and phone number. Someone from our Membership Committee will call to arrange a time for your membership interview and provide you with a New Member Application.

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