My Awards
Me? Awards? Oh no, that's just for the web wizards I thought. BUT! I got one, and then another one, and then another one ...
Awards 1998

DeWanna at Ancestry Connections sent me this award - Thank you! (Don't forget to visit her site - you won't regret it!)

PYFT??? Plant Your Family Tree!
Awards 1997

THANK YOU! (This one is special ...)

Beautiful - isn't it?

My very first award!

My very second award!

Boy oh boy! My third award!
Genealogy is My Hobby!

I survived!

Award no. 4 which I received from Family Genealogy - A Passage In Time. Thank you!

Award no. 5. Thanks to all who voted for my site in the December 1997 Heartland Genealogy Society Honor Roll!