Permission to brag...
'Seems we hardly turned around and there she is, walking
down the aisle. Slow down, Father Time! Don't move so fast!
"Be Good To Her, World!"
World, you are getting a special gift today;
Forty pounds of sunshine, a smile that lights her
way as she waves to us and bounces happily along
toward the waiting school bus.
Please care for her well.....
Proud and confident, trusting, filled with love,
expectant and accepting, as she walks with
ladylike grace to the new life that awaits.
Climbing steps so high, alighting, then unseen...
A sob escapes, till once again we see
her little face at the window.
Bright blue eyes, so confident and brave.
Oh world, please treat her kindly;
help her find her way.
She’s still so small, so innocent...
In her crisp new dress and backpack.
Be good to her this day...
So, now dear world, our gift to you
on this new autumn day...
Our little girl in her new shoes,
a smile, and bright blue eyes...
No longer just our private joy,
our treasure so devine...
Never again just ours alone,
No longer completely mine...
 Halloween 2000 Giggle Puss Sammy
 Kissin' Cousins Dylan and Sammy
 Sammy Aboard Snapple Thanks for sharing, Ali!

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