Kym - 12/26/00 21:42:09 My URL:/home_4_school My Your Favorite Scripture: Ooooh, too many to pick but right now I'm fond of Luke 2:8-14 | Comments: JOY- Loved the pics of the kids at Christmas! They are so cute! Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and wishing you a safe and blessed New Year! |
Becky Robinson - 04/23/00 16:48:36 My Your Favorite Scripture: Numbers 6:24-26 | Comments: God's richest blessings upon you as you continue to do what is right and good! |
Maggie Moyer - 04/06/00 21:04:41 My Your Favorite Scripture: John 3:16 | Comments: I love our Lord..........Thank You both so much for getting this web site looking forward to getting into the chat room....... God Bless |
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook
Bobbi - 07/05/99 14:48:13 My URL: My Your Favorite Scripture: too many to mention | Comments: We were looking for new fotos of the kids. :-) |
Grandma Dora - 07/01/99 14:15:01 | Comments: I'm so proud of all young parents who are homeschooling their children. God bless you! |
Dena Lewis - 05/18/99 23:48:50 My | Comments: |
Andi H. - 12/11/98 20:46:51 Your Favorite Scripture: Psalm 84 | Comments: |
Hung Lan Goh - 10/07/98 08:02:14 My URL: My Your Favorite Scripture: John 3:16 | Comments: I've enjoy reading your homepage. Thank you for your sharing. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Kelli Simons - 05/22/98 18:20:33 My Email:you know Your Favorite Scripture: today it's James 1: 17 | Comments: You and your family are a beautiful example to me and I'm sure other young mothers. Thank you. Sentimental huh? I mean it though. I love you. |
Kym - 05/08/98 02:40:31 My URL: My Your Favorite Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 | Comments: Hi JOY! Read the BI board intros and saw you had a page so I thought I'd stop by. Great start you have here. Hope to get to know you better. God bless. |
BethM - 03/09/98 20:39:41 My URL: My Your Favorite Scripture: Phil. 2:8-9 | Comments: I love your site! I "met" you over on the Biblical Impressions board. I especially like your testimony. What a blessing. |
Tamie - 02/27/98 11:37:07 My URL: My Your Favorite Scripture: Right now !! And this too shall come to pass !! | Comments: Thanks for responding to my request. Just wondering if you have any favorite geocities site as well as your site. Tamie |
Lisa - 11/06/97 01:38:05 My Your Favorite Scripture: Isaiah 40:8 | Comments: Dear Joy, Great website and yes husbands are wonderful( well at least most of the time). I found you at the Christian Homeschool Board, I've been searching because I plan on pulling my 2 kids out of private school next year to homeschool. I'm going to look into the Sonshine Curriculum. Wish you were moving to Florida, thats were I live, we could always use some more Christian families!! Take care, Lisa Hiatt |
- 10/24/97 21:34:15 My | Comments: Surfed over from Kedon's page, while house-hunting in MN. Yes, I will have net access (down the hall) at work. |
Kedon - 10/15/97 19:40:42 My Your Favorite Scripture: Rev. 21:4 | Comments: Thanks for getting a guestbook! This way people without email can let you know that they visited. |