Curriculum Vitae

Gary L. Milburn, Ph.D.


MRL Reference Laboratory
10703 Progress Way                                                                                                                  9600 Walker Street, #34
Cypress, CA  90630                                                                                                                   Cypress, CA  90630
(714) 220-1900 x250                                                                                                                  (714) 236-0355


January 1998 - Present Associate Director of Molecular Diagnostics

  •  MRL Reference Laboratory, Cypress, CA

    January 1994 - January 1998 Director of Research and Development
     Pel-Freez Molecular Diagnostics, Rogers, AR
    Responsibilities included:
    •  Directing Research and Development Activities
    •  Overseeing a multimillion dollar Fermentation and Bioprocessing Facility
    •  Developing novel and unique reagents for Medical Diagnostic Tests
    •  Developing recombinant based products to replace native enzymes and proteins
    •  Matrix manager of several intercompany research projects
    •  Providing technical input into current and new product manufacturing

    October 1990 - December 1993 Director of New Products and Technical Services
     Pel-Freez Biologicals,  Rogers, AR
    Responsibilities included:
    •  Research and Development of new diagnostic reagents and products
    •  Evaluating emerging technologies for possible purchase or licensing
    •  Directing development of product improvements of existing products
    •  Serving as the scientific liaison for custom projects between Pel-Freez and other companies, including our sister divisions, Pel-Freez Clinical Systems and Novagen
    •  Managing the antisera production of a 63 acre farm facility
    •  Overseeing and Updating Quality Control Laboratories
        •  Responsible for 5 direct reports and two department budgets


    1990 Positive Power and Influence,  Syntex Management Retreats, Palo Alto, CA
    1989 Managing at Syntex Bootcamp, Syntex Management Retreats, Palo Alto, CA
    1987 Essentials of Supervision,  Zenger/Miller Management Course
    1986  Project Management, Univ. of California Graduate School, Berkeley, CA

    1981 - 1983 Postdoctoral Associate
     with Dr. Richard G. Lynch, Department of Pathology
     University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA

    1982 Clinical Immunology (Pathology Resident's Core Training)
     University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA

    1979 - 1981 National Cancer Institute Postdoctoral Trainee
     with Dr. Richard G. Lynch, Department of Pathology
     Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO

    July 1981 Histopathobiology of Cancer Course
     Sponsored by the National Cancer Institute, Keystone, CO

    1974 - 1978 Ph.D. Microbiology and Immunology, Awarded January 1979
     Department of Microbiology
     University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

    1970 - 1974 B.G.S. Microbiology, (Minor:  Biochemistry)
     University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS


    Pel-Freez Biologicals  Developed new products and product improvements within the core
    and Molecular Diagnostics competencies and current product families of Pel-Freez.  Evaluate new technologies and Rogers, AR products for possible licensing.

    Research Department Developed unique and ultrasensitive immunoassays based on antibody
    Syva Company  idiotype-anti-idiotype interactions.  Assay development in areas of infectious disease,
    Palo Alto, CA therapeutic drug and drug of abuse diagnostics

     Developed novel strategies for the induction and production of human and murine monoclonal antibodies including:  i) B cell and T cell immunoregulation for the enhancement or suppression of appropriate lymphocyte clones;  ii) induction and selection of isotype switch variants and monoclonal antibodies with varied specificity,reactivity or effector function; and iii) In Vitro  immunization.

    Univ. of Iowa Medical School Dissection of the precise molecular events (at the RNA level) associated
    Iowa City, IA with the suppression of B cell antibody secretion by idiotype-specific T lymphocytes.  These studies led to a better understanding of normal B cell regulation as well as being instrumental in the development of immunotherapeutic strategies against malignant lymphocyte clones.

    Washington Univ. School Establishment of an in vitro  system for the immunoregulation of the
    of Medicine murine myeloma, MOPC-315.  Isologous monoclonal and polyclonal anti-
    St. Louis, MO idiotype antibodies were generated and tested for their effect on:  i) surface expression and secretion of the idiotype-bearing immunoglobulin of MOPC-315; and ii) direct cytotoxic or cytostatic effects on the myeloma cells.

    1974 - 1979 Regulation of the anti-autologous erythrocyte immune
    Univ. of Kansas response among normal rabbit gut-associated lymphoid
    Lawrence, KS tissues in vitro and in vivo .  (Dissertation) Advisor:  Dr. Laurence R. Draper, Professor


    New and Novel Infectious Disease Diagnostic Assays
     PCR and RT-PCR
     RFLP and Single Point Mutation Detection
     Plate Based and Gel-Based Nucleic Acid Detection
     DNA Sequencing
     Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Enzyme-linked Immunoassays
     Automated EIA and Disposable Single test Immunoassay Development in Infectious disease, Therapeutic drugs and Drugs of abuse Immunoassays
     Macro and Micro Bead, Magnetic Bead, Chemiluminescent Assays
     Hybridoma Technology (B and T Cell Fusions)
     Immunologic Manipulation  (isotype switching, neonatal suppression, affinity selection, antigen-specific B cell selection, in-vitro immunization, etc.)
     In Vitro  Antibody Production (ACUSYS-P, ACUSYS-JR, Cell-Pharm)
     Immunoglobulin Purification, Fragmentation, and Conjugation
     Affinity, Ion Exchange and Gel Filtration Chromatography
     Northern, Southern and Western Hybridizations
     Expression of Recombinant Proteins and Enzymes
     Direct and Indirect Fluorescence Microscopy


    1974-1982 Medical, Graduate, Undergraduate and Medical Technology Students
     University of Iowa College of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, Southern Illinois University, University of Kansas
     Immunology and Microbiology Lectures
     Tumor Immunology and Idiotype Network Lectures, Microbiology Laboratory, Immunology Laboratory
     Microbial Pathogenics Laboratory


    Lynch, R.G., Rohrer, J.W., Gebel, H. M., Odermatt, B.F., Hoover, R.G., Milburn, G. L. and Mordhorst, R.  (1980).  Antigen-binding myeloma cells:  Monoclonal models of B cell differentiation.  IN:  Progress in Myeloma , E. P. Cohen and H. Kohler, editors, Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, New York, pp. 325-344.

    Milburn, G. L. and Lynch, R.G. (1980).   Immunoregulation of the clonal expansion and differentiation of murine myeloma cells.  IN:  Proceedings of the International Workshop on Recent Advances and Future Trends in Myeloma.  Montpellier, France.  Academic Press, London, England, pp. 182-189.

    Milburn, G. L. and Lynch, R .G. (1981).  Myeloma proteins are clone-specific markers whose expression can be regulated by the myeloma-bearing host.  Proceedings of the International Leukemia Marker Conference, Vienna, Austria.  IN:  Leukemia Markers.  W. Knapp, Editor, Academic Press, London, England, pp. 261-264.

    Milburn, G. L., Hoover, R.G., Dieckegraefe, B. K. and Lynch, R.G. (1981).  Immunoregulatory cell interactions in myeloma:  Myeloma cells are targets and inducers of immunoregulatory cells.  Proceedings of 2nd International Symposia on  B Cells in the Immune Response, Scottsdale, Arizona.  IN:  B Lymphocytes in the Immune Response:  Functional, Developmental and Interactive Properties.  N. Klinman, D. Mosier, D. Scher and E. Vitetta, editors.  Elsevier North Holland, New York, New York  pp. 485-492.

    Lynch, R.G., Milburn, G. L., Hoover, R.G., Rohrer, J.W. and Dieckegraefe, B.K.  (1981).  Myeloma proteins are targets and inducers of immunoregulatory signals.  IN:  Immunoglobulin Idiotypes.  C. Janeway, E. Sercarz, H. Wigzell and C. Fox, editors, Academic Press, New York, New York  pp. 595-611.

    Milburn, G. L. and Lynch, R.G.  (1982).  "Immunoregulation of murine myeloma in vitro:  II.  Suppression of MOPC-315 immunoglobulin secretion and synthesis by idiotype-specific suppressor T cells."  J. Exp. Medicine 155:852-861.

    Milburn, G. L., Hoover, R.G., and Lynch, R.G.  (1982).  Immunoregulatory cell interactions that govern the growth and differentiation of murine myeloma cells.  IN:  B and T Cell Tumors:  Biological and Clinical Aspects.  E.  Vitetta and C. Fox, editors.  Academic Press, New York, New York  pp. 335-348.

    Milburn, G. L., Hoover, R.G., and Lynch, R.G.  (1982).  The use of myeloma cells to analyze immunoregulatory mechanisms and visualize immunoregulatory circuits.  IN:  Regulatory Immune Response Dynamics.  C. DeLisi and J. Hiernaux, editors, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 141-155.

    Milburn, G. L., and Lynch, R.G. (1983).  Anti-idiotypic regulation of IgA expression in myeloma cells.  Molecular Immunology  20:931-940.

    Parslow, T.G., Milburn, G. L., Lynch, R.G. and Granner, D.K. (1983).  Suppressor T cell action inhibits the expression of an excluded immunoglobulin gene.  Science  220:1389-1391.

    Lynch, R.G. and Milburn, G. L.  (1983).  The use of myeloma cells to study immunoregulatory mechanisms.  Immunology Today  4:326-329.

    Milburn, G. L., Parslow, T.G., Goldenberg, C., Granner, D.K. and Lynch, R.G.  (1984).  Idiotype-specific T cell suppression of light chain mRNA expression in MOPC-315 cells is accompanied by a post-transcriptional inhibition of heavy chain expression.  J. Molec. and Cellular Immunology  1:115-123.

    Lynch, R.G., Milburn, G. L. and Hoover, R.G.  (1984).  Cellular and molecular mechanisms regulate idiotype expression in myeloma cells.  New York Academy of Sciences.  IN:  Immune Networks .  C. Bona and H Kohler, editors.  Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sciences. 418:346-355.

    Lynch, R.G. and Milburn, G. L.  (1984).  Murine plasmacytoma MOPC-315 as a tool for the analysis of network regulation:  M315 idiotypes are inducers and targets of immunoregulatory signals.  IN:  The Biology of Idiotypes .  M. Greene and A Nisonoff, editors.  Academic Press, New York, New York pp. 299-313.

    Lynch, R.G. and Milburn, G. L.  (1984).  Cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate immunoglobulin expression in myeloma cells.  IN:  Progress in Immunology V .  Academic Press Japan, Tokyo, Japan, V:719-726.

    Lynch, R.G. and Milburn, G. L.  (1984).  Developmental stages of myeloma cells.  Transplantation Proceedings .  16:458-459.

    Milburn, G. L. and Lynch, R.G.   Suppressor T cells specific for the M315 idiotype are directed to VH315 determinants.  (in preparation).

    Ulman, E. F., Milburn, G. L., Jelesko, J., Radika, K., Pirio, M., Kempe, T., and Skold, C.   (1993).  Anti-immune complex antibodies enhance affinity and specificity of primary antibodies.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.  90:1184-1189.

    Milburn, G. L., Carrigan, D., Dienglewicz, R., Kernan, N., Papadopolos, E., and Singh, N.   Diagnosis of Active Human Herpesvirus Six (HHV6) Infections in Immunocompromised Patients with a Rapid Shell-Viall Assay.  (1995)  ASM Abstract, New Orleans, LA..

    U.S. PATENT 4,959,303
     Issued Sept. 25,1990 Gary L. Milburn, Thomas Houts and Judith Rabbie
     Assay for Antigens by Binding Immune Complexes to Solid Supports Free of Protein  and Non-Ionic Binders

    U.S. PATENT - Pending
     Applied For Sept, 1996 Edwin Ullman, Gary L. Milburn, John Jelesko, Thomas Kempe, Carl Skold
     Increased specificity and sensitivity of Immunoassays using Anti-Immune Complex  Antibodies

    U.S. PATENT 5,756,302
     Issued May 26, 1998 Gary L. Milburn, Robert E. Novy, Robert C. Mierendorf
     Human Herpesvirus 6 Detection Assay

    U.S. PATENT - Pending
     Applied For July 17, 1996 Robert E. Novy, Gary L. Milburn, Robert C. Mierendorf
     Recombinant Rabbit Tissue Factor for Thromboplastin Reagents



    American Association of Immunologists,  elected 1984
     American Association of Pathologists,  elected 1983
     American Association of Microbiology
     American Association of Clinical Chemistry
     New York Academy of Sciences
     American Association for the Advancement of Science
     Phi Sigma,  elected 1981


     Provided upon request.