Arlington, VA Area Babysitting Co-op
- Time is recorded in points, figured to the nearest 15 minutes. A 15 minute period equals 1 point minimum.
7 am to 5 pm Straight time
5 pm to 7 pm Double time (dinner hours)
7 pm to 12 am Straight time ( 7 pm to 11pm Sunday - Thursday)
12 am to return Double time (11 pm to return Sunday - Thursday)
- If a child or children are spending the night at sitter's home, the time will be recorded at half time from 12 am (11pm on Sunday - Thursday) till 7am.
- Sitting for 1 child will be credited at 4 points per hour.
- Sitting for 2 children of the same family will be credited at 6 points per hour (1.5 points each 15 minutes).
- Sitting for 3 or more children of the same family will be credited at 8 points per hour (2 points for each 15 minutes).
- When the sit takes place at the sitter's home, time begins at the time previously specified or the time of the parent's arrival, whichever is earlier.
- When sit takes place at the parent's home, time begins at the time previously specified or the time of the sitter's arrival, whichever is later.
- The parent will forfeit 4 points to sitter, or vice-versa, if he/she does not cancel a sit 24 hours in advance, unless due to illness.
- A member who will be leaving the Co-op must make every effort to leave with a zero balance. Special consideration may be taken into account when a member leaves the co-op with a negative balance and he/she cannot pay off his/her dues, nor is he/she able to work off her points. Discussion of such a situation should take place with the coordinator and the dues may be waived. The co-op is meant to be a support group, it is not meant to cause hardships for its members.
- The secretary receives 4 points from each member, to be deducted at the end of the month when balancing the books. Any new member joining the Co-op before the 20th of the month will also have 4 points deducted from his/her account, going toward the secretary's account.
- Any member with an excessive number of + points may wish to have them available for other members to buy at a rate of $1.00 per point. Such a transaction is to be made through the secretary with the coordinator's awareness.
Bonus Time:
- The sitter will receive time for both the Co-op member's child(ren) and their guests. Points for the guest(s) will be paid at the same rate as if they were from another Co-op family. (i.e. if there was one guest child, the sitter would get 4 points an hour for him/her, as well as the 4 points an hour for the one child of the actual Co-op member.) Please remember information for each guest!
- The sitter will receive 2 points for each child when picking up or taking home the parent's children.
- The sitter will receive bonus time for the following holidays:
New Year's Eve
New Year's Day
Mother's Day
Memorial Day
Father's Day
July 4th
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Holiday sits are guaranteed a 3 hour minimum and points will be recorded as such: 1 point per child per hour in addition to the regular point accrual as outline in the previous section. (i.e. sitting for 1 child will be 5 points per hour, 2 children will be 8 points per hour, and 3 children will be 11 points per hour).