Welcome to Lorjanta Boxers
As of 3rd July 1998, Lorjanta Boxers are in mouring over our precious "Mickey" who was tragically killed by a car. May he rest in peace and our love to him forever!! I miss you sweetheart!!!
Lorjanta Boxers really started out quite by chance. At the time we had 2 muts, Amy and Sunny, who where mother and daughter. Sunny at the age of 7 was diagnosed with cancer and knew she wouldn't be with us much longer. Knowing how hard this would effect her mother Amy, we decided on getting another dog. Thats when we got Ashely our Newfoundland, only 2 weeks after getting Ashley, Sunny got to sick and we couldn't see her suffer anymore, so we had her put to sleep and is now at the Rainbow Bridge, having to do that was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.
The months went by and we felt we needed another dog, we had had a Boxer before and decided to go and have a look at a couple. After ringing a Breeder we decided to go out there and have a look at a bitch they had told us about...we walked in through the gate and thats when we saw Tara for the first time. I fell in love with her instantly.
Two weeks later she was in our home and being taken care of by Ashley....these two are inseperable!!
We had Tara under a contract where the breeders could still breed her for one litter, after having gone through the process and whelping the litter and watching them grow then to have to hand all 9 over to the breeders broke our hearts.
This made us think of breeding ourselves, thats when Lorjanta Boxers started...and may it never finish!
We take great pride and care in raising healthy, lively, happy puppies...temperment always comes first and our dogs are always pets before show or anything else....they are our kids after all and we love them!
Come on in and see the nursery of the Taras first litter Here.
See the featured pups below and the other litter mates as babies aged just 4 weeks :-)
Or you can see me with Mickey right here
Please sign our guestbook below and tell us what you think! :-)
Thasrite Cover Girl
Tara, momma of the following pups at the tender age of 3 months, using her best friend Ashley our Newfoundland as a chair!
Taras' Pedigree
6 of the pups from the lastest litter whelped 14th November, 1997
Pedigree of the following pups
Lorjanta Star Chaser
Mickey showing off his "oh I love you" look at 3 months of age.Taken just before I flew to America.
As Mickey was, before he died, aged 19 months!!!
Now on our way for the Championship, awarded 25 points in one weekend, 75 to go!! :-)
To see more pictures of Mickey click here
Lorjanta Kiss The Wind
Sharnah...Looking her best, at 3 months of age.
Sharnah at 6 months of age, boy they do grow up in a hurry.
Lorjanta Kiss Me Quick
Huey, showing off his stuff at his first show aged 3 months, and wowed the judges! :-)
Huey, Making himself at home.
Some pictures I have found with some cute Boxers on them, hope you enjoy them!
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Last updated - 12th March, 2000
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