The Batchler's Family Photo Album

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On June 4, 1997 Joel's piano teacher had a year end recital at the Spencer House of Jamestown Community College, in Jamestown New York.  There were six students in attendance.  This will be the last regular recital for Joel in New York.  He is to start lessons with a new teacher in Ohio in the fall of 1997.

Joel's march in the Memorial Day Parade, with Master Park's Karate School, in Boardman Ohio on May 26, 1997.  Joel was very excited about marching in his first parade.  To this point, he has always been on the side lines watching.  Those who know Joel, know that he likes to fully participate.

Early in January '97 we were able to have friends over from Pennsylvania.  We haven't seen many of them for a while because three of them have been away at school and we have went thru a year of moving from New York to Ohio.  (It took almost exactly one year from the time I accepted a new position with CSC, until we sold our home in Mayville.  What a year.)

Joel had the chance to see a program put on by the "Little People Pleasers" at church one week on it being a small world.

One day in May we had the singles group over to our home so that they could have a Bible Study and to present Mr. and Mrs. Telford plaques and a cake to show their appreciation for all they have done.

Page created on 06/05/97 and last updated on 06/24/97