To exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and His kingdom, in gratitude for His calling me to grace and service, - I, Charles, will -
STRIVE to be an obedient and worthy STEWARD of the time, talents, treasures and the truth God has entrusted me with.
SEEK to ENDURE to the end.
AVOID encumbrances, fears, distractions and dead works
LOOK to JESUS to provide love, wisdom, guidance, protection and power to overcome sin, so as to bear eternal fruit
MAINTAIN only the Truth as found in Holy Scripture, by proclamation, persuasion and exposing of falsehood, in obedience to His Great Commission.
to the end that this life would prove to be a HOLY AND LIVING SACRIFICE, acceptable to God, to the praise of the glory of the sovereign power and love of His Son, Jesus Christ, God blessed forever. Amen.
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