writing — hobbiespreferenceshome
last changed 24 May 2008


i'm a writer. it's what i do with my time, as much of the time as i can. feel free to comment.


i'm not really sure what a poetic mood is, but sometimes i have one and sometimes i don't. i'm no Keats or Frost, and i don't enjoy trying to make things rhyme, so most of the following won't look much like poetry in the classical sense. it does, however, reflect my thoughts and i have been informed that a small sector of the Earth's population occasionally enjoys reading my thoughts. so feel free to absorb what you can, and save the rest for another time.

there are a few themes which seem to come up often for me, and therefore they appear in a lot of my writing. time (or timelessness) is a big one... i've spent some time thinking about the concept of souls, in particular the expression "old soul" and it surfaces more often when i'm feeling down. love and loneliness are also topics of much thought.

all of life and more and less
a rather odd mood recorded on a lonely night.
dedicated to the first girl i ever had recurring dreams about. i was a little too young for explicit sexual fantasies, but i was totally enthralled.
i suffer from chronic depression —i'm told this is a common affliction among writers— and i tend to be most prolific when i'm "down" about something. sometimes, i start something and find myself unable to finish it simply because i cannot return to the mental "place" i was in when i began. this is one of those pieces.
the bitter and the sweet
i can get a little creepy when i feel lonely.
some nights, i wonder about myself...
written for someone i know rather well even tho we've never met in person.
The Guardian
one of the few attempts i've made at rhyming. only parts of it were fun, and i don't think it says what i meant to say. overall it feels cliché, formal, and contrived— three things i try not to be when i want to express something. i regard this as the most pathetic thing i've ever written.
Holy Warrior
a self–righteous response to a revelation of unrighteousness. i wish that were more clear.
Paladin's Lament
written for someone i never really knew, tho we were once almost close... i jotted this down on her birthday, the first time i decided not to call.
i met someone a few years ago who has changed my life. one of her guiding principles is that everything happens for a reason. i am unsure of whether i believe it or not, but i chose to adopt it for a time and it made the world a nicer place.
A War That Has No Winners
written for the only person i've ever gone to war with... my dad.
another lonely moment.
the prompt was the word "blank" and this was the first thing that came to me.
he thought
the prompt was "he thought, if he listened to something else". this seemed like a very strange line and i wondered where it came from. my response was similarly disconnected from reality.
a moment
the directions were to write down what we were thinking at the precise moment that the directions were given. i was —surprise!— thinking about a girl.

(other) creative writing

there's no real method here. it's creative, and therefore imaginative, and therefore subjective, so you either like it or you don't.

a letter
to whom it may concern...
a fun little word for a fun little mannerism.
She Smiles
this started as a question: how would you pass the day, if you knew it was your last day? working on this question led me to a keener awareness of what matters, and the little things that make up every day. i think it's a good exercise for everyone.
a composition on the condition of being single.
writers' block
a short piece about those times when i can't write.
don't think you're nothing
this was a piece of advice given to the class, rather than a prompt, but it still made me reach for my pencil. here is the result.


essays are not usually considered creative, because they're outlined and in some cases even researched. i almost never use the usual methods of writing, though, so the results are sometimes unexpected.

play–by–play of some of my triumphs and tragedies.


just about everybody has pet peeves. cracking knuckles, whistling, people who don't use their turn signals. the list is endless. here's some of the stuff ticks me off, and why.

dear advertisers
on barhopping
on Christmas
i think some people are losing touch...
on growing up
on religion