warning — home
last changed 29 May 2007


i think people like to be offended. i think it makes us feel better about ourselves, to point at something and declare it beneath us, to call attention to a thing or a thought with no inherent meaning and make it objectionable.

think about sex. every living thing does it. in fact —with the sole exception of humans— every organism in existence does it whenever it's in the mood... in full view of parents, children, and strangers. the concept of censorship is unique to humans. nothing else cares. but we humans have decided that copulating is base behavior, that we're too good for it. we only do it at night, behind closed doors, and we never discuss it with anyone. well... at least that's what most parents and grandparents would like to believe.

profanity was invented, i believe, as a direct attack on this squeamishness. quick, think of a nasty cuss word. (hah! made you say it in your head). that word was made up, by someone somewhere, for the sole purpose of being a nasty word. it has no root, no significant etymology, and no meaning outside of evoking a visceral response.

i find it hilarious that the people who object to profanity are the ones who make it offensive by the act of deciding to be offended by it. you could just as easily choose not to be offended by it, taking away the revulsive aspect of it without diminishing its power when used sparingly... which is the choice of most of my generation. i occasionally use profanity where it's appropriate... that is, when i want to evoke a visceral response.

in most if not all cases, i'll make a note at the top of any page on this web site which includes profanity or nudity. i'm sorry if you're offended by it, but it's your choice to be offended and i vehemently reject any responsibility for your choices.