last changed 31 December 2007

between my world and yours

this is my web site. my place to share my ideas with you. my slice of the human consciousness.

most of the content of this site deals with my personality, preferences, and writings. there is also a section devoted to World of Warcraft— my most recent pastime. i don't have any particular agenda, outside of my own entertainment. and getting a job. while i hope that you enjoy this page as well, your satisfaction is your own concern.

i generally don't censor myself, so when i have a sudden attack of insight, i'm as likely to share it as not. if you want to take offense at something i say here, then that's your prerogative. there will certainly be words and links on this site that will offend someone. if you're that someone today, i'm sorry. i'm not sorry for sharing my thoughts; i'm just sorry that you find them offensive. get over it. i already have.

on the other hand, various friends and family members depend on this site to keep up on the news that matters— meaning stuff that concerns me. many of the files and images are stored on my computer. i try to keep this in mind when venting my thoughts, meaning that while this site is not rated G i will try to give sufficient warning of links which the timid viewer might wish to avoid visiting.

the layout of this site is my own design, although various elements may have been inspired by other sites i've seen. if you have questions or concerns, about anything really, consider this.