Located in Beautiful British Columbia VIRTU COLLIES was DEVELOPED (1977- present) on the merits of two great dogs: CH. TARTANSIDE HEIR APPARENT AND CH. ASILS WHO'S WHO The strength of these two stud dogs when combined with our great foundation bitches Candray Luminesse daughter- Cherish RAVETTES MIDNIGHT MEMORY- (Heir Apparent daughter) Critics Choice daughter (Kidder) Masterpiece daughter (Jag)Chrissy (Presentation daughter) would give us some of the most beautiful and expressive faces in the breed. "SNAPPER" "HANDSOME" AND "MIMI" all went back to the same granddam RAVETTES MIDNIGHT IMAGE (littetr sister to Ravette's Silver Meteor). Mimi would be 3 X Midnight Image. Other influential bitches also came from HI VU/CANDRAY,KAITEKA and RAVETTE.
Presently, VIRTU is home to one of the heaviest concentrations of 'old' line bred Heir Apparent stock. Although we are experimenting with one outcross, the balance of the dogs are tightly linebred within two generations of some of the "great ones". The health of Virtu dogs are second to none and references are gladly available. Key contributions from this family include an average lifespan of over 13 years, a beautiful face and a gentle disposition.
Premium Expression, Excellent type and Great Health (guaranteed) are the cornerstone of this breeding program
The last few years have witnessed the masses breeding into this family. We only hope to preserve what is left of the older generations which is why we chose to use and keep direct sons and daughters of these famous studs and bitches and keep outcrossing to a minimum. The following dogs are some of our favorites from the past, many of them reside with co-owners.
Critics Choice granddaughter(1992)
Yearling bitch (Critic's choice influence)
Yearling male(Critic's Choice lines)
Masterpiece Grandson --Virtu's Northern Eclipse
Typey 10 month sable merle(Who's Who heritage)
CHAD: inbred Maxx son matures nicely
Elli is Dixie's daughter by Brynn (Alfenloch Aladdin son xPresentation Daughter)
New at Virtu
Andre (Am Ch. Pinewynd's Sparkling Brut) daughter -"Sizzle"
Andre son owned by Valerie Johnson
Victor is pictured as a yearling
JAG: Dam of puppies below
C Ch. Virtu's Bannnerstone Rendezvous- owned by Bannerstone Collies
Alfenloch Beyond Dreams (see Collie ring image below-sable on left )son: CHRIS
Linebred Masterpiece/Presentation : GRACIE
Who's Who/Heir Apparent foundation stud: MAXX
Who's Who granddaughter: ROBYN
Maxx & Heir Apparent daughter's Offspring
Presentation granddaughter: Sabrina
Critics Choice granddaughters: Rosie
Critics Choice granddaughter Dixie: proud mother of present litter
PEDIGREE of Ravette's Midnight Memory
PEDIGREE of Kaiteka N Virtu's Timeless
PEDIGREE of Ravette Heiress of Virtu
PEDIGREE of Virtu's Another Dreamaway
PEDIGREE of Virtu's The Critics Dream
Virtu's Phantom Knockout (co-owned with Allison Carpenter)
THIS SITE continually updated with pictures
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