The Pigeons at the Library Facts and Coloring Sheet

Pigeons began roosting at the library during the summer of 1990. The first pigeon was a racing pigeon that was on a routine flight and stopped in Smithfield to spend the night. We believe that the next day the pigeon lost his bearings and decided to make his home here. He found a mate and they began raising a family.

Pigeons lay only two eggs. It takes 18 days for them to hatch. It only takes the babies 25 days to group up. In fact, mom lays two more eggs in about 18 days and lets her older children take care of their future brothers or sisters.

The pigeons at the Library build their nests with anything they can find around town. These at the Library contain soda can pop tops, telephone wire, plastic box straps and pennies. Once in awhile we even see alittle pine straw.

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© copyright 1990 by Chris Aker