Butterfly Body Parts

There are many parts to a butterfly. Color the picture. Finish the names of the parts of the butterfly below:
1. ___ ___ ___ _l_ ___ ___
2. _w_ ___ ___ ___
3. ___ ___ _t_ ___ ___ ___ ___
4. ___ _e_ ___ ___
5. ___ ___ ___ _o_ ___ ___ ___
6. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _x_
7. _l_ ___ ___
You are searching for these words: antenna, head, leg, thorax, wing, abdomen, scales
Some Butterfly Facts
Count and write the number.
1. A butterfly has _______ legs.
2. A butterfly has ______ body parts - the head, thorax, and abdomen.
3. A butterfly has _____ wings and ______ antennae.
© copyright 1999 by Chris Aker