
Benjamin HART & Nancy MORGAN Descendants
- Benjamin HART Jr. & Mary SNEAD
- * Walter McMilliam wmcmil@earthlink.net
- John HART & Patience LANE
- * Gary Heedum garyheedum@chicago.avenew.com
- * Page Nichols Nickell nickell2@flash.net
- * Terri McDonald Hauk motfot@tdl.com
- * Janet Pritchard rpritcha@mail.win.org
- Web Page -Register Report-John Jackson HART & Martha COGHILL /Heartland/Meadows/6651/janet/toc.html
- Lemuel/Samuel HART & Mary BEAUFORD
- * Mark Jordan ssgj@worldnetla.net
- Web Page http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/1902/familytree/family.htm
- * Freda Massey fmassey@mvtel.net
- * Reece HART reece@dasher.wustl.edu
- Web Page http://dasher.wustl.edu/~reece/family/
- Morgan/James Morgan HART & Katie SIZEMORE ?
- * Barbara E. Johnson bejhart@earthlink.net
- Web Page - Nancy Morgan Hart http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/6651/
- Web Page -Three Generations of Descendants of Benjamin HART & Nancy MORGAN http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/6651/hart.html
- * Greg Shepard
- 2281 Midway Rd. #61H
- Douglasville, GA. 30135

Johnson bejhart@earthlink.net
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* I created the border with a picture titled,
"Tree of Time" by Josephine Wall.