Howdy! Thanks for stoppin in and Just come on in here and just hang your hat over there on the Better come on over an' set at the I mite letcha no a little bit about me. Not too much, jes 'nuff to get 'quainted! Well, here goes.. If'n it gits empty, we'll jes make annuther It's my starter fluid in the mornings! I always heerd 'At's why I am at my I got me a job down 'ar at the local I was raised and live in Clinton, the county seat of Anderson County, Tn. My favorite color is green, like My favorite hollerday is Halloween..I ALWAYS dress up as a witch. You can see me thru 'at 'ar link. 'At dar broom is my cheep transportation! Whilst growin up, our Oncst in a while I used to take a brake and volunteerd my time a haf day, two days a week at my neighborhood elementry You mite just ketch me out roaming 'round in some I got a grate ole big personal Here is a pitcher of my family The next youngin is Mindy, 28, gradiated high school and went to Pellissippi Community College in Knoxville, Tn., and worked at Wallyworld in Oak Ridge, TN. Well, she visited her sister (Joni) out in Californy a while back.. and came home married! 'At older sister of hers interduced her to a marine man out 'ar whar she was stationed. So's Mindy went fer a visit.. got married to 'at marine man. Only thang... 'is here marine man was from ALASKA! Oh my Lord!. Well, 'ey got married in 2002. They runned off to Las Vegas Nevada and got hitched and her sister did not even know it.. (we didnt either!) So,s now Mindy is an eskimo! Got me a grandson too! He was borned in Anchorage Alaska on November 4, 2004. 'ey named 'im Sean Alexander Bachman. We call 'im our "redneskimo". 'Ey got anuther one on the way now, too! Well, oops, 'at other'un was borned on May 18, 2007. Got me 'nuther grandboy! 'is name is Kaleb Michael Bachman. I mite put some 'Lasky vacashun pitchers on here for ya, too. So check back every onct in awhile. My youngest youngin, my son, Ernie , is 23 and gradiated high school in 2001. He was a skateboarder, you no, one of 'em boards with roller skates wheels under it. He worked at Wallyworld too in Oak Ridge, TN. He is doing landscaping work and lives with his gal friend in Claxton. I will post some photos of them before long. Got this here Saw some awful purty Then, I run 'crost the .
Better grab yurself a and a
and we'll sit near the
(Yes, I DRINK (coffee) and SMOKE (Camel's)...'at's just the way I am!)..
You'll have to pay no mind to the house--.
It's always tore upside down and in a mess, 'cause,.
all the time; workin' on 'is here
a'fixin' 'is page!
doin 'em classyfied ads, you know the yard yards, boats, houses, stuff like 'at...
I like to say it's in 'em 'ar foothills of the Grate Smokey .
! He is my fav-o-rite loony toon!
would take us (I have a brother and a sister) with 'em while they hunted for
"dead people".
Guess you could say it's in my blood to dig up roots and find 'em "dead folk". liberry. I live up 'ar in the North Clinton area of the county. I been a substitute elementry teacher and have worked with elementry-aged youngins in church.
too, with my li'l ole chalk bucket gettin' 'em dates I need!
That way I can do some diggin without havin to go to the publik liberry!.
I DO got three youngins, but you know how that is...they aint never home when you need 'em, so's they ain't in the pitcher!!
I got a girl, Joni, 31, she went and jined up with the Marine Corp; she stayed in 'ar 'bout 8 years. She got all tired of takin orders, so she got out. She been out bout 4 years now. She is alivin in Knoxville, and works down 'ar at OUTBACK in Oak Ridge some evenins. She has 'nuthr daytime job, too.
10 or 12 years ago, to put all my "dead findins" in. Got this here new fangled thang called the "innernet" 'bout 10 years ago.
pages and thought, "By crackey, I can do 'at!" So's, dadburn it, I made myself two of 'em ar home pages 'bout MY family and my ole man's family.
county page...axed about it, took it..and I am takin keer of it, too.
Right here is a place to to me and let me know what ya thank.