![]() When Sammers left me, Sir Triffan Gentlecat was commissioned to do a portrait of him. Thank you so much,
To visit Sir Triffan, just click on the picture.
Rawr Rawr Meraw! Hi! It's me, Sam the Cat, All of my furrends do. I must apurrlogize fur not introducing myself
(Made a d*ggie of myself, didn't I?)
![]() My Auntie Dove framed my picture,
Auntie Dove has beautifurl backgrounds at her If you like gentle Victorian,
Let me tell you a little about myself. I am charming, oh yes, charming.
Does that sound like I'm exaggerating a little?
I have mastered the art of napping.
Anywhere, anytime.
I have deadened more purrsons legs
I am also a gourmet kitty. Really.
I know she has them hidden in her "lingerie" drawer
I have also been known to stalk, pounce upon, kill,
Talk to the paw....
I also love anything with tomatoes.
![]() Should I admit to any weaknesses? |
I have a furry good furrend, Henry Von Tudor. He is also a magnificent tabby boy like myself, and is the Grand Master of the Back Fence Cat Club. Most of you purrobably know him, he is a fountain of wisdom. Well, my good furrend Henry says on his page that
Well, actually he says efurry kitty page needs this..
I have a GodMeowmie now, too!
She loves me, of course. How could she not?
She has a whole big family of kitties at Elizabeth QE2's Castle.
She is a wonderfur kitty meowmie,
This is not something to be taken lightly, kitties. It was a few years ago that
Yes, TAG, the same game that we kitties play at home. A site was "tagged" then had to "tag" another site
My site...THIS SITE...was the first TAG site. This was quite an honor. Thank you, Geo!
I also took a test to see *kitty chuckles* I have been so busy! Mew! I need a nap!
Rowrrff...just when I was getting comfy... MEOWWRR!!! That's from the Queen! Quick, let's go to my office and see what she wants...
You can come back to see my wondrous life later...meowrr...
I'm a shy kitty really,
And please,
Meowmie tries hard to keep up with efurrything that I do,
I have been furry busy watching her, so I really need a nap... |
I am officially Sir Sammers! Yes, I, Sam the Cat, have been knighted by her furry royalness, Queen Bitsy. Click here to see how this glorious event happened.
I am not a boastful kitty.
I hope you visit my Awards Pages though,
I'm not a show-off kitty at all. She embarasses me...mrrowr... |
There are some things that I am purroud of.
My achievements have been furry difficult to get,
Sadly, I have some furrends who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge to wait fur us. I wish them
And we will meet again.
Purrlease scratch me a note and let me know you were here. ![]()
Purrlease also feel free
I have met so many loffurly kitties and purrsons
So has my Meowmie.
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