Sam's Wonderful World The Wonderful World of Sam the Cat

Sammers, by Sir Triffan Gentlecat

When Sammers left me, Sir Triffan Gentlecat
was commissioned to do a portrait of him.

Thank you so much,
what a beautiful tribute.

To visit Sir Triffan, just click on the picture.

Rawr Rawr Meraw!

Hi! It's me, Sam the Cat,
but you can call me Sammers.

All of my furrends do.

I must apurrlogize fur not introducing myself
befur showing off my new award,
but I was just so excited!

(Made a d*ggie of myself, didn't I?)
Mew mew mew!!! 
*kitty grin*

Precious Pumpkin

My Auntie Dove framed my picture,
isn't it lofurrly?

Auntie Dove has beautifurl backgrounds at her
Victorian Elegance site.

If you like gentle Victorian,
you will love her backgrounds.

Let me tell you a little about myself.

I am charming, oh yes, charming.
I am fluffy (not fat, definitely not fat),
I am just a big, emerald-eyed tabby hairball of love.

Does that sound like I'm exaggerating a little?

I have mastered the art of napping.
I can do napping.

Goodly Napping!
Meoouwr, can I do napping!

Anywhere, anytime.
Cuddly Napping

I have deadened more purrsons legs
by napping on them than any other kitty I know.
Mew mew mew!

I am also a gourmet kitty.  Really.
I can find a delicious prune anywhere.
Meowmie tries to hide them where I can't find them.
I find 'em.   I eat 'em.
*kitty snerk*

I know she has them hidden in her "lingerie" drawer
but I can't get it open...grrrr

I have also been known to stalk, pounce upon, kill,
and devour yummy raisins and grapes.
So much tastier than those ugly...disgusting..
that Meowmie actually expects me to hunt!!!
Me?   Real bug hunting?   Yeah, right.  OK.

Talk to the paw....

I also love anything with tomatoes.
Spaghetti sauce is a weakness of mine.


Should I admit to any weaknesses?
Hmmm..."strong and catly...somewhat vulnerable.."
Girlkitties...was that on Oprah?

I have a furry good furrend, Henry Von Tudor.
He is also a magnificent tabby boy like myself,
and is the Grand Master of the Back Fence Cat Club.

Most of you purrobably know him, he is a fountain of wisdom.

Well, my good furrend Henry says on his page that
the following is imperative on a page.

Well, actually he says efurry kitty page needs this..

I have a GodMeowmie now, too!
She is furry special, yes, yes, yes!

She loves me, of course.   How could she not?
*soft purr*

She has a whole big family of kitties at Elizabeth QE2's Castle.
You might even know her!

She is a wonderfur kitty meowmie,
and GodMeowmie, too!


This is not something to be taken lightly, kitties.

It was a few years ago that
Geocities Heartland Community
started a game of TAG.

Yes, TAG, the same game that we kitties play at home.

A site was "tagged" then had to "tag" another site
that the webkitty thought was really superior.

My site...THIS SITE...was the first TAG site.

This was quite an honor.

Thank you, Geo!

Master of the Queene's Wardrobe!!!

This gives me a seat at the Queen's Table!
(I hope she serves good food.)

Just beclaws I designed some lingerie and jewelry fur girl kitties!

You can visit the Salon and see my wondrous creations
by clicking on the Award Certificate.

I also took a test to see
just how well I have Meowmie trained.
Would you believe...

*kitty chuckles*

I have been so busy!

Mew! I need a nap!



Rowrrff...just when I was getting comfy...


That's from the Queen!

Quick, let's go to my office and see what she wants...

You can come back to see my wondrous life later...meowrr...

I'm a shy kitty really,
so my purrson signed me up into some clubs.
Kitties, you don't know how much fun you are missing
until you join some clubs.

And please,
visit my C.L.A.W. page to see a real magnificat!

Meowmie tries hard to keep up with efurrything that I do,
but she's just a purrson, so she can't.
Meraw!!! It's funny watching her, though.
ROFPH! (Rolling on the Floor Purring Hysterically)

Sam in Meditation

I have been furry busy watching her, so I really need a nap...

I am officially Sir Sammers!

Yes, I, Sam the Cat, have been knighted
by her furry royalness, Queen Bitsy.

Click here to see how this glorious event happened.

I am not a boastful kitty.
An Awards Page is all my Meowmie's idea!

I hope you visit my Awards Pages though,
so you can link to some of the finest kitty sites on the net.
I am a shy kitty, really I am.

I'm not a show-off kitty at all.

She embarasses me...mrrowr...

There are some things that I am purroud of.
These are things I worked for.

My achievements have been furry difficult to get,
so I feel that I am justified in being purroud.

Sadly, I have some furrends
who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge
to wait fur us.

I wish them
Fields of Fresh Catnip
and MacMouseburgers Deluxe with Cheese
and Saucers of Sweet Cream
and Toys and Toys and Toys
until we meet again.

And we will meet again.

I have my furry own guest book, too!
Purrlease scratch me a note
and let me know you were here.

Sign Sam's Guest Book

View Sam's Guest Book

Purrlease also feel free
to read what ofur kitties and purrsons have said.

I have met so many loffurly kitties and purrsons
through my guest book.

So has my Meowmie.
*Kitty Grin*

The author is a member of

The HTML Writers Guild

Well, as a propurr host, I should show you around.

I'm a furry busy kitty,
my purrson just isn't organized enough to get things done
without me.
(Don't tell her I said that, she thinks she can do it all)

Of course, I volunteer my time.
I don't have to work.

Since I'm the boss here, I can take some time off.

Grab yourself a cup of catnip tea and come on along.

I'll give you a quick idea of how impurrtant I am to this place!

To Sam's Wondrous Life

Back to My Rings Page

Original Background By and Of Sammers

LinkExchange Member

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