WARNING: Information Overload Ahead

If you are related to a McClard, McLard or McLaird

In the early 1700's, Scotland's Daniel McClard escapes to Virginia one step ahead of the authorities in a dispute over some missing cattle (so goes the rumor). He doesn't like the flat lands near the coast and heads inland into the mountains that remind him of home. He takes an Indian wife and has a son John and a daughter Mary. John has children Daniel C McClard who has 11 children, Seth who has 6 children, Mary and Samuel. Daniel C and Seth move their children, their families and 200 head of hogs through Kentucky and Tennessee where Seth stays. Daniel C then moves on into Southeast Missouri near Cape Girardeau on the Mississippi River.

As of April 1998 28,000+ people, 12 generations in the U.S., all directly attatched to Daniel from Scotland are available as GED.COM, text file, hard copy register report and 1,000+ page hardback book. New information is arriving and being added daily to the data base. The book contains the full register report, documents, stories and hundreds of photographs. You can see the more prominent surnames in our family here.

The family structure when moving to Kentucky in 1816

Daniel C & Sariah's family:
Seth's family:

James Peters
2229 Oregon Ave
St Louis, Missouri


Dick R McClard
510 County Road 635
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
(573) 334-7268
© 1997 mcclard@ldd.net

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